Paper Tiger Blog


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Indexing Your Document Management Filing System is Worth it When You’re on the Road

Have you ever been on the road traveling for business and discovered you needed a file from your office? If you have your own file system, it could be a challenge to send someone to your office to look for what you need.

If you used an indexing system such as The Paper Tiger document management software and filing system, you wouldn’t have this problem. You could give your assistant the information needed to quickly and easily find the documents you need, saving you not only time, but money as well.

Worldwide, thousands of businesses, government agencies, non-profits and individuals use The Paper Tiger Document Management and Filing System software to manage their filing. They have discovered a filing system that uses the power of their computer to solve their problems with paper once and for all!

These organizations and individuals have found The Paper Tiger software to be an invaluable tool to help them better manage their office and get organized to stay on top of the virtual mountain of paperwork that they must deal with each day. It is simply the best filing system available. You get all the power of the computer without the risks and time commitment of paper scanning!

The indexing system is the way to go because it gives your employees the ability to access files and documents no matter where you are. It’s the ideal way to find what you’re looking for with ease.

An indexing system saves a company money and it saves time every year because you don’t have to physically search for files you need. Just think how productive your staff can be. It’s like having more hours in the day to accomplish necessary tasks. You’ll also lower your overtime hours when you implement an indexing system for your document management solutions.

Some managers want to ensure The Paper Tiger Document Management and Filing System software is the right program for their offices, and others want to be sure the money they spend is worth the investment, while still others need to make sure they can get a refund if this software doesn’t work as promised. Let’s alleviate some of these concerns.

One question we’re asked often is what happens if my computer crashes or goes down. What will I do since all of the information is stored on the computer? There are a couple of ways to handle this. One suggestion is to print out a report with all of the information that is contained in your software.

Another option is to do a back up of your entire computer and save it at another location. An external hard drive or CD works well for this.

One last suggestion is to make sure your network (if you have one) is backed up regularly.

We’re also asked how we can say The Paper Tiger saves 150 hours a year when it takes so long to create the index? When you consider using an indexing system you need to look at the entire picture. Yes, it will take time to create your index, but compared to the time spent searching for files, it takes much less time in the long run. And you have a full 60-day guarantee!

For some, if not all companies, security and privacy is a huge issue. When your file folders are arranged by contact name, company name, or other pertinent information, it’s easier for someone to look in those files and access confidential information. When you use an indexing system that uses numbers, it isn’t nearly as easy for someone to locate sensitive data. This virtually eliminates privacy issues for client files, in particular.

Training is another big issue for some companies. They need to make the most of their time and money. The Paper Tiger indexing system is easy to learn and it’s easy to train others to use. The more you use the system, the easier it becomes. Start slow and work your way up to larger quantities of files. Before you know it, your entire office will be indexed!

An indexing system for document management is worth every second of investment and time spent setting it up. You’ll see the difference almost immediately. Your employees will be more productive, you’ll spend less time searching for files, and you’ll spend even less time filing new documents or re-filing documents you’ve pulled.

After just a few days of using The Paper Tiger, you’ll feel comfortable with it and you’ll wonder how you survived without it. You’ll feel better about your document management system and you’ll know you made a smart choice. You’ll also know that you’re spending less money and your employees are more productive than they ever were before you chose The Paper Tiger Document Management and Filing System software.

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2 Responses to “Indexing Your Document Management Filing System is Worth it When You’re on the Road”

  1. I think there are a lot of activities that require you to invest time up front before you start to reap the rewards. Some people are reluctant to hire a virtual assistant because they think it will take to long for the VA to learn their business and systems, and it’s faster to do the work themselves. But just like you have to spend money in order to make money, the time you spend putting new systems like the Paper Tiger in place, or developing routines with your virtual assistant, will pay off in the long run!

  2. [...] Janet Baker discusses the why’s and how’s of Indexing Your Document Management Filing System is Worth it When You’re on the Road. [...]

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