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Document Management System To Help With Your Office Move

Moving offices is a huge undertaking. The larger your organization is, the more complicated it will be to move. It could take you months of planning and involve a lot of people in order to make a smooth transition. Something that you really need is a resource management system or indexing system, like Paper Tiger Document Management Software and Filing System to help you move your office.

By implementing such a system at this point, you’ll save a lot of time and effort by getting rid of unnecessary files and streamlining systems, so your operations will run more smoothly when you complete the big move. This is also a perfect time to reevaluate all of your files and determine one of three actions for every file.

Your choices will be action, archive, or discard. This is a vital component of the move, because the new filing system will be able to tell everyone where files are located as nothing will be the same as it is in the current office. Better to have one upheaval than two.

This document management system will greatly reduce the amount of files needing to be moved. This will be cost effective and give you more space to utilize in other ways. It will also mean less time wasted on filing and retrieval of documents because it will be much more user friendly. In addition, it’s vital that files are packed and transported securely so you don’t breach privacy or confidentiality.

If you’ve been using an archaic filing system up until this point, it’s the ideal chance to upgrade to a more practical document management system. Instead of the old alphabetical or numerical system, use a personalized system for naming files. This will cut out all duplication due to different people using different titles for the same type files. And because everyone has access to the same files, it’s easier to organize.

Note Where Each Box Or Item Should Be Placed In The New Location

Implementing this indexing system prior to your move will not only allow you to index your paper files, but books, training manuals, CDs, DVDs, etc. Another broad category you can list in this indexing system is all office furniture including: desks, chairs, filing cabinets, bookcases and tables. Then you have all the electrical equipment such as: computers (and their accessories), printers, photocopiers, fax machines, shredders, microwaves, refrigerators, etc. There’s also the copious quantity of stationery and office supplies to pack as well.

Don’t forget to index all the moving boxes ensuring all contents in each box are input into the keywords section. You should also note where each box or item should be placed in the new location.

You Need a Detailed Plan

It’s important to create a very detailed plan so that every aspect of the move is carefully coordinated in an efficient manner. You also need to ensure that as little downtime as possible occurs in order to maintain your high standard of customer service. It’s a wise idea to appoint one or more people to act as moving coordinators so there’s less disruption to the regular work.

One major component to consider is transportation. Generally, you hire a moving company that specializes in this sort of work. However, their job is simply loading, moving and unloading trucks. It’s your responsibility to ensure everything is planned perfectly so the move is seamless and everything gets placed in the new location as it should.

To be efficient, you need to create a master plan and be able to have paper and computer based copies, because during the downtime, you’ll still need access to it.

The coordinator(s) can update the moving plans as new things are added. They should be thoroughly familiar with the new premises and design a floor plan of where everyone will sit and where all furniture will be placed so moving day runs like a well-oiled machine. It’s generally recommended to choose either Thursday or Friday for the move so you have the whole weekend as well.

The coordinator(s) can design documents relating to check lists, FAQs about the move and people’s availability to assist with the move itself. It’s important to have enough manpower or the move will take much longer than necessary. The coordinator(s), I.T. people, the PABX supplier and other phone people will be required to ensure phones, cabling, computers and the Internet are all working as quickly as possible.

Obviously not everyone will be set up at workstations and fully functioning at the same time. The coordinator will have to liaise with management to ensure that the minimum number of people are needed to maintain customer service are there and set up, complete with all workstations, and able to work until everything else is settled.

Implement Paper Tiger Today and Save Money!

Unless you want absolute chaos, you really need Paper Tiger Document Management Software and Filing System to help you move your office. You’ll have instant access to where every document and office inventory are located, because you were wise enough to implement the system to prepare for the move. It’s estimated that people waste 150 hours per year just looking for lost information, so you’ll save money too!

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