Paper Tiger Blog


The Paper Tiger Blog contains great ideas on better ways to stay organized, clear your desk, reduce stress and spend less time managing information.

Feeling Stressed by Managing Both Paper and Digital Files?

Strategize and Organize

CALL TODAY! Contact productivity expert, Anne McGurty of Strategize and Organize, to schedule a strategize and organize analysis of your situation.

Are you managing both paper and digital files? Feeling stressed?

How do you bridge the paper world to the digital world?


The car industry got it right…it’s no longer a gas or electric decision — it’s both – a hybrid.

With your paper files and digital files, you need a hybrid as well. The solution is Paper Tiger Filing System Software for Document Management with its new addition of Digital Tiger.


  • Improving customer service by being able to produce information faster
  • Happier employees as they can find what they need, when they need it
  • Reduce the stress in your work day

Why make the transition alone … it’s not a tactical project that you can piece-meal … you need a strategic solution to be in the hybrid world.

All you need to do right now is the make the decision to spend 30 minutes with Anne McGurty, productivity expert, to strategize and organize and engage in a getting started analysis.

Call 303 881-0174 or email at today to get on Anne’s schedule!

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2 Responses to “Feeling Stressed by Managing Both Paper and Digital Files?”

  1. I bought PT at Staples after a presentation by a PT rep here in Lakeland, FL. As my business grew and my filing got worse I kept upgrading; however, last March I moved and had a custom built office in my new SOHO and hired a legal secretary to help me transfer and set up PT … which I had kept upgrading even tho I never had set the system up!! Now, I am confused thinking we didn’t do it right. I would welcome an opportunity to discuss where I am with PT versus where I should be with this dreamy goal of mine to finally get my office fully PT compatible so my secretary and any other other folks will be able to find files without eating their lunch at the same time!! Many thanks, Gay Finkelman dba Genie Publishing: Your Lifestory Exquisitely Published.

  2. Janet Baker says:

    It looks like you currently have a Paper Tiger Online Business account. I’m sure Anne will be glad to talk with you to see where you started from and get you going in the right direction. Hopefully you’ve called Anne already, but if not call her at 303 881-0174 or email her at to get on her schedule and take advantage of this free analysis! Then you can get more time with her based on your office needs. Thanks! Janet

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