Paper Tiger Blog


The Paper Tiger Blog contains great ideas on better ways to stay organized, clear your desk, reduce stress and spend less time managing information.

Filing System Software Is Like Having a Professional Organizer

From dental offices to law enforcement agencies, almost all organizations and offices require a filing system of some sort. The issue can become troublesome however. Over time files become disorganized or put under different titles and not everyone knows what title to look for to retrieve the file. Hire someone new and just the time it takes to explain the filing system or for the new hire to actually work with it and make sense of it, can be costly man hours. Not to mention, that one person in the office who knows where everything is, goes on vacation or has to be out of the office for any length of time, and the frustration builds when documents can’t be found.

The paper filing system is an important task for any organization because retrieval is crucial. Without all these important documents organized properly, your company would be in chaos and could cause legal trouble. Come tax time, being able to get to all files necessary is what will make your timely tax preparation submission possible. Ever get audited and find yourself unable to locate certain records or receipts, and you could find yourself in trouble with the IRS.

Without an organized filing system you can’t accomplish what you need to in a timely manner. It is estimated that the average person wastes 150 hours per year looking for lost information.

Paper Tiger is Like Having a Professional Organizer in Your Office

With Paper Tiger Filing System software, you can declutter your professional office space and be certain your paper files are in order and can be found when needed. Not only that but you can be assured you will have a method in which you can save time, be more efficient, and train others to use it in no time at all. In other words, you can redesign your paper filing so that the workflow of your operation will be in perfect working order and never cause you stress again.

Your document management can be made simple, as well as new and improved, by implementing an indexing system for your paper files to remember for you where everything is! By using this type of document management software, you can have your hanging file folders numbered instead of trying to decide whether to alphabetize or what type of name to give something that everyone will understand and remember when searching for a file.

You simply type into the software database an item name and additional keywords that relate to all documents in each numbered hanging file folder and file it away. You can give items multiple keywords such as “Jones dental records” or “Xrays for Bob Jones” and any other keyword that would relate to the contents of the folder. By doing this, no matter what a staff member types in for a search term, he or she will be able to find the file with no problem. This enables anyone to find anything using this simple to use style of document management.

What Else Can You Organize With Filing System Software?

One of the great things about this type of indexing system is you can also use it for so many other things for both your professional and personal life. You can imagine how much easier it can be to declutter all aspects of your life by using this type of filing system. You can keep track of bins of collectibles or boxes for seasonal clothing or archive old paper files to an off-site storage and still be able to locate exactly where an item is with just a quick search in the database. As long as it can be numbered, it can be documented or indexed in Paper Tiger Filing System software.

How to Index Physical Items Other Than Paper Files

Example:  Different Colors of Paint Cans for Your House

  1. You can name a Location in Paper Tiger ‘Paint’ and say you have 10 colors, so your Location capacity would be 10. In the description for the Location, you can input where you will store your paint, such as ‘Paint is stored in Basement on top shelf of Shelf 1 of 2′.
  2. Print out labels from the database to be affixed to the paint cans.
  3. Enter Item Name for each color of paint that you have, i.e., Baby Blue. Click on Add Item, and when you add an item, Paper Tiger will assign a number to that color.
  4. Enter Keywords for each color, such as the room or item that this color is painted onto, i.e., baby’s room, lamp table in baby’s room
  5. Match Label Numbers and Item Names: Make sure the label number you affix to each paint can matches the color that you input for the Item Name.

Example:  Boxes of Seasonal Decorations

  1. You can name a Location in Paper Tiger ‘Decorations’ and say you have 5 boxes of seasonal decoration, so your Location capacity would be 5. In the description for the Location, you can input where you will store your boxes of decorations, such as ‘Decorations are stored in Basement on 2nd from top shelf of Shelf 1 of 2′.
  2. Print out labels from the database to be affixed to the 5 boxes.
  3. Enter Item Name for each theme of decorations that you have, i.e., Christmas or Thanksgiving or Spring. Click on Add Item, and when you add an item, Paper Tiger will assign a number to that color. In this example, box #1 item name might be Spring, box #2 item name might be Thanksgiving, box #3 item name might be Christmas, etc.
  4. Enter Keywords for each theme, such as in box #1, your Spring items might include a spring flag, bunnies, tablecloth and picnic items
  5. Match Label Numbers and Item Names: Make sure the label number you affix to each box matches the decoration theme that you input for the Item Name.

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