Paper Tiger Blog


The Paper Tiger Blog contains great ideas on better ways to stay organized, clear your desk, reduce stress and spend less time managing information.

The Many Uses of The Paper Tiger (Part 2 of 3)

This article by Stephanie Calahan, of Calahan Solutions and a Paper Tiger Expert provides many different ways of using Paper Tiger in addition to indexing paper files. She helps implement Paper Tiger Document Management Software and Filing System, which she recommends based on her clients’ needs and the way that they work. She understands that every person is different and requires systems that work for them.

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Over the years, we have worked with a number of clients to help them implement the Paper Tiger and get their offices and time under control! We know for sure that the software is not just for paper! In this 3-part series, I will share some of the different ways that Paper Tiger clients have used the software. Basically, anything you can number, you can Paper Tiger!

Storage Containers – We use Paper Tiger to help with family communication. All of our storage containers are numbered & placed in numerical order in our basement. I type in the keyword & the container number comes up in seconds. It is much easier to ask my husband to get box #10 than to ask him to get the Fall decorations!

Moving Boxes - Numbers are placed on the box with a description of the contents entered into Paper Tiger. You can use the category for the name of the room the box should go to. A description of the contents is entered for each box. Unpacking becomes a breeze!

Bank/Fire Boxes – If you have a special spot that you store your precious items, make sure you remember what is stored in what location. Make sure to tell your emergency contact where your inventory list is in the event that you cannot get to it.

Inventory – Insurance agents frequently tell us that we should have a documentation of our belongings in the event of a disaster. Paper Tiger is a fabulous tool to identify the important items in your home. Place photos in your file and list the items in Paper Tiger!

Storage Sheds – While we would like you to consider de-cluttering before paying for multiple storage sheds, that is not always possible. Many use Paper Tiger to identify the contents of each storage unit. Organizing Storage Areas


There are so many great ways you can use the Paper Tiger software that I’m breaking the thoughts into 3 articles! Pick out the ones that work the best for you. What have you used Paper Tiger for? Tweet me at @StephCalahan and let me know. Share your tips because I KNOW you will help another reader! If you would like help getting all of your systems put in place that match the way you think and work, let’s talk!

See many more uses of Paper Tiger:

The Many uses of The Paper Tiger (Part 1 of 3)

The Many uses of The Paper Tiger (Part 3 of 3)

About the Author:

Stephanie Calahan is The Business Vision Catalyst and founder of Calahan Solutions, Inc. She works with purpose-driven entrepreneurs, visionaries, coaches, consultants, health practitioners, authors, speakers and all sorts of remarkable service professionals who are experts in their field, to help them embrace their brilliance, leverage their business and get their message out with power, ease and joy; so that they can make a powerfully positive difference in the world, exponentially grow their income and enjoy a highly-successful and meaningful business… while working less. Learn how you can have more freedom in your life!

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