Paper Tiger Blog


The Paper Tiger Blog contains great ideas on better ways to stay organized, clear your desk, reduce stress and spend less time managing information.

Tips for Getting Organized and Saving Time

Time is a valuable commodity these days, and it seems no matter what you try, you cannot work hard enough for saving time. What you can do, however, is learn some tricks that can help you save time. By learning these and picking up others, you just may be able to squeeze a few extra moments out of each day for time with friends, family or just to spend alone.

  • Plan ahead! Making lists are valuable tools to make sure you use your time wisely. From grocery shopping to what you need to do for your day at work, plan ahead and make a checklist to be sure you get everything done that is needed.
  • Reduce your TV time! The amount of time you will save by cutting out even thirty minutes a day means more time to be productive or relax in other ways. If you aren’t willing to cut down on the amount of time you spend watching TV, at least try to be productive while watching. Try sorting and folding laundry or something else so you can multitask.
  • Keep a chart! The best thing you can do is have a family calendar as well as a weekly routine list. Doing this helps ensure nothing gets forgotten or left to the last minute. Also as you start to get into a regular routine there will be less sudden events to deal with that can eat away at your free time.
  • Get organized! This is possibly the most important one. Getting organized means keeping things in order and reducing the amount of clutter you live with. Have an organized system so you never have to look for an important document, specific book or craft supply ever again.

Getting Organized and Saving Time the Easy Way

If you think getting organized is easier said than done, you need to implement Paper Tiger Filing System Software for Document Management. Imagine if finding the right paint color for that craft project you and your family are working on was as easy as typing key search words into Google. By using Paper Tiger, it can be that easy. It helps you get organized and save lots of time in the process.

Whether you have bins of craft supplies or files of important documents, Paper Tiger indexing system can work much better than even a traditional filing system works. Type in all the possible keywords you can think of for each item being placed in the bin or file, number the container to match the item number in Paper Tiger’s database, and you are done. The next time you need to find a “burnt sienna paint” or “tax records from 2011”, you type in the keywords to search and Paper Tiger will tell you which bin or file its in to find it easier and more quickly. This is especially helpful if you are keeping certain things, such as holiday decorations, in multiple areas. You can index if the bins are in the attic, garage or the rented storage unit and put an end to dragging out all those bins and searching for hours through them by hand.

These time saving tips combined with Paper Tiger Filing System Software are helpful to get organized and save time. Once you start using Paper Tiger and see how incredibly easy it is, you will use it to help you organize tons of things, saving you even more time!

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