Paper Tiger Blog


The Paper Tiger Blog contains great ideas on better ways to stay organized, clear your desk, reduce stress and spend less time managing information.

The Paper Tiger Software & Flying a Jet

Dear New Paper Tiger User,

So, you’ve been asked to take over the filing from another employee who’s is on leave, gone on vacation or left the company. At this point you now find yourself staring at a software screen trying to understand a software product that you’ve never used before, eh? And to make matters worse, people are asking you to file and find things using this software – you are expected to do this while completing all of your other tasks? So, before you use words that you will later regret : ), let us help you with a few quick tips that will make this process much easier and not consume all of your time:

  1. Relax and Breathe - Tens of thousands of companies use The Paper Tiger software, it is really easy to learn. If all those people can do it, you can do it! Heck, you might even have FUN!

  2. Flying a Jet - You wouldn’t attempt to fly a jet without a little training, so why would you attempt to use a new piece of software without just a little instruction? Okay, I know…you are busy, right? Well spending just a few minutes, we are talking 30 minutes, understanding the concepts and features of The Paper Tiger software will potentially save you hours of “trying to figure it out” later. We make this learning process very easy and best of all, you can do it from the comfort of your own desk – everything is online. See the list of our training tools below including our new The New Paper Tiger message board.

  3. Mistakes - The beauty of The Paper Tiger software is that it is really hard to mess it up. Unlike alphabetic systems (the old way) where if you misfiled something, it could be lost forever, The Paper Tiger software almost guarantees you will find the documents later, regardless of how you filed it. The system works very similar to Google and is truly a “finding system”, not really a filing system. Go ahead, use it – file things, the system will make it easy to find later!

  4. Start Slow - To use the system, you only have to start with the papers on your desk right now. To file with The Paper Tiger software, you don’t even have to get up from your desk. See the training videos to see how this is done. The software really changes the paradigm of filing and makes it not only easy but well…almost fun!

Have a good time and don’t worry…filing with The Paper Tiger software is very forgiving. Spend just few minutes learning the software and you will never look back. We are here to help you in any way!

The Paper Tiger Team

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