Paper Tiger Blog


The Paper Tiger Blog contains great ideas on better ways to stay organized, clear your desk, reduce stress and spend less time managing information.

Eliminate Procrastination with Easier File Management

While most professionals realize that file management is mandatory to keep their businesses organized, they hate the actual task of filing paper. Often, these same professionals procrastinate more in developing a document management system than in any other task in the office. This applies to supervisors, business owners and office employees alike. Filing has a bad reputation in business.

The main reason is because it’s time consuming. Add to that, not knowing how to file specific documents and then locate those same files again when needed, and this serves only to reinforce this negative mindset. An efficient and organized file management system is mandatory. So what’s the solution?

The Paper Tiger Document Management and Filing System Software!

This document management software makes filing easy and much less time consuming. Those who have converted to document indexing using The Paper Tiger software have discovered just how simple and efficient this filing system is. And they rave about how it removes the dread from the task of filing! Once the software is installed and in use, the procrastination associated with managing files and paperwork in the office flies out the window.

Less procrastinating means more work accomplished. Employees will be more productive, which will make them—and you—happier and more content.

Organization is required for any business to function properly. Sadly, many office workers still believe the only way files and documents can be organized is to keep them all in one location. With The Paper Tiger, that simply isn’t the case because the software provides the organization. To add new files, you simply place a new folder behind the last one in the drawer or file box; label it accordingly in relation to your keywords input into The Paper Tiger, and you’re good to go. It works like a search engine for your paper files! You’ll immediately spend less time shuffling paper and more time being productive.

No more struggling or wasting time moving files around from one filing cabinet to another so you can squeeze one more folder in. No more wasting time trying to decide where the file is when you need it. No more reorganizing an office to fit in another file cabinet, when there is plenty of space in another room. Files no longer have to be near each other to keep your file management functioning properly.

Some business owners and employees think scanning is the best way to manage their files in trying to create a paperless environment. But consider this…

1. What happens if you scan a file, dispose of it, and then realize you’re missing important documents that didn’t scan properly?

2. How much money will you have to spend on a scanner with enough speed, efficiency, and quality to justify the cost of this filing system?

3. What will you do if your computer crashes and you don’t have a backup?

4. How will you name your files so you’ll be able to easily find them later?

5. How will your computer handle the files as space becomes limited or programs change?

These are just a few of the many questions that you’ll need to answer before using a document management scanning system. The concerns are many and can impact your business in ways you may never have considered.

When you use The Paper Tiger filing system, however, you’re putting your computer to work for you. Not only will you have a computer index of all your files, but a paper copy as well. You’ll still have the originals of all your important documents.

Companies who have been in business for decades often struggle with their document management system because it was created back when the company began. This can cause problems never imagined. Certain files must be kept forever. This can be a challenge, to say the least, when the business has been around for many years.

Some business owners may be concerned they can’t learn to use the software and may feel an indexing system only works for small businesses that don’t have many files. Or they may think it only works for businesses whose files are all housed in one location. This really isn’t the case. Worldwide, associations, large companies, small businesses, schools & colleges, government agencies, healthcare providers, non-profit institutions, religious institutions, as well as individuals, have discovered a filing system that uses the power of their computer to solve their problems with paper once and for all!

The Paper Tiger Document Management and Filing System Software works with as many files as you have to manage and it’s so easy to add or remove files, that it’s truly the best solution for a business of any size. The system works well for businesses with different locations as well. The software will manage files wherever they’re stored, making it a perfect solution for any business, regardless of what they do, or how big or small they are.

The Paper Tiger may not take all the work out of filing and document management, but it will save you time in maintaining and organizing your office documents. The fear that it will take too much time to get it all done is probably the biggest reason for procrastinating where filing is concerned. The average businessperson wastes over 150 hours per year just looking for lost information! Let The Paper Tiger Document Management and Filing System Software tame your files and you can alleviate some of the stress that comes with developing a more effective filing system while running a well-organized and more efficient office at the same time!

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