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Using An Efficient Document Management System Makes Good ‘Cents’ For Accountants

Every business needs to make lots of profit and cut costs wherever possible. This is especially important in today’s economy situation. Accountants are no different. In fact, they deal in facts and figures all day long. Using an efficient document management system like Paper Tiger Document Management Software and Filing System, makes good ‘cents’ for accountants.

Accountants deal with lots of different customers. Some are individuals. Others are small business owners and some are major corporations and government bodies. Regardless of the type of clientele they have, paper filing is always a big issue, because they need easy access to records all the time.

Archaic alphabetical filing systems are cumbersome and difficult to manage, especially when dealing with such high volumes of different documents. Time and money can be wasted searching for documents while clients are on the phone. More time might be spent if you have to call them back because you haven’t been able to locate a document or file quickly.

Professional Image

If you consider your company’s professional image as the public sees it, do you provide excellent customer service? Can you give them the answers to questions easily because you can access information efficiently?

Nowadays, it’s more common for business to be conducted via the telephone or online. If you’re not meeting people face-to-face, they’re more likely to get annoyed because you can’t ask them to have a cup of coffee while you go and search for something.

If your company is looking for new business and you receive a phone call where you can’t answer the questions at that moment, or you seem unorganized, you may lose a potential client. Especially if their next call is to your competitor who just happens to be using an efficient document management system, enabling them to access information more easily.

How much money did that just cost your company in terms of future business? Add the cost of possible negative word-of-mouth advertising and the figure could be pretty high.

Easily Cross-Reference Files

If you use efficient document management software, you can categorize your clients in different ways. The files can be archived if no longer needed. They can be listed to be retrieved at the start of the new financial year if that’s the only time you have to deal with them. You determine how the files are labeled and categorized.

Using a chronological or alphabetical system doesn’t give the flexibility that accountants need because some clients have extremely complex files that need to be handled in different ways. Files can be cross-referenced in the filing software with keywords for easier location and retrieval.

Increased Staff Productivity

Accountants have to follow so many different, ever-changing legal and financial protocols that it can be impossible to keep up with them. If all of that information is also filed correctly, anybody within the company can access it at any time. This single factor alone is probably worth countless thousands of dollars, because it ensures that everything is done correctly.

Statistics reveal that 80% of employees waste approximately 30 minutes per day retrieving information and 60% spend an hour per day duplicating the work of other people simply because of lost or misplaced files.

All staff will be far more productive if they’re not wasting an excessive amount of time filing and retrieving documents. That will enable the company to efficiently handle more clients and increase profits at no additional cost.

Naturally there will always be a cost associated with any document management system and many factors must be considered apart from price.

Any new document management software must be simple to implement and easy to teach all staff, even the ones that may be technically challenged. If not, there isn’t any point in proceeding because every company has staff with different levels of expertise.

Using Paper Tiger Document Management Software and Filing System makes good ‘cents’ for accountants. Implementing this efficient document management system will pay for itself in no time, plus you get the added bonus of saving time and money.

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