Paper Tiger Blog


The Paper Tiger Blog contains great ideas on better ways to stay organized, clear your desk, reduce stress and spend less time managing information.


Use a Category in Paper Tiger Document Management Software and Filing System when you want to group files together for a specific purpose within a Location, such as clients, tax info, financial info, purchases, medical info, human resources, marketing, training, personal, etc.

“Category” is a word or words you may use to classify groups of related folders or items. Paper Tiger allows you to file information physically one way, but easily organize files virtually in a totally different way using Categories. For example, you may use the Category “Benefits” to classify the Folders, “Bills,” “Stock Options,” and “Day Care.” The Category, “Bills” may include “Utility bills”, “Car repair bills” e.t.c. The Category “Self-Help” might include all your books that relate to self-help or motivation.
Categories offer a virtual view of your paper files or items at the click of a button. You can relate items without them being physically related! Categories are used when you want to be able to select a category to see where the items are that are for a specific purpose, such as clients, tax info, financial info, etc.
Categories establish relationships between items without having to store them in the same physical location. This strategy makes filing much easier without having to always make sure that related items are in the same place.


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