Paper Tiger Blog


The Paper Tiger Blog contains great ideas on better ways to stay organized, clear your desk, reduce stress and spend less time managing information.

To Toss or Not To Toss? … that is the question!

Are you trying to go paperless? How is your document management system working?

To help you determine which papers to toss, consider the following questions, then use The Paper Tiger to keep your filing organized so you can find it later:

  1. Does this piece of paper require any action?
  2. Is it recent enough to be useful?
  3. Would it be difficult to get this piece of paper again?
  4. Are there any tax or legal implications? (see our blogs in the Records Retention Category)
  5. Can I identify a specific use for this piece of paper?
  6. What is the worst possible scenario if I toss this?

If you can eliminate papers by asking yourself these questions, your desk will be much less cluttered.  If you decide to keep papers just in case you need them, you will be able to find them using The Paper Tiger.


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