How many times have you needed a file in your office, only to end up spending hours searching for what you need, in either paper file or digital file format? This can happen in many offices, because there is often so much information that comes into the office in all kinds of ways. Sometimes it gets filed physically in your filing cabinets, sometimes it doesn’t, and sometimes you end up with a big paper pile that is so disorganized that no one knows where anything is when they need it.
And what about the information that comes into your office via email? Are they always printed? Maybe not, but you know you’ve seen the information somewhere! Do you try to organize your digital files into folders, and do you always get that done systematically like you should?
Even if you know where everything is, it doesn’t mean that your employees will be able to find files when you are not around. It will take them a lot of time if there is not a systematic plan in place for your document management system. Disorganization costs you money when you and your employees could be more productive and get more work done, instead of searching for that needed file, in whatever format it is in — whether it be paper file, scanned image or digital file created by someone in your office or downloaded from email. These are all really good reasons to make the switch to document management software.
Even the smallest of offices have all kinds of paper files and digital or electronic files, and after a while, if things are not properly organized, it can be difficult to get your hands on a file when you need it.
You are able to declutter your office and get more organized when you have effective document management software.
For your paper files and other physical items that cannot be scanned, Paper Tiger Filing System Software for Document Management enables you to index everything physical so that you can conduct a quick Google-like search from the software’s database and find anything you need in a matter of seconds.
Often, there is one person who takes care of the paper filing. With traditional filing systems, this person would often have their own system, and if they were out of the office, no one else would have a clue how to find the files they needed. When your paper files are indexed into a filing system software, anyone in your office can easily find all of the files they need, and there is no need to rely on one person to find everything. Instead of having people spend all day trying to find a file and not getting other work done, they can retrieve the file they need in seconds and go about their work.
In addition, instead of only one person knowing where the office supplies are or where the training manuals or CDs, and the many other things in an office, all of these can be indexed into Paper Tiger’s database. This will allow others in the office to search for ‘paper clips’ and know exactly what drawer or cabinet they are located.
There will always be some paper in your office, but are you planning to at least cut down on some of the paper you have in your office? You know the myth of the paperless office? So to you, paperless may mean simply less paper. Because you may not be able to do away with all of the paper in your office, you’ll have Paper Tiger-Digital Tiger Filing System Software for Document Management to take care of the physical documents and other items in your office to get organized, but what about your digital files?
Everyone in your office probably has their own way of managing their digital files. One may be diligent in how they manage digital files, but would anyone else in the office be able to figure out the system and find a document if that person is out of the office? Another person may be haphazard about where they save documents and very difficult to find their digital files when needed.
Having a digital filing system can really help everyone in your office, and we recommend Digital Tiger, powered by Google Docs for organizing your electronic or digital files.
With just one click in Paper Tiger, connect to your Google Docs account; then your Paper Tiger becomes Digital Tiger! Digital Tiger works with your Google account to allow you to upload any document from your desktop or scan directly to Google Docs, then be able to search both your paper files or other physical indexed items and digital files with one search. When uploading or scanning your documents to Google Docs, they become searchable, so you will be able to search by any word or number within the document. You will be able to organize your digital files into folders or collections and securely share documents with your co-workers or others with a Gmail account.
Implement Paper Tiger-Digital Tiger Filing System Software for Document Management to get your entire office organized. You’ll be able to access, search and organize all of your documents from any Internet connection. Digital Tiger promises to help clear your desk without clearing out your wallet, and gives you the tool to find anything in your office, either paper or digital, in seconds!
This article has some great suggestions for steps to get organized and create a system for yourself that will keep you organized. Notice that one of the suggestions is to implement a document management system in your office. Paper Tiger-Digital Tiger Filing System Software for Document Management. Digital Tiger promises to help clear your desk without clearing out your wallet! You may not be able to go completely paperless, but you can sure de-clutter your desk to create a more productive environment.
Ahhh, the enlightening feeling of a clear and focused mind. Everything on your “to do list” is done, time to relax on the couch, and slip in to that Zen state. Chances are this isn’t you because most people spend more time trying to organize their lives than actually making progress. Keeping organized is a daunting process that requires discipline and, most importantly, knowledge of what to do.
Once you start figuring out how to plan, and differentiate your daily tasks, you will become more proficient at accomplishing your goals. Whether you are looking to better achieve the items on your to-do list, or you are trying to better organize the electronic clutter at work, you should understand organization is a learning process. Some people are inherently detail oriented; others learn their disorganization is negatively impacting aspects of their lives. This is the way life works, but for those of you looking to better improve your organization to save time and be more productive, here are few tips and tools.
1. Create a List That Works For You
Whether you work better on a Google Calendar or you are more of a physical calendar person, determine what works best for you and go with it. Create separate lists for work and personal. Carry both of these lists in portable form, around with you wherever you go (Whether it is mobile device or a hipster PDA, planner or day-timer type calendar). Keep these items in terms of priority with short term first and long term next. Once you begin achieving items on your list, you will learn how to breeze through your goals or obligations.
2. Document Management Software
Document management software allows you to organize your work files by indexing and assigning tags or keywords to each document you file. This software is incredibly powerful because it allows instant retrieval of documents by storing your files in one place. Digitizing your documents can also save space, according to Eco-officiency, “Current estimates show that 50–70% of space in an office is still dedicated to filing and storage of documentation. The real clincher is studies showing that over 45% of the files in those cabinets are duplicated information, and 80% is never accessed again.” Save yourself the hassles of cost-heavy activities and implement a document management system in your office.
3. Hipster PDA
The hipster PDA is for everyone out there like me. The person who loves mobile apps, but knows there is nothing that drives you to a call to action like a physical piece of paper. I make my hipster PDA every weekend, and it guides me through personal, work, diet, fitness and social “to do’s.” Hipster PDA planner pages are available to help you put everything you need on to an index card.
4. Eliminate Clutter
Organize your computer’s folders, itemize your Google docs, and clean your desk. Spend a weekend to get “uber” organized. This will serve as a base for your productivity as you move forward on your goals. You will find that eliminating clutter enlightens your mind. Hopefully making you feel more at peace with your current situation, and allow you to function more effectively.
5. Gcal
Google calendar may be the best way to organize and compile upcoming events on the web. Because it’s made by Google and hosted remotely, Gcal is accessible from any computer or phone. The recurring feature is great for consistent weekly events and allows for multiple different themes and skins. Gcal also has added functionality with your other personal accounts, having the ability to sync Facebook events and link them with your Mac’s iCal App.
Whether you are using a bit of tips and tricks to get yourself on the fast track to time savings or productivity apps to get organized; you will find that as you progress into a mode of functionality, things will happen faster and you will approach each “to do” differently. Good luck! Stay healthy, focused and productive.
Matt Krautstrunk is an expert writer on point of sale systems based in San Diego, California. He writes extensively for an online resource that provides expert advice on purchasing and outsourcing decisions for small business owners and entrepreneurs such as restaurant pos systems at Resource Nation.
How to Clear Your Desk Without Clearing Out Your Wallet!
Why we choose Google Docs to help you go paperless.
This is an interview with James D. Grady, President and CEO of The Monticello Corporation. In this interview Jim tells us why Monticello waited to bring out its new Digital Tiger product, what things needed to be in place and at what cost to customers and why the company choose Google Docs as its storage engine. Digital Tiger, powered by Google Docs, is designed to allow its customers to better manage their digital files, digital paper management and document management (PDFs, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.). Listen and/or read the full interview below.
Digital Tiger, powered by Google!
Beta testing to begin soon.
Hi, I’m Janet Baker with The Monticello Corporation, makers of Paper Tiger Filing System Software for Document Management. I have the pleasure today to interview my boss, President and CEO, James Grady. Better known to us here in the office as Jim. Jim, thank you for taking time out with us today to allow me to introduce you to our audience.
JIM: Hi, Janet. I’m glad to be here and glad to answer some questions about Digital Tiger.
JANET: I’m going to jump right in and ask you what is Digital Tiger?
JIM: We started out many years ago, launched Paper Tiger in the market 1998 and since that time have added tens of thousands of customers all over the world using our indexing system for physical paper including physical items that you might store in a storage bin and so forth, but mainly focused on helping people organize their physical hanging files and that’s where we started many years ago. And what has become obvious over the last 5-7 years that more and more people have gotten comfortable with .pdf files and comfortable with the internet and comfortable with the larger hard drives, is that you could take your paper and now digitize at least some or all of your paper in the office which would give you portability, it reduces the office space required for file cabinets and allows you to have better access in many ways than paper. So after looking at this for a long time and really trying to consider what our customers might want, we really started working on this idea of Digital Tiger and we have taken a lot of different directions with it and thought about it really hard about how we might approach the problem and help people in an economical and simple way manage the physical files in their office in a different way using .pdf, so that is when we came up with Digital Tiger. What we have really come down to now is that Digital Tiger is going to be powered by the Google engine. We looked at all different options out there from everything that you can possibly power the back end of this with and we really settled on Google and that is what we came down to. So let me just tell you a little about what Digital Tiger does. Digital Tiger does all the customary functions of online document management storage, and it does it in a very economical and simple way. Really here’s the kind of things we went after when we did Digital Tiger. We wanted it to be cheap, we wanted it to be stable, we wanted it to have multiple scanner support, We wanted it to be shareable so you can share the files with people in the office easily, We wanted it to be scalable so you could add digital storage to the system in an economical way, we wanted you to have one place to put all of your files. We wanted you to be able to manipulate those files in that same place. In other words, have the ability to actually work on your Word files or work on your Excel files or work on your .pdf’s or your presentations, which is what Google Docs does and then we wanted you to be able to back that up in a different way so rather than just being tied into Google which is a fantastic company and very profitable and should be around a long time, we wanted you to be able to back that up on a different place and that’s what you have with Google. And then really we wanted you to be able to have the future of what Google can provide with their Eco System. The Google system really provides tremendous value today and it’s just getting better all of the time especially with the tie-in now with the Android phones. So that’s kind of what Digital Tiger is and what we were going after when we actually developed it.
JANET: Wow! That’s a lot of information in one aspect of everything so you’ve covered the whole scope of it without breaking the bank.
JIM: Right, and that was our whole intention is that it is really designed for people who want to simply get their paper files into a stable, reliable, inexpensive storage system that they can easily search their files, they can share, they can manipulate their files all in one place, and that is what we were really going after.
JANET: What is the difference between Digital Tiger and other online document management systems?
JIM: It’s very confusing when you start looking at the document management, paper management, digital paper management, online storage bucket systems out there. It becomes a mishmash in your head in trying to figure out the differences are and what you really need and what would suit the purposes for doing what we call digital paper management which is what most people really want to do. It becomes very confusing, so the main difference from what we’re offering and what’s out there is if you start getting into document management, which it’s very hard to tell what the differences even are now between document management and digital management or digital content management, but if you start getting into it, you find out the cost is very high. Per month/per year, very high and you start really analyzing what they give you, what is it that you need, you find out that a lot of it or most of it, you can get with Google. So when we designed Digital Tiger, we really went after that. Simple. Inexpensive. It allows you to do things that I mentioned. And there are other systems out there that do content management. There’s Dropbox and SugarSync and there’s a whole host of products like that, but they really can’t do what you need to at least today for managing .pdf files, making them indexable, searchable and that’s not really designed for that. They’re really designed for a different purpose and it’s not designed for actually doing what most people consider digital paper management. They are not good tools for that. So that’s kind of the difference between what we see out there now and a lot of our customers, knowing that all of these systems are available, have not done anything yet. They’re waiting until they get the right tool at the right price and that’s what we think we have now.
JANET: Why did you and your management team choose Google as the engine and storage system for Digital Tiger?
JIM: We did an exhaustive, exhaustive search on this and actually developed part of this on our own first before we decided to actually go with Google and the more we developed, and the more we looked at it, and the more we looked around, the more we decided that really there’s going to be two major players in this online document management systems that allow you to, and when I say online, Google will soon be able to actually allow you to look at your files locally as well and sync to the cloud. So you’ll have the benefits of both worlds – a local file storage and you’ll have it synced to the cloud so when you need it in the cloud. So there will be two players. There will be Google and Microsoft. Microsoft is coming out with their version of this shortly. It’s in beta right now. And so with the Google system is open, it’s inexpensive, you can manage all of your file types there and basically manipulate your files using a form of Word or Excel or Powerpoint or whatever you need to do. It actually indexes your files for you, makes them searchable in .pdf, for now at least for the first 10 pages or you can index them locally and put them up there. So it is just an all-around great system. You have your calendar, your contacts, you have your music, you have your photos, you have your news reader, and you have everything in one place and you are able to share your storage so when you buy storage, you are able to share it across the host of all the applications using Google. And they’re just becoming more and more every day. And then that’s before you actually get into the more mobile aspects of Google. So that’s why we chose Google as our engine and as the back end for what we’re doing and tying Paper Tiger into a digital system and we’re very excited about it.
JANET: So tell me what problems will people encounter when converting their paper-based information to digital?
JIM: So there are really two major types of .pdf files. You have a digital .pdf which means you actually have it in .pdf form like from your bank and documents that you see in .pdf form, your credit cards, etc. and you can take those straight into your Google engine and they don’t need converting to be searchable because; they are searchable. The other way is taking physical paper, which is what we deal with a lot and having customers that have banks and banks and banks of file cabinets, and they’ve decided to take some, part, all of their paper information and put it into a searchable .pdf and that becomes mechanical and somewhat cumbersome depending on what kind of equipment that you have. So some people take a printer that can be a scanner and they try to do it that way, which is fine. It’s a little slower and it can be little bit cumbersome or they can take a high-speed scanner, which the price has dropped on those dramatically and some of the software that’s built in actually converts the files very quickly, and does not jam the paper, and converts those into a searchable .pdf. And many of them now, amazingly so, because Google has such a presence; they have tens of millions of users with Google Docs. They actually convert those files into a searchable .pdf and load them directly into Google Docs in one step. So it’s just an amazing tool. You can save the information right into Google Docs, and soon you’ll be able to save them locally and they will go into Google Docs or you can save it into the cloud directly. And so they are all starting to interface into Google Docs and so again another benefit. But some of the problems people have is getting their information converted and getting it done in a speed that makes it plausible and then when they get it in there, it’s how they organize it. Again Google is an amazing tool for this. They use a system, not of folders, so you don’t wind up with a hierarchy of one folder has some files, but you want to share it with two different folders, but you can’t. They use what they call collections, so you’re able to take your file and show it in different Collections within your Google world and that makes it useful so when you have an example where you need a file that multiple people need to see and multiple environments and multiple Collections or Folders in there, so you can do that easily with Google, so it’s not an idea of folder system but a collection system and they use this also for Gmail. So it’s just amazing, amazing tool and it eliminates a lot of the problems that people have up front. So that’s some of the things I have seen as I was working through with this problem.
JANET: What equipment does one need to actually do the job?
JIM: If you’re going to convert physical paper into digital format, you want the right scanner. It’s very important. There are a number of them out there, and some are better than others, but you really want the right equipment. And that equipment has to have the right software that does those things I mentioned about imaging and then also converting the image and also being able to upload the image. And it’s also better if the software is designed and written by the scanner manufacturer because they know the equipment very well. And then you’re going to want to have the right tool for storage and you’re going to want to have the right tool if you’re doing paper management, in our case, Paper Tiger Online. You want to have the right tool for that so that if you’re doing paper and digital together, that the system will work together. And that’s what we have tried to build. Then on the back-side, if you’re going to convert your own files, fine, but if not, you might want to look at having a service do it for you. Then one other recommendation is, because most people know the security issues, and they are aware that anyone can get into trouble with this, and our recommendation is to have your information backed up to a totally separate system either locally on your hard-drive or to a third party that allows you to recover in case there were any problems in anybody’s cloud storage. So that is kind of what I think you need to do the job.
JANET: In your opinion, what is the future of digital filing and/or document management? What is the future for paper-based information?
JIM: Well, let me start with paper-based. We think that the world has existed on paper for a long, long time. There are millions of file cabinets in the world, and paper is not going away. Paper still continues to come and we think that indexing paper using a method similar to Paper Tiger is a great way to do that. Some people want to digitize all of their information and they are willing to get rid of their paper altogether. So for them, that’s fine, they can do that. Using this system, they can easily digitize all their information, put it up in the cloud, store it locally if they want, back it up, and have their information available to them. Some people want to have all their information in the cloud or stored in .pdf format, but they want the hard copy in case something goes wrong or in case they need it or in case they get audited or need some other way to get at it. The other thing is that some people might use a hybrid, where they have some information in paper and some information in digital form depending on what the paper is…if it’s a bound document or original signature or something they want to keep in it’s current form. So indexing is great for that. You can use this information, you can use the world of paper versus digital in any way that suits your purposes if you’ve got the right tools. Both of them have a place. What we’ve attempted to do with Digital Tiger and Paper Tiger is make it so that you can search one place for everything, and that’s what we’re trying bring to the market. So as far as we know, it’s really one of the best total systems out there and certainly the best low-cost way to get their information up there. So let me answer the question of the future. You will be able to put your hands on your information, whatever form that takes, virtually anywhere you are on any device, whether it be a tablet or phone, an Android phone, iPhone, whatever, you’ll be able to look at it, get the information you need quickly and easily. You’ll be able to share that information and collaborate that information. So that’s all the digital side, and we are already starting to see that, and that’s what Google brings to the table naturally. There are no extra things required. And then the paper-based information will be the things that you keep potentially back at your office that you need to get your hands on there. That’s kind of the future as we see it evolving and everybody is seeing that with the devices coming out.
JANET: Right. So can you tell me why should I put my information in the cloud? Can I keep my information on my local computer as well, either laptop or desktop?
JIM: Well I’ve probably already answered this as I’ve talked but the answer is yes, you can keep it locally. Google is working on the local sync as we speak today. They had it, they’re changing it to a new format that’s more robust and it is imminent that it will be out. A lot of people want that. They want to be able to see it locally or manipulate locally or offline, and that is certainly coming. The reason you keep stuff in the cloud is because it is ubiquitous. You can find it anywhere and it is backed up and very, very securely, very redundantly on a multitude of servers. Google has servers world-wide and they are fully redundant. So if one goes down, you still have access to your information. They have 99.9% plus uptime. So they are virtually down never. So it’s a great way to store your information, it’s a great way to collaborate on your information with other co-workers, and it’s a great way to share information with other people. It’s a one-place to keep your information.
JANET: What is the future for Digital Tiger development? And I know one question that I get asked a lot, will Digital Tiger work with Google’s mobile or Android apps?
JIM: The answer is, we’re not sure about Digital Tiger and where we will go with it. We can only see so far, and what we can see right now, based on our surveys of our customers, is that people the things we talked about, inexpensive, very robust, really oriented toward the future, meaning the developments are really rapid place to store their digital information. They want that to work seamlessly with how they store their paper-based information so there is one search, you find everything in my world. One of the things we will most likely add is the ability to search not only your digital files, not only your paper files, but also your email, so that you’ll even be able to pull that, and we may even look at going into other things, photos and so forth, because there are cases where people have all that information and they’d like to find it across all their Google apps which includes photos and their bookmarks and their calendar and so forth. We’re not there on the first development, but we can certainly see that coming. Then the mobile apps, all of this same functionality would be available to you on mobile, at least for Android and maybe for the IOS or Apple platform.
JANET: Wonderful. I think you’ve already answered the question as far as how secure our data is at Google, but what can you offer for additional backups?
JIM: Everybody gets concerned about their data in the cloud and want to make sure it’s secure and safe and backed up and so forth. The reality is, for almost everyone, your data is much safer in the cloud than it is on any local computer that you may have. So if you take some precaution in the sense of, in our opinion, get a back up of that data in the cloud locally, pull it down locally or put it to a third party. There are services out there that we recommend and that you have a full redundancy of the systems. So the chances of data loss then are even further out the statistical curve, so your chances are that you’re going to keep your data in those cases. So that’s what we see. I think the cloud is very safe at this point and not without mishap, but in general a very secure way to store your data, especially if you’re dealing with someone as robust as the big players out there.
JANET: So what if we need help getting our system setup and/or my data converted. What can Monticello do to help me?
JIM: Our commitment was this, on the Digital Tiger, when we brought it out, what we were trying to do is to offer one-stop shop for people that don’t have the time, they didn’t want to break the bank, they were worried about putting their data with unknown company that they don’t know if they’re going out of business tomorrow. In this case, the data is stored with Google, your data is all at Google. So that’s a reasonably good bet. They don’t have time to do the research all the systems that are out there and keep up with all that stuff. They want to make sure their data is backed up. They want to make sure they have someone to call; someone to keep them abreast of what’s going on in the market. As Google brings out new features, they want the company to interpret that for them and tell them this is how they can use it; here’s how you can use it; here’s how it will help you, because there is a lot of new stuff coming from Google. So that’s what we’re really trying to do with Digital Tiger, and that’s why we locked into Google as our engine and our back end, because what we can provide is help on understanding what to do and how to do it. As you have turnover in your organization, we can help the new people understand how this works. We can help you get your data converted; bringing it into Google. We can help you with training of the staff. We can also help you think about how you want to set up your data. So kind of an overall planning of this is how we are going to use it, this is how we should divide it, this is how we should put it up there and this is our workflow. Again, all of this we tried to make this very, very inexpensive on a yearly/monthly basis, so that people could have a partner in this at a very reasonable price point. And the price point for Google storage is just exceptionally low. In many cases, 1/48th of the cost of some of the systems out there. Almost 1/50th of the cost, not half (1/2), but 1/50th so you can afford to put your stuff, all your things, your digital files into Google, and then have Monticello, the makers of Paper Tiger and Digital Tiger as your partner in getting all your data converted and getting it in there and having us to help support you and back you up. So that’s really what we can do at this point to help people actually make the conversion or start the conversion over to the digital world and/or organize their paper information at the same time, so they have one place for everything.
JANET: Jim, you keep saying paper, but I know from experience that we also index more than just paper. Can you touch just a little bit on what else can possibly be indexed with Paper Tiger with Digital Tiger combined.
JIM: On paper files alone, there’s three parts of the life-cycle. There’s actionable files that are in the proximity of your desk usually. There are reference files, which are usually located in filing cabinets in your office. Then there are archived files, which are usually located off-site or in a storage room. So we index all of that and we can move paper through it’s life-cycle, and we will be able to do that with digital too in this case with Digital Tiger now. But what a lot of people end up with are other physical items, and those can take the form of storage bins that have things in them for personal use or for business. It can take the form of books, or can take the form of any physical item that you want to index. Any modern warehouse today, a computer has indexed everything in it and knows exactly where those things. So you can use Paper Tiger, which is kind of a misnomer, and maybe should be ‘Physical Tiger’, but you can use Paper Tiger to index virtually anything. Our customers do; and we see them all the time responding to surveys about all the different things that you can index with Paper Tiger. We actually have a blog post about it that one of our Paper Tiger Experts, Stephanie Calahan, wrote up that’s really well done that talks about 17 or 18 different things that people are organizing with Paper Tiger. So it’s not just about paper. It’s really about anything physical and it really saves a tremendous amount of time when you go looking for those items to find them index on your computer.
JANET: Sure. That blog post that you’re referring to written by Stephanie for us is actually now a webpage on our website, which can be found on our Why Paper Tiger tab, and over to the left, you’ll see Not Just For Filing Paper.
JIM: Right,
JANET: Absolutely. Well thanks Jim. We appreciate your time today. Awesome information. We look forward to everything Digital Tiger will offer everyone. So thanks again!
JIM: You’re welcome and we look forward to answering questions from everybody. This is a journey we’re all actually embarking on this digital world. The cloud has become very topical now, so this is going to be very interesting, but I think there will be a lot of productivity gains and cost reduction and cost savings for business owners out there and I think it’s ready for primetime. It’s going to be an amazing tool for helping people get organized and streamline their business and reduce the cost.
This article by Denise Russos, Progressive Organizing Solutions and Paper Tiger Expert, gives us a great plan to conquer our clutter and paper filing problems! The Paper Tiger Document Management Software and Filing System (Paper Tiger Online or Paper Tiger desktop version) will help you accomplish this very efficiently and be able to later find what you’ve filed!
Conquering the paper issues in an office or home can be the most stressful part of getting organized. Everyone realizes they actually keep too many clothes, or too many pots and pans, or even too many of whatever it is. We’re just so afraid to get rid of the paper trails in our lives that we hold on to every slip of receipt, and every article we’ve ever wanted to read so we are overwhelmed with paper! I know what I’m talking about! Aunt Mary sent you a card! Uncle Jim sent a article on fly fishing! I can hear you now! “If I get rid of it, they are going to ask me for it or about it!”
This week I’ve been out of town working with a woman who is trying to get her papers in order. She is part of a large family corporation that owns a lot of land, ranches, oil fields, farms, etc. She is really great, but she is just like everyone else when it comes to paper. By the way, she is doing a magnificent job at the clearing out process and yesterday began the process of learning how to scan documents and enter them into her new centrally understood filing system! But I digress here. I will explain what this type of filing system is soon! Be patient.
It doesn’t matter if you are a one person family or a ten person family, you will have paper clutter. Clutter is postponed decisions. Everywhere you look some surface in your home or office is cluttered with papers that should have had decisions made about them the minute they hit your desk or counter top! So the first thing I want to address is your lack of habit!
Lack of habit is the cause of clutter. We have tendencies that say, I’ll get to it later. Only we don’t. So it builds up until we have to take entire days to do something that originally should only take a few minutes or an hour at a time to complete. This goes for other things than taking care of paper clutter, but we’ll stick to paper clutter management for now.
If I look around my home office, I can see trends that need improvement and I bet you can too. Little slips of paper my adult son left on the home computer desk that should have been thrown away. Or the fact that I went out of town for several days and now have an accumulation of mail on my desk to go through. Or that stack of magazines that only have one article in them I wanted to read. So as I go along, I do what I teach my clients to do. Reading that article is first, because I can certainly clear the space if I decide not to keep the article. I definitely will not keep the magazine!
As for the mail, which is the biggest contributor to paper trash in the household or office, it is next. I have to decide to file it for future decisions, act on it if it is necessary, or trash it.
While I was out of town I spoke with some ladies at the Millennium Hotel in Durham. Sweet ladies, but they were as mind boggled over what to throw away as the next person.
Keep these rules in mind!
The point here is that every piece of paper that comes into your home or office needs some type of Action. You only have three choices. Make them wisely and you will have less and less piles of paper and more desk real estate to use for important things!
A friend of mine, Stephanie Calahan said something recently on how long it takes to create a habit. It is generally accepted that it is a 21 day process. However, I agree with Stephanie that it can take up to seven weeks to create a sustainable habit.
Knowing what you have to do, and doing it are two different things. You know you need to get it under control. Clutter is a stress magnet and if you can get the clutter under control or gone forever, wouldn’t you? Reduce your stress, reduce your blood pressure, and try to enjoy a wonderfully new environment by becoming clutter free!
Denise Russos, Progressive Organizing Solutions
Original article posted: Making Your Filing System Work for You!
Paper filing on your own can be hard labor. If you have been in business for quite some time, keeping up with the amount of paper work that you have in your office can be overwhelming. Do you think it would be possible for someone to alphabetize and index each and every document that you ever printed?
Thankfully, paper filing does not need to be a nightmare. Implementing Paper Tiger Filing System Software for Document Management, can eliminate your filing woes completely and will help you get organized. Here’s why you need a good filing system:
Paper Filing Is a Laborious Task but Filing Systems Cut Down the Physical Effort Required
There is no doubt about it, filing paper physically can be really back-breaking. There are many things involved in the process of paper filing. If you have a large volume of physical documents being generated in your office, you certainly cannot stack them in a filing cabinet forever, so you begin making folders for each. Once you have made your folders, you move on to alphabetizing them and finally you index them and store them in your filing cabinets. The more documents that are generated in your office, the more time it will take for you to perform this whole process. In the end, you will have wasted a lot of company time just filing paper.
Instead, when you use a good paper filing system, you can use the document management software to generate an index number for each hanging file folder, so that the next time you have paper to file, you simply drop it in the first available numbered folder. As you file a document away in your cabinet, you create a record in the software database that coincides where that physical item is stored. Then you assign it as many keywords as necessary so when you need to find the item, you can conduct a google-like search in the database. For example, if you are filing your tax return for 2010, you might use keywords like “tax,” “taxes,” “IRS,” “Internal Revenue Service,” “finances,” “bookkeeping,” “accounting,” “legal,” “end-of-year,” “2010” — whatever makes sense to you. Then when you want to retrieve that item, you can search by any keyword to find its location.
Filing System Software Points Out Free Space in Your Filing Cabinet
When you are filing paper without professional help, it is only a matter of time when you run out of space to put additional files. For instance, if you have arranged your files alphabetically, and your Ks are completely filled, you seek to move additional files to a new venue. This makes your job more tedious, and it makes the filing more confusing and a major reason why many people delay filing, and therefore causes another problem – a backlog of filing, you know, those stacks and stacks of paper files all over the office.
On the other hand, if you use paper management software like Paper Tiger that will allow you to set up numbered hanging file folders in advance, when you add a new file, the software will find the first space available in your filing cabinet for your new documents so that you won’t have to spend hours searching for a new venue to move folders around to make room to insert in between. This is extremely convenient and helps you find your papers easily when you require them.
Filing System Software Makes Office Management Much Easier
Paper Tiger Filing System Software for Document Management helps you track the move of paper files from one place to another. If you want to make a copy of a paper, or if you want to destroy one, you can put reminders in your filing system. Another advantage is that when you want to move your files, you can transfer the file to the new location in your filing system software so that you can locate these when you want them next.
This article by Denise Landers, founder and CEO of Key Organization Systems Inc. and Paper Tiger Expert, will help encourage and empower you to become more productive by setting goals and implementing better time management! Denise also recommends Paper Tiger Filing System Software and Document Management to help with your filing system to actually be able to find what you need, when you need it.
by Denise Landers
Ever wonder what separates the very best performers in any field from their competitors? Lots of people would point to genetics, education, or maybe just a bit of luck, and these all certainly play a part. But usually, those parts aren’t as big as you might think…
That’s because, when you dig a little bit deeper, you find that top salespeople, executives, and entrepreneurs all have one thing in common: they set goals and are very intentional about their time when it comes to reaching them. By keeping calendars, lists, and other organizational tools up-to-date, they avoid that feeling of having the day or week “just slip away…”
There’s no reason you can’t do the same. The trick is simply to become more focused and not let yourself become distracted by problems, issues, or even opportunities that would keep you from reaching your long-term goals. Here are a few quick tips to get you started:
When you still find yourself getting distracted throughout the day so that your focus is interrupted, take one week to try a technique used by many productivity experts: the time log.
If you have ever been to even one serious time management seminar, you’ve already heard the advice to keep a time log (a record of how you’ve spent your day down to the minute) as a first step to getting control your calendar… and you’ve heard the dozens of groans around you from the men and women who have heard this tip before and ignored it.
The fact of the matter is, people don’t like keeping time logs. Not only are they tedious, but they would seem to get in the way of the one thing these busy professionals are really trying to accomplish – having fewer tasks on their plate, and more time to do them in. And so, a lot of time management professionals don’t even bother with them anymore, or at least don’t hold out big hopes that attendees will give them a try.
That’s too bad, however, since one thing that tends to get forgotten about time logs is that they work. Here are three reasons productivity experts love time logs, and why you should try using one for at least a week:
These aren’t complicated pieces of advice, of course, but if you can follow them, it’s only a matter of time before productivity becomes a habit – one that will make other people wonder how you got the genetics, education, and luck to become one of the best in your field.
For more details on managing projects and time management techniques, read our article on Project Management.
Contact Denise Landers
Author of Destination Organization
Call Denise at (281) 397-0015
Have you ever tried to “get organized” only to be frustrated after a day, or a week, or a month? Destination: Organization recognizes that reaching your organizing goals is a journey, not a one-time event, as you develop processes to cope with daily demands that constantly change.
Hi, I’m Janet Baker with Paper Tiger Filing System Software for document management and I’m thrilled to have Meggin McIntosh with us today. Meggin is The PhD of Productivity™. Meggin founded Emphasis on Excellence, Inc. in 1996, and is based in a Reno, Nevada, where she serves individuals, but also travels extensively throughout the country consulting and doing workshops for associations, schools, Universities and Colleges, and companies through workshops, seminars, coaching, and consulting.
Meggin’s purpose is to help others to know, feel, dream, and do more, and differently, so they are living the best and most productive, and doing so with consciousness, clarity, and conviction.
The choice for the name Emphasis on Excellence is deliberate. Meggin and her team endeavor to make excellence their habit, which is important to know because they not only have high expectations of themselves, but of the situations and set ups where and with whom they are working. They work with bright people who want to be more productive, so they can consistently keep their emphasis on excellence.
As a coach, Meggin will support you in the changes that you want to make. At times, she can help you see the next step. Other times, she can give you a push to take the next step, and sometimes she will question you on your decision not to take the next step. Having a coach makes a tremendous difference and accelerates the change and often the direction of your change.
In addition, Meggin is an accomplished author and speaker, and continually publishes articles on her diverse websites that will help you gain control of your life and stop being overwhelmed. The many websites she publishes can be found from her primary website and two of my favorites are instead of ‘overwhelmed’ and
Meggin, wow, this is quite a bio! and that doesn’t even begin to tell us of your accomplishments! Thank you so much for agreeing to interview with us today.
MEGGIN: Well thanks! And I will certainly tell people that we teach what we most need to know and I always like to let people know that ahead of time, because in case anybody thinks, ‘I bet Meggin has pretty much everything all figured out as far as productivity and never gets overwhelmed or all of those things.’ I would let them know that we’re all learning all of the time, so I’m kind of my own laboratory so I’ll try things out with myself and ask, ‘did that help?’ … ‘yeah!’
JANET: So you know from your own personal experience what to tell people.
MEGGIN: Exactly!
JANET: ok, Meggin, I’m going to start with asking you a few questions about Paper Tiger, and then move forward, ok?
First of all, let me ask do you use Paper Tiger for yourself?
MEGGIN: Yes I do. Should I tell you how I got started with it?
JANET: Yes I would love to hear it.
MEGGIN: Well many years ago when I was a professor and then I was the director of our excellence and teaching program at our University and so I had a few people who worked for me in our office. We taught Professors how to teach better and so forth. My office manager was there one day and then she was gone the next, with no advanced noticed. She had announced that she was pregnant, but nowhere near having a child yet, but she got very, very sick and became a bed-ridden like overnight. So like I said, there one day, gone the next. She was gone for three months. The whole office, I don’t want to say we almost fell apart, but we at least fell apart as far as knowing where things were and how to find them, because Karen knew where everything was and how to find everything. So when she came back, I said you must find a solution for us. That is your first job. Don’t even worry about any of the backlog of this work. You find a solution. And what she found was Paper Tiger and that was back when it was at 1.0 or something and it was a long time ago. We implemented Paper Tiger, tried the free trial and I was sold instantly and I have used Paper Tiger ever since. There are a lot of things in my office I would give up if I had to, I wouldn’t necessarily give them up happily, but I would not and could not give up Paper Tiger. And I tell people that all of the time. I’m not just telling you that.
I say that in my workshops or with my clients. I just say, “You’ve got to have Paper Tiger.”
JANET: Wow, I’m really glad to hear that. I appreciate you letting us know. In fact, that describes one of the main problems that Paper Tiger does solve and that is to be able to let a replacement actually find or actually the office manager in your case, the boss, find the files that need to be found.
MEGGIN: That exactly what I tell people, whether you are a one person shop and you just need to be able to file and find your own materials when you don’t have anybody else helping you or you have a multi-person office or you have an assistant who comes in once a week or anything like that. To me, it’s the only way of being able to have efficiency in filing items, not having to re-create things, being able to have somebody else to help us. And finding things, let’s say we’re not in the office and if you’re like me and travel as much as I do, there are times I need to be able to tell somebody else, ‘Hey, would you please look up thus and such, and tell me what’s in there.’ One of things I use Paper Tiger for is in my storage unit. So it’s not just for files, I have boxes in there that are labeled and numbered; and I can for example ask my husband or my assistant, I can say, ‘Look I’m getting ready to do a workshop on this and this. When I come home, if you could have these 6 boxes loaded up in the back of my car’, because I’m going to need them then the following week as I head out into the hinterlands to teach something else; and if I didn’t have items organized in that way, then I would never be able to ask somebody else to look in the storage unit.
JANET: Exactly. So obviously, you’ve just told us two of your favorite things that Paper Tiger fixes for you. What are other things that Paper Tiger solves for a majority of your clients and yourself, of course.
MEGGIN: I work with a lot of Professors and if people think of the stereo-type of professors as absent-minded professors and they’ve got stuff all over their office and I would say that is not just a stereo-type. It’s true. I mean there are a few faculty members that really do know where everything is, but most of them have way too much stuff in way too small of a space. I have faculty who has used Paper Tiger to catalog videotapes and even though some people think, ‘well I don’t know if people use videotapes that much anymore’, but they do. I have certainly used it for CDs and DVDs, some people have use it with notebooks. I’ve worked with people in government agencies and school districts who often have so many notebooks from so many projects or conferences that they’ve attended and they don’t even know what they have. We number those notebooks or whatever the other items are and that has really, really helped. Plus in some cases where people find through Paper Tiger, they realize, oh gosh, I actually have three of these notebooks, but they are in different places and I only need one that I can find and then they are able to free up some space.
JANET: That’s really cool, so they’re able to keep up with all of those and I know that professors have so many different subjects that they teach and they have to keep up with the paperwork for their students and everything else, so that’s great.
Do you find that Paper Tiger is used mainly by administrators or managers or a mix of the two?
MEGGIN: I’ve had some instances for example, when I’ve had grant funded agencies that brought me in and they often do have an admin who gets things set up and they handle it. So I have some of that, but I try to make it clear to people that it’s easy enough to use and it’s fast enough to use, that we don’t have to have somebody else do it. For example, a lot of time, especially now that I have Paper Tiger Online, but even before when I had the desktop version, I’d always have it open, and so I could just quickly open up that window, type in what I needed, find it and it took three seconds. So I try to let everybody know this isn’t some monster software that is going to be impossible for you to use.
JANET: Meggin, tell us how you implement Paper Tiger in your client’s offices most effectively. I understand that you mostly work with Professors and that kind of thing.
MEGGIN: Well we just did in. I have some people that I work with remotely, but mostly I love the hands on, the going in and working with people and getting it set up and then I start to show them, and I usually bring an assistant with me and I usually ask my client to have an assistant so there is four of us, and so that the main client and I are doing the decision-making, making it happen, figuring it out, answering questions and the assistants are either dropping things into folders, running things out into a recycling bin. I mean it’s a beehive of activity. So that’s what I really like is sitting with a person and showing them how it works. I also find that for most of us, even though the concept that, it’s the decision-making. I try to tell people ahead of time when I worked with them, you were going to be exhausted. I try to brace them for that. It is not that they’re going to be exhausted physically, because we will have other people that will be physically doing the work. They’re could be mentally and emotionally exhausted even though overjoyed at the same time. Does that make sense?
JANET: Sure, because the benefits far outweigh the physical activity. Just like a work out, an exercise workout in which you feel tired and everything while you’re doing it, but afterwards you feel refreshed, especially if you keep it up.
So that brings me to another question, do you find that your clients are easily maintaining Paper Tiger after you’ve help them implement the system and after you have gone.
MEGGIN: Almost always, I mean I would love to tell you 100%, and I would say that’s something I need to do a better job as far as follow up and checking in. It’s very funny, a government agency I worked with, probably four years ago, and they had quite a few people in their office and it was a major, multi-day event. I happen to see their main admin at Costco the other day, and I said ‘hi, how are things, what’s going on?’ I wasn’t even sure that she was at the same place. She said, ‘well we’re still using Paper Tiger!’ I said, ‘I’m certainly glad to hear that! I can’t imagine that you wouldn’t be’
There will always be somebody here and there that interfere with staying with a new one. So those are the only people that sometimes have a little bit of trouble and it’s because they’re not setting themselves up with any maintenance time. They just keep letting stuff pile up instead of realizing … split, they could have it put away. So overall though people just say ‘oh my God, I get it’ and I can’t imagine what I did before it, and it’s the energy that carries them through. That’s what I tell people, gosh what has it been 10 or 11 years that I’ve been using Paper Tiger? and I still am still so happy when I find things! And so easily, I think Wow! because it was many years before that I did not!
JANET: Yes, because it still amazes you that you can find anything in 5 seconds or less?
MEGGIN: It does!
JANET: So what does your clients have to say when you have helped them get their offices organized versus what they would have been able to do without your help?
MEGGIN: Well I think part of what people appreciate is that I’m helping them implement a system; that I’m not just coming in and “cleaning up their offices.” This is one thing that sometimes when people don’t understand what professional organizers do anyway. I tell people that if they want to somebody to come in and clean, they can hire somebody for a lot less than me that just cleans. I’m not coming in to just dust or straighten. We’re implementing a system that will allow them to maintain this on their own. That’s what they say is, so many people it’s the first time they have felt control in a long time. They appreciate the fact that when they walk in, their desk and workspace looks professional and that’s a big part of it. The people I work with, they are professionals and they want their space to be representing that level of professionalism; and if it could have gotten there by themselves, they would have gotten there. That’s why all of us who have coaches, it’s why we hire coaches, because we think I can’t get there by myself or I would’ve already done that. So making sure that they are bringing in a professional to help them get organized and be able to stay organized and with Paper Tiger being a big part of that system, they’ve made the decision that yeah it’s time.
JANET: Right and with professionals sometimes, it’s like they almost don’t think that filing is an important thing … it’s kind of a menial task according to the rest of the things that they have on their plate and so with you giving them the system to work with, the decision making processes in how to actually have a productive day and keep organized in the same way, I’m sure very helpful to professionals.
MEGGIN Yes, it really is, and that is what some of what our discussion will often center around, your filing may not be this super high-level responsibility that you have, and yet, you can’t put your hands on a document or proposal or an invoice, or who knows what else, when you need then you can’t even go forward on the part that are the higher-level, more strategic types of processes that you need to be involved in.
JANET: Right and if they cannot put their hands on what they need, especially if their boss is standing there in the office, they look even more unprofessional, I think.
MEGGIN: Oh absolutely, and how embarrassing is that and then we spend a bunch of time apologizing or stressing over this, and it’s no good. It’s much better to use Paper Tiger, and have the system in place so that you can stay on top of things. Cause heavens know there’s enough coming at all of us, any tool that’s going to support us, because I don’t think the deluge and the pressure is going to stop anytime soon, or not that I’ve noticed!
JANET: No, remember they talked about the paperless environment, I think it was 1990 when they brought that out and here we are!
MEGGIN: Yeah, here we are!
JANET: Meggin, tell us what else do you have going on currently that you want to tell everyone about.
MEGGIN: I’m never at a loss for things. I do love supporting people who want to be more productive, and the reason they want to be more productive is as you said at the beginning, is so that they can maintain their emphasis on excellent. One resource that people love is the and there are 8 different series there that people can access. There is a weekly set of tips … there’s a set for women and a set for professors and a set for entrepreneurs and so on and so forth, that people are welcome to take a look at, and those are available at no charge whatsoever. Then that you mentioned and that one is going through a metamorphosis and it’s going to be much more extensive than it has been with the real focus on women. In particular, academic women, so people who are brite, educated and let’s just say there’s a lot of excitement around that. That’s getting ready to come rolling out. I always have teleseminars going on and I would encourage people to go to and you can usually see at least two of the upcoming teleseminars featured on my home page and there are things about writing, things about taking a look at your energy, many, many different areas. So there’s always something, because, I think you know Janet, you get my things.
JANET: Yes, you have a very diverse mind and you’re always willing to share all of your thoughts and tips with us and we appreciate that too, believe me.
MEGGIN: Well I’m thankful for the opportunity. I’m thankful for what I’ve been given and I love the fact that there are other people that find it useful. They let me know that it’s very gratifying and encouraging.
JANET: Is there anything else you’d like to add before I close out?
MEGGIN: I don’t’ think so but I’ve certainly appreciated over the years working with your company and ever since you came on, you are just so delightful to work with and you’ve always been so helpful to me and my assistants and also to my clients when they’ve had to check in on something and so I really appreciate everything you’re doing there so keep up the good work.
JANET: I appreciate that, thank you so much. Meggin, thanks again for your time. I have had a great time to you today. I appreciate you so much. Your spirit of teaching and coaching others is beyond compare.
I strongly encourage everyone to go to Meggin’s website and peruse through what she has to offer. I guarantee there will be something there for you!
About Meggin McIntosh
Meggin McIntosh, Ph.D., “The Ph.D. of Productivity”(tm). Through her company, Emphasis on Excellence, Inc., Meggin McIntosh supports smart people who want to be more productive so that they can consistently keep their emphasis on excellence.
Emphasis on Excellence, Inc.
Phone: 775.853.5510
MEGGIN’S WEBSITES (Primary site)
In this webinar, Anne McGurty, productivity expert of Strategize and Organize, conducted basic getting started with Paper Tiger Online functions, such as describing what is a Database , creating a Database, creating a Location, creating Items, printing labels for your items.
Then Anne continued by demonstrating the following, in addition to answering questions asked during the webinar:
-How to organize things other than paper files
-Filing items from her inbox
-Searching items, then editing
-How to Transfer to Move an Item, with an explanation of why and how to use Confirmation
-How to use the Cleanout Report and benefits
-How to Toss an item when it is no longer valid
-Using the Confirmation function when transferring or tossing an item
As information, Anne is a professional speaker, productivity expert, and author. If you want to learn more about Anne and her services, please visit her website at She may be in Colorado, but she’s nationally recognized as an expert and works with people throughout the US in person and virtually.
You can contact Anne at or by phone at 303 881-0174.
See more information here on Paper Tiger Filing System Software for Document Management
Q: Does this work for non-paper things also?
A: Yes, absolutely. In this webinar, Anne demonstrated how to index your bank safe deposit box and a linen closet. Anne also suggested that you would be able to index moving boxes.
Q: Would this work with plastic totes also?
A: Yes, this would work for plastic totes, as well as a CD or DVD collection, craft supplies, books and any other item that you can put a number onto. For other ideas, see our Not Just for Filing Papers webpage.
Q: I am new to the position and have to do a major overhaul of the current filing structure (within Paper Tiger). What’s the easiest way to manage moving files around?
A: Anne suggested printing the Cleanout Report and going through each to decide if you want to Toss, Transfer or leave the file as is. Then perform the actions based on your decisions both physically and in Paper Tiger database.
Q: I purchased my version of Paper Tiger sometime in 2010. This version looks different than mine. Are there updates to keep up with the latest and greatest? If so, how do I obtain?
A: The version of Paper Tiger used in today’s webinar is Paper Tiger Online, which is our web-based version and it does not look exactly like the desktop version. If you have the desktop version, you will notice slight differences.
If you want to make sure that you have the latest build in the desktop version 4, you can go to Help at the top menu and drag down to Check for Updates. Then select your current build and Paper Tiger will let you know if there are later builds than what you currently have. Our latest build if 4.1.28. (Note: if you do not know your current build, you can find out by clicking Help at the top menu, then drag down to About Paper Tiger)
You can switch to the online version if you wish by purchasing a Pro account or one of the multi-user plans, then send us your database so that we can import it for you.
Below are the knowledge base links to show you how the multi-user plans look and work, i.e., inviting users and setting their permissions:
-Paper Tiger Multi-User Concept:
-How Do Permissions Work:
-Inviting a User to Your Account:
-How to Set User Permissions:
-Collision Detection:
Q: Is there a difference in the online vs desktop applications?
A: The basic difference between the two versions is that with Paper Tiger desktop version:
- it is a one computer software program, meaning you can only access from one computer since it is a licensed downloadable software
- needs to be installed, is a Windows only software. Can only be used on Macs if installed on a virtual Windows program such as Parallels
- database is housed on that one computer, database secure only if the computer is secure
- customer responsible for backing up their database
-upgrades would need to be purchased when next version is available
Our developers tried to make Paper Tiger Online as close to the desktop version as possible, so that the look and feel wouldn’t be too much of a difference for our current users that wanted an online version.
In addition, the most prevalent features we have added to Paper Tiger Online are:
-accessible from any computer with an Internet connection, including Macs and devices such as iPad, iPhone, etc. (not tied to one computer and no installation)
-Because Paper Tiger Online is accessible from any computer with an Internet access, clients can find or file from anywhere.
-search result highlights the searched word
-ability to choose multiple items to either toss or edit the Action Date
-ability to create a new item in a selected item number
-dashboard shows a running log of changes/activity the user had made to their database
-we will be able to provide enhancements to the online version as they become available that are not possible with the current desktop version
-we automatically backup the databases every night on our secure servers hosted by Amazon Web Services
Q: If we have desktop version, can we upgrade to online version. What is the cost?
A: Yes, You can switch to the online version if you wish by purchasing a Pro account or one of the multi-user plans, which will be able to import your desktop version database. You can view current prices on our Pricing webpage.
If you are prospective new parents in the adoption process, you are facing a daunting amount of paperwork at every stage of the process, and now is the time to get ready, especially if you are adopting a child from a foreign country. You will need to keep copies of the forms you fill out for your home-study agency, your placement agency and your child’s immigration application. There are documents that are needed for your health, both mental and physical, your finances and personal history. That is just the initial screening; the closer you get to the actual adoption, the more papers you will need to fill out. The more papers that you have on hand, the more you will need a paper filing system, like Paper Tiger Filing System Software for Document Management, to deal with them.
There will be additional documents that you will have to keep on hand for the child as well, including the child’s health records and other documents. Once you get to that next stage, you will be keeping track of travel plans and arrangements, and eventually immigration documents, post placement visits and reports. Everything that you need to keep will need to be kept organized and accessible in the document management system.
In some adoptions, you will be asked to be ready to travel at almost a moment’s notice and you will still need to have all of these papers in order. That being said, there has to be a way to keep all of these critical documents from becoming a confusing mess of papers that have no rhyme or reason. That is where a professional filing system software comes into play.
You might have heard about paperless filing systems that have you scanning everything and then storing it in some little folding pseudo desk, but you can’t scan everything you have. You can’t scan your travel papers like passports and other items and then file the rest away. You might have baby books or other items that were kept for an older child, and those things cannot be scanned and then stored away. That is why the filing system software is the far better answer. It is not a paperless system. It is not one where you scan things and then get rid of them. It is a far better system for far more than just paper.
Here is how Paper Tiger Filing System Software for Document Management works. You file your papers and/or your other physical objects, including the things that you could never have scanned or filed with the other systems. Using item names, along with keywords, the filing system software assigns numbers and locations to index each item. When you need a document, you conduct a search from the filing system software database, and you will know exactly which file that document can be found in. As you update or purge files in your cabinets, you would be able to update the database as well to track where the files are moved to physically.
Every piece of paper that is generated by your adoption process is important. Don’t run the risk of losing anything that will turn out to be vitally important or sentimentally precious in the coming months or years. Don’t trust your important documents to a haphazard filing system when you can use Paper Tiger Filing System Software for Document Management, a professional and organized system that makes sure that everything is where it needs to be with a little help from you.
In this webinar, we conducted basic getting started with Paper Tiger Online functions, such as describing the Dashboard and what is shown there, creating a Database, creating a Location, creating Items, printing labels for your items.
Then Anne McGurty, productivity expert of Strategize and Organize, continues by demonstrating the following:
-How to organize things other than paper files
-How to index items other than paper files, such as CDs and other bulky items
-How to use Categories
-Filing items from her inbox
-Searching items, then editing
-How to Transfer to Move an Item, with an explanation of why and how to use Confirmation
-How to use the Cleanout Report and benefits
-Reminders and Reminders Horizon
-Adding a Location for virtual items, such as your Ideas (thoughts, things to do, vacation spots to check out, find a recipe, etc), then Toss an item when it is no longer valid.
As information, Anne is a professional speaker, productivity expert, and author. If you want to learn more about Anne and her services, please visit her website at She may be in Colorado, but she’s nationally recognized as an expert and works with people throughout the US in person and virtually. You can contact Anne at or by phone at 303 881-0174.
See more information here on Paper Tiger Filing System Software for Document Management
Q: What is the best use of “category”? I don’t use it now — is it helpful to use?
A: Categories are best described in our knowledge base article entitled What are Categories?, and is basically is dependent on how you want to file your items and how you think. For some people using Paper Tiger’s indexing method, using Categories are helpful to be able to select a category when they want to get a view of where all of their HR files are or where all of their Tax or Financial files are.
In the example that Anne uses in this webinar, she has a music CD by Van Morrison and she also has a document with the lyrics from one of the songs by the same artist. She could have used the Category of ‘Music’ for both of these. The CD and the document would be in 2 different physical locations, but you could choose the Music category and Paper Tiger would show you all items in the Music category, as shown in the screen shot below:
Q: Why put “music” in the item name rather than in the category?
A: In this case, we were simply inputting an item name, no real logic, and definitely could add a Category of Music in this instance.
Q: What is the “notes” section used for? (the column called “Notes” next to “category”)
A: You can use the Notes section for any addition notes that you do not want to be mixed with the Keywords section, i.e., next action to be taken on this item, physical location, who borrowed a book or other item, who pulled the filed last, etc.
Q: Can that confirmation page be printed?
A: For items that you have required confirmation before the transfer completes, you can print a Transfer report from the Reports function.
Q: Why use “MC” instead of “Media Cabinet” as the name? Is there an advantage to the abbreviation?
A: In this instance, Anne used MC instead of Media Cabinet so that the smallest label could be chosen and the entire label would not be taken with the Location name.
Q: What would be best practices for tracking inventory that changes fairly frequently? Better to use item name for item – rivets and then document quantity and description in notes or key words. I have one drawer with all my rivets in.
A: Yes, Probably best would be to use what the item is for the Item Name in Paper Tiger. Then use the Keywords section for description and quantity. Notes section might be used for when and how much to order.
Q: So you are tracking just random things on your desk that need to be tasks? Then when you’re done, what do you do with it? Move to a file location? If you throw it away because it is done, do you just delete and then that number #2 is used forever?
A: You can index anything with Paper Tiger that you can put a number onto. Filing from your inbox is just one example of what can be tracked with Paper Tiger. In your example here, I believe you are asking about Action files, so when you are done with the action or task, you can move it to a reference file or other named location in Paper Tiger or you can toss it. Then the item number will be empty until you file a new item in this location. When you file a new item in that location, Paper Tiger will choose the first available open item, which in this case would be Item Number 2.
Q: Clearing out old files from the system
A: Anne describes how to use the Cleanout Report to assist us in clearing out old files. Then using the Transfer function to either move them to Archives or using the Toss function to delete the items from the database. Also see our knowledge base article entitled What happens to Items in the Trash?
Q: How to move/merge effectively, such as consolidating files into boxes.
A: Transferring files are best described in our knowledge base articles What is a move transfer? and What is a merge transfer?
In your example for consolidating files into boxes, for instance, you might name your boxes ‘Archives’ Location.
-You would Transfer the items from the original location to Archives in Paper Tiger, require Confirmation
-Then print a Transfer report to check off each item as you physically move them to the box.
-Then confirm the Transfers in the Confirm box in Paper Tiger.
-Tape the Transfer report to the box along with the Item numbers of the items you have just archived.
Q: Paper Tiger could probably be used for folders on the computer too.
A: Yes, absolutely, Paper Tiger will work to organize electronic files by treating your electronic or scanned documents as if they were paper.
Q: Where do you get the reminder? Do you need to login in Paper Tiger in order to get the reminder?
A: You do need to log into Paper Tiger and select a Database in order to get the reminder. Reminders show up in the top of the page as banners as seen in the screen shot below:
Q: Is the description the keywords or search words?
A: The description of a Location is simply describing what the Location is being used for and what type of items will be indexed in the respective Location. You can also input where the items are physically located in the description. The search function of Paper Tiger does not search the wording in the Location Description section.
The Search function searches wording input in the Item Name, Keywords, and Notes sections.
Q: How safe is using the Paper Tiger Online?
A: Our servers at Amazon Web Services are in a highly secure environment that prevents physical access, there is complete redundancy and your data is professionally maintained and backed up. Our network is protected by a state-of-the-art firewall. In addition, even our free accounts provide SSL security (data encryption) to ensure your data gets to and from our servers safely. We ensure that your data is safe with nightly data backups within our data centers.
Q: Can you put a url in the notes section that will execute?
A: You can input a url, but it will not execute or link to the web address.
Q: How to use Paper Tiger to track mental processes, i.e., ideas.
A: Create a new Location for Ideas as shown in the screen shot above. Then your Item Names would be your idea, i.e., ‘vacation spots’, ‘find recipe’, ‘to do’, ‘uses for Paper Tiger’, etc.
Q: How to keep work and home organized, but not together?
A: This would be an example of why you would want separate databases. In this case, you would want to create a Database for ‘Office’ and a Database for ‘Home’. When you want to search for something in your home, you would select the Home Database and search results would only come from this database.
Q: How to create databases for CD’s and movies
A: If you do not want search results for your CD’s and movies from your Home Database, you could create a separate database for these items.
Having different databases is only advantageous if you want to keep different filing systems separate and do not want to search for all files in all databases at one time. For example, if you have an Office database and a Home database, you do not want items to pop up from your Office database when conducting a search for an item in your Home database. Paper Tiger does not search across the different databases.
You will seldom come across an organization that has more filing work required than a government organization. There are tremendous amounts of paperwork generated in government agencies and these documents can simply overwhelm you if you do not file them properly. Alphabetizing and filing these papers can be extremely time consuming and very frustrating. Paper Tiger Filing System software for document management will not only save time, but it will help maintain a decluttered environment and impeccable office management. Filing systems can similarly benefit schools and professionals, as well as consultants. Both schools and professionals generate a fair amount of paperwork, and keeping track of it can be really exhausting.
In addition, with this amount of paper files, it would be also be extremely difficult and time consuming to move to a paperless office. Document scanning can take more time and energy than your staff has to expend.
Government Agencies
Government agencies deal with things on a very large scale. There are thousands of names in thousands of different folders and each of these papers is extremely important. Imagine misplacing a file in a sea of thousands of such files. Searching through thousands of files for a single sheet of paper can be like searching for a needle in a haystack, but not if you have an efficient filing system in place. Indexing paper files in filing system software can simply help you search through your files with just a few keystrokes on your computer keyboard. Sitting right at your desk, you can find out where you have placed a particular document, so that you do not have to waste time searching for it.
Schools generate a lot of documentation as well. There are a lot of paper files, books, stationery and test papers that are filed in various filing cabinets. The administrative reports of the school, documents of each of the students, time tables, teachers’ records – the list is never ending. With the help of filing system software, a school can get organized. Teachers can concentrate on doing their job, teaching students, without having to worry about where they placed documents.
Professionals and Consultants
Even professionals who work with a small staff need a filing system as much as a government agency does. There are a large number of items that need to get organized in the offices of professionals. If you have file management software, you can index all your files. You will not only be able to key in the titles of these files and documents, but can also associate keywords with them. This makes finding your documents or your office supplies a lot easier.
An Indexing System to Help You Get Organized
It is estimated that the average businessperson wastes 150 hours per year looking for lost information. With the help of Paper Tiger Filing System software for document management, an efficient document management system that doesn’t require scanning, implementing and maintaining your filing system into this software can help you get organized and will go a long way in office and time management as well.
Paper Tiger is an indexing system for your physical files that has a very powerful and easy-to-use search engine built in so that lost information is virtually eliminated in your office. You would simply input the information into the database relating to your physical files.
Keep your paper in its original form (again, you do not have to scan it) and use the power of the computer to quickly and easily find the information when you need it. You get all of the best things from the computer but do not have the problems of using a scanner. Paper Tiger can index anything! Some things just can’t be scanned, i.e., contracts, binders, books, CDs, DVDs, etc. That cannot be done with systems that require scanning into an electronic file.
For paper filing, you would first set up all hanging file folders in your file cabinets at one time using the numbered tabs that you print out from the software and they never change. You input information relating to each document in the database’s digital file location. You can give the document any name you want without any worry about finding it later. This is because the system will allow you to tag keywords that describe all documents that you put in your hanging file folders. For documents that you want to add to the same file, simply edit the Item and add additional keywords necessary for the new document(s).
Because the hanging file folders are already setup and waiting for your information, you eliminate the time-consuming hassle of having to find and create a file folder each time you want to file something.
When you’ve converted your files to Paper Tiger, and you need to find a file, you simply conduct a google-like search in the database to find where your file is located.
Please view our videos on our Why Paper Tiger page, which may help you understand better.
Office Meltdown
In today’s business environment, your staff (or you individually) must be very productive and not waste time on such things as looking for files. Disorganization is a major cause of stress in offices. Being really organized and streamlined is no longer an option, but rather a requirement for business survival. In addition, if you have staff turnover and lose your administrator – who would really know how everything is filed?
Imagine that you are a busy executive with an office staff of around twenty people. Of those, three people are in total control of the entire filing system, handling all of the paper that comes in and out of the office. These three people all work well as a team, but there are some issues with others in the office. Interoffice politics are starting to come into play. One of the three people has decided that she is not appreciated and she leaves without any kind of warning. There are now only two people who are handling the filing system for the office.
One week later, one of the remaining two people announces that she has a family emergency to take care of and goes out on an immediate and potentially long-term leave. The remaining person is given one person to train, which means that while there were once three people doing this job, there is now only one; and in addition, she gets the extra work of training someone.
This is where Paper Tiger Filing System Software for Document Management comes in. This filing system would not leave you relying on just one person or even a team of people for your filing or retrieval needs. Everyone can have access to the same database of indexed files from anywhere that they have internet service. Working with this type of office filing system means that you can have access to all of the “papers” (including books, contracts and other items that may be more difficult to deal with because Paper Tiger does not require scanning) and files that you need and that you can give all of your team members the same advantage as well. You can access the database and know exactly where the item you are looking for is located.
People are not the only cause of filing system break downs, though. Duplicating files is common when you’re not indexing your paper files in filing system software. People in an office environment can file things in very different ways. Actually, the same person can file things in a different way on different days – depending on how they are thinking and feeling that day.
Also the more you have to shuffle through your hanging folders, the more likely there will be to have some damage to those files that will require replacement, therefore costing additional expense. Instead of doing the dig and shuffle, you will know exactly where your item is with a simple Google-like search in the software’s database.
You can save as much as 150 hours of time each year, and that alone should be worth the consideration. Every minute that you save can be as much as a dollar earned by you, so always do whatever you can to get organized and declutter and prevent office disasters. Your office will be less stressful, and so much more productive.
By using Paper Tiger Filing System Software for Document Management, your business will have an index of all your paper document resources, just like you have a chart of accounts for your accounting. This will allow you and your staff to focus your time on more productive efforts and greatly reduce stress in the office!
Many companies are starting to realize what a huge savings telecommuting can be and that means more people are going to be starting their own home office. Those people are going to seek out home office organization tips either from the beginning because they want to start right, or they are going to start looking for these tips after they find themselves falling behind in their work because they have to keep stopping to find things or because they just cannot keep track of things that need to be done.
In any office environment, it is estimated that people spend 150 hours per year looking for lost information.
Home office organization is vital because number one, it is still a place of business, where you do your job. You still want to be professional and capable. For many people, the home office may be combined with another room in the home and they would like to keep the mess and clutter to a bare minimum. There is a delicate balance that has to be struck between the home and the office in the home office, no matter how much actual room you have to work with.
The major obstacle to getting and keeping home office organization, as well as for the home itself, is paper. From the time we open our doors to our home office or small business or even just to the home where we live, paper tries to get a foothold, wanting to get in and keep us buried under stacks of paper and clutter.
There are a number of steps you can take for yourself, but if you have already started to lose the paper battle, you might need to call in a professional organizer to get the paper and other clutter under control. The first step is to get rid of the junk mail before it even comes in the door. It is easier to keep control of paper if you minimize it. Eliminate the bulk by getting your name removed from junk mailing lists and be very careful about ordering from catalogs. Before you think that you are perfectly safe because you are ordering online only, consider this: Bulk mailers are culling names from online customers as well. Make sure that you confirm that the company you are ordering from does not sell information. Sign up for the Do Not Mail list here:
Also as much as possible, you can sign up for digital statements to cut down on the paper entering your home.
Make Home Office Organization Your Top Priority With Paper Tiger Filing System Software
Another tip to consider is Paper Tiger Filing System software for document management, which allows you to organize everything, not just your paper files. Because you do not need to scan anything to use the software system, there is no limitation to what can be indexed into the software’s database, including books and other bulky items. Everything is put into place and then its location is noted by a numbering index system that never changes and never moves. The filing system database works like a search engine for paper files to help you get organized and stay organized. Whether you are using it for home or for a small business, it is easy to use and to learn and virtually impossible to mess up at all.
For example, if you never remember the name of the gas company, simply file it under Gas. If you use the filing system software, you will also be able to add keywords into the database so that any name you think of when you need to find a file, the software will be able to tell you where it is in seconds. So in this case, the Item Name would be “Gas Company”, and in the keywords section, you would input the name of the company, i.e., “Bob’s Natural Gas”, the address, the service person’s name, address, phone number, etc., and you might use “Utilities” in the Category section.
You print out the tabs right from the software system for each ‘Location’ and then use the numbers to correspond to files and locations in which you enter into the software’s database. You can find every item then by accessing the database from any computer or smart phone with internet access, even when you are out and on the go.
Deciding What To Do With Your Paper Files
Take time each day to make a decision on what needs to be done with the paper items or email or any other actionable item that comes through your office. (what to keep and file, what needs action before filing, what can be thrown away, shredded or recycled)
For actionable items, place a note on the paper file for the next action to be taken by what deadline, and any steps that need to be taken before the deadline. This will help you get and stay on track to ensure the deadline is met.
This should be a great start to getting your home office organized. Of course, you can use these simple steps to get organized in your company’s office as well. Get started today with Paper Tiger Filing System software for document management!
This article by Stephanie Calahan, of Calahan Solutions and a Paper Tiger Expert provides a sure-fire decision ‘system’ in making decisions about dealing with the mountain of paper files that come through your office or home. Stephanie recognizes, as we do, that different people need different tools to help with their daily lives. She helps implement Paper Tiger Document Management Software and Filing System, which she recommends based on her clients’ needs and the way that they work. She understands that every person is different and requires systems that work for them.
So, do you experience this….
You walk into your office and you say to yourself, “Today is the day!” You are excited and you say, “I am going to get this place organized and I’m not leaving until it is done!”
Then… you pick up the first piece of paper, look at it, say, “Hmm, well… I’ll look at that later.” and you put it down. You pick up the second piece of paper, look at it, say, “Oh good grief!” and you put it down. The next thing you know, everything from the right side of your office has been moved to the left side of your office and you are tired and call it quits.
Paper can be overwhelming, but it does not have to be! I have worked with a number of people that think that they will never be able to get through their piles. Fortunately, it was not as horrible as they thought! They were able to get through their piles by changing the way that they looked at the piles.
Clutter represents decisions that you are putting off! So, why do we do that? Well, part of the reason is that when we pick up a piece of paper, we try to make too many decisions at once.
What is this? Where does it go? Do I have a file for this?
Where did I put the file tabs? And the list goes on…
Then we default to – keep it.
Then, we give up and make no decision.
Instead, use the D.A.R.T. system and you’ll hit your target every time. Download Stephanie’s DART System
The D in DART is for Decision. You have to make a decision about the items in the piles that you have.
The A in DART is for Action. There are different types of action, but no system works unless you ACT!
The R in DART is for Reference. We all have items that we keep for reference. There are specific tools that you use to keep those items where you can remember them. (see the DART system download above for more on that.)
The T in DART is for Toss. Now, toss does not necessarily mean throw away. I can mean recycle, shred, sell, does not belong in this room, etc…
8 Questions to Use as You are Making Your Decisions
Here are some questions you can ask yourself to make the decision process process easier:
Does it require any action by me/us?
If an item requires action (a phone call to make, a report to write, a bill to pay, an outfit that requires altering) then it is an “ACT.” Keep everything that requires action in one location, so that when you have time, you will be able to go through and check the items off of the list! This is the A in DART — for action.
For a detailed look at how that might work for you, check out the video I did on YouTube a while back – Creating an Action Filing System for the Way You Work.
Are there tax or legal implications?
Have you talked to your council about the information you keep and how long you keep it? If not, you might want to consider doing so. Each industry has different documents that should be retained as does residential paperwork. If you answer “yes” put in your Reference system; if not Toss.
Is it recent enough to be useful?
Is the address book that has not been updated in 3 years really current? Just like food has an expiration date so do the things in your life. If you are keeping things that are no longer current, you are not allowing yourself the space for new and better things to start. If you answer “yes” put in your Reference system; if not Toss.
Is it difficult to obtain again?
Birth certificates, legal documentation, marriage licenses, company incorporation papers, the list goes on and on. If there are items that are difficult to find or obtain again, you may want to consider keeping the item in a container designated for that type of item. If you answer “yes” put in your Reference system; if not Toss.
Is it beautiful, useful or loved?
Are you keeping something that you think is hideous because it was a gift to you from someone special? Don’t. Only surround yourself with things that bring you joy. Most likely, the person that gave you the gift would not want you to keep it if they knew you did not like it. If you answer “yes” put in your Reference system; if not Toss.
Can I identify specific use?
Do you keep things because you might “need them someday?” That is fine if you #1, have the space to keep the items and #2 know what you are going to do with the item. If you are keeping something for the express purpose of keeping it, consider that item a little harder. If you answer “yes” put in your Reference system; if not Toss.
Does it reflect the person I was or the person I am now?
Are you keeping things that were important to you in the past, but really do not have the same meaning anymore? Does your space reflect who you are or who you were? Get rid of things that no longer hold meaning for you. If you answer “am” put in your Reference system; if “was” then Toss.
What is the worst possible thing that could happen if I get rid of this?
This one is one of my favorite questions! If you can ask yourself this question and find that you can live with the answer, then it can make it easier to let go.
Let me know how these questions work for you. Do you have questions that work for you that are not listed above? Tell me those too! Just comment below in the comment box or connect with me on one of my networking sites!
About the Author:
Stephanie Calahan is The Business Vision Catalyst and founder of Calahan Solutions, Inc. She works with purpose-driven entrepreneurs, visionaries, coaches, consultants, health practitioners, authors, speakers and all sorts of remarkable service professionals who are experts in their field, to help them embrace their brilliance, leverage their business and get their message out with power, ease and joy; so that they can make a powerfully positive difference in the world, exponentially grow their income and enjoy a highly-successful and meaningful business… while working less. Learn how you can have more freedom in your life!
This article by Denise Landers, founder and CEO of Key Organization Systems Inc. and Paper Tiger Expert, discusses 5 easy steps to help you meet deadlines; and 3 of the 5 are directly related to getting organized and how important getting organized is in getting things done and on time. Paper Tiger Filing System software for document management is a great tool to use to ‘clear the decks’ and ‘know exactly what you are working on’ to ‘get organized’ because you can index all your files from your office, and make notes for actions that need to be taken to get the job done, in your Paper Tiger database to help you keep on task.
It is tough to work under the gun, but it’s something we all need to do from time to time, either because we put a project off until the last minute, or because we had a heavy dose of work dumped on our heads.
Regardless of the cause, however, developing the skill to meet tight deadlines can do big things for your career – managers and executives love employees who can finish work on time, and team members who can organize and execute quickly usually rise to the top.
With that in mind, here are five tips to doing great work on a tight deadline:
How do you know when being perfect is too perfect? Since learning to finish projects and then letting go can help you achieve so much more than obsessing over details, here are a few tips for learning when to wrap it up and move on:
Don’t give up perfectionism altogether. Of course, there are going to be some parts of your life where a perfectionist streak is a good thing. For example, if you are a cardiologist, most of your patients would probably approve of you trying to get things just right. But, it is important that you figure out which parts of your personal and professional life require 100% accuracy, and which areas simply need to be finished on time. Learning to tell the difference is perhaps the most important thing you can do for your productivity.
Denise Landers is the author of Destination: Organization, A Week by Week Journey and the owner of Key Organization Systems, Inc. As a national speaker, trainer, consultant, and writer she provides clients and audiences with the time management training tools and techniques that improve daily work flow and increase productivity.
Corporate Training: workshops and consulting to increase daily work flow and reduce stress
Individual Assistance: our onsite and virtual office organizing to bring about changes quickly
On Your Own: books and CDs to work at your own pace