Paper Tiger Blog


The Paper Tiger Blog contains great ideas on better ways to stay organized, clear your desk, reduce stress and spend less time managing information.

Making the Most of Your Filing System for Better Organization

There are some organizational systems that claim they make everything so simple for you. They tell you to scan your item and then stick everything on a single, easily accessible disc. But, let’s think about that for a minute: that kind of system assumes that you have a scanner (not everybody does) and that systems never crash or discs never get damaged or destroyed (they do!) Then take into consideration the space on the disc where you’ve put the digital files. So you’ve scanned your paper files, but then you have stacks of CDs that you have to search through when you need a document again.

You need a document management system that will allow you to scan or upload  your paper files to one place and be able to search to find your digital files again.

What about the items that you can’t scan, but want to organize and be able to find later? You cannot organize those items with a traditional scanning system; meaning that you have to use a secondary system or just go with those things being in organization limbo.

There is a better way! Paper Tiger Filing System Software for Document Management and even better Paper Tiger Online will soon be able to connect Digital Tiger to Google Docs!

Using an index filing system, like Paper Tiger, allows you to keep track of your documents that you need to keep in physical format, your book collection, your music collection and anything else that you could possibly want to inventory and file without the need for a scanner or the limitations that those types of systems leave you with. Those other systems are only going to help with the paper filing. Using an index filing system gives you the ability to organize and manage items that are too bulky, too big or not made of paper.

Face it, everyone wants to organize their stuff, whether it is at their office, their home office or just items in their home, such as books, CD’s, tapes and other physical items and the question of how to organize them, and a fast way to find them when you need them.

Getting organized usually makes it necessary to discard unused or items no longer needed or wanted so you can get rid of clutter. While they can certainly donate some of these items or sell the valuable ones, there are always going to be some things that are sentimental or necessary to keep. Instead of just sticking the things into storage and then losing track of them, it is important that these items be input into the filing system, so that anything you want to find later can be retrieved quickly with a simple Google-like search in the database. This can be important if there is ever some tragedy that occurs in the home or involving the storage facility. Having the proof of the item and where it is located, can go a long way to keeping the insurance process from slowing to a complete halt.

The average household generates hundreds of pounds of paper each year and has stacks of unread books or music that they want to keep, but do not know how to get organize.  It is time to implement the use of Paper Tiger-Digital Tiger Filing System Software for Document Management.

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