Paper Tiger Blog


The Paper Tiger Blog contains great ideas on better ways to stay organized, clear your desk, reduce stress and spend less time managing information.

What Does Your Stuff (Clutter) Say About You?

This article by Sherry Borsheim, a Paper Tiger Expert of Simply Productive, gives us some great questions to ask ourselves about how the ‘stuff’ in our lives affect us and others, emotionally, health-wise, financially, and in time (productivity)!  How much does your stuff or clutter cost you?  Check out Sherry’s Organizing Bootcamps will give you a JUMP-START on ORGANIZING your office, home and life. She will give you her trade secrets and steps to setting up your organizing systems, including recommending Paper Tiger filing system software for document management, to be organized and manage the paper files that you need to keep in hard copy format and other physical stuff in your life.

Simply Productive

Have you noticed all the fancy new storage facilities that have been going up in your area over the last few years?  I sure have and I’m not surprised when I think of all the stuff people have accumulated over the years with quick fixes and disposable gadgets.  In fact, storage is a fifteen billion dollar industry and retail stores are carrying more organizing products than ever before.  With the state of the economy, people are thinking twice about their purchases, getting back to basics and asking themselves, what’s important in their life?  Do they really need all this stuff?

People’s stuff says a lot about them.  Their stuff is a reflection of what’s going on inside of them emotionally.  I often say a “cluttered mind is a cluttered space.” They have unresolved issues that they’re not dealing with and so things pile up and they say “I’ll get to it someday” or “I’ll deal with it later.”  What happens when things are left for later is, things pile up and over time it can become such a big pile that they don’t know where to begin. Now the feeling of overwhelm sets in and they abandon the project all together.  I’m sure we’ve all been there.

Emotional Clutter

For some, their identity is wrapped up in their stuff and they tend to live in the past.  Their stuff can make them tired, lethargic and a tendency to procrastinate.  For others, they haven’t developed good habits and put things randomly wherever or on the first available flat surface.  Often times they are late for appointments because they couldn’t find their car keys or meeting notes.  And for others, their stuff affects their finances.  Simply put, their stuff runs their life!

When people’s stuff affects their quality of life and/or the lives of others, you know their stuff is problematic.  Sometimes they value their stuff more than they value their relationships and I’ve seen this.  This is a big warning sign to stop what they’re doing and re-evaluate what’s important to them.

Another kind of emotional clutter is unfinished projects.  Honestly ask yourself:

  • ”How many unfinished projects do you have lurking in your office and in your home?”
  • “Are you too embarrassed to have people come into your office or home?”
  • “Do you have photos to print, piles of reading material you want to read, magazines with great articles you want to refer to, business cards with leads to follow-up on, receipts everywhere, a broken file drawer that needs fixing, errands to do, need to get your car in for service and so on?”

Put Pen to Paper

I’d invite you to take out a piece of paper or use your computer to list every single unfinished project that comes to mind.  It may take you a couple of days to do this exercise.  Also, as you write down your list of unfinished projects, you may feel like the mountain is just too big to tackle and your stress levels may rise?   I’ll let you in on a little secret, you’re not alone and there’s help.

Unfinished projects slow a person down and often their life is in stuck mode.  When they’re stuck, they tend to live in the past and often miss out on the new opportunities that could come their way if they just created the space to allow it to come to them.  Purging the stuff is a necessary step.

Organizing Rules to Live By

  1. Only keep what you love and use
  2. Apply the 80/20 rule to your stuff - A general rule to follow is 80% of the time we use 20% of our favorite things.  So what are the 20% of the projects that are going to give you 80% results?

After you’ve completed your list of unfinished projects, use your highlighter to highlight only the projects that are in line with your vision for this year and enhance your life in a positive way.  Think of quadrant two type activities like relationships, planning and preparation – stuff that’s important and not urgent.  Next schedule time to complete these important and not urgent projects.  Also take into consideration what your goals are for this year and make sure that these projects are worth your time and effort.  As you finish these projects, the heavy weight you may have been feeling will begin to feel lighter and then watch your energy soar!  You’ll also feel a renewed peace of mind that things are handled and nothing is slipping through the cracks.

The Real Cost of Your Stuff

When a space is filled with too much stuff it causes the person to be distracted and unfocused. Drilling down to the real reason the piles are there is critical to uncovering why you do what you do.  Sometimes it’s just a simple little thing as creating a folder for a new project or jotting a reminder into your calendar or using a Velcro dot on a pen so it is where you need it every time.  Really, it can be that simple!  Here are a few key questions to ask yourself:

  • What does the distraction cost you on a daily basis in time?
  • In lost revenue?
  • In relationships?
  • Your health?
  • What is your stuff costing you financially?
  • What don’t you have time for?
  • What is getting in the way of you living your passion?

Take a few moments right now to add up the costs of your stuff.  Remember to fact in any insurance costs, storing costs, cleaning costs, space allocation costs, and cost to containing your stuff.  Then there’s the time you spend maintaining your stuff.  Take a moment to access what your stuff is costing you and write that down on a piece of paper or in your computer.  “My stuff is costing me this much in wasted time, in storing costs, in maintenance, and so on.”

Too Much Stuff Affects Your Health

Stuff can also affect someone’s health because the piles of stuff collect dust and grime and if it’s not cleaned regularly the room becomes dusty and musty.  What’s the next action step you’re going to take to make your office or room more inspiring?  Are you going to paint the walls, get rid of all the paper and magazines you rarely refer to, buy a shredder, or hang inspiring artwork?  Write down the first action step you are going to take to get rid of the dust and make your space more inspiring?

What’s Cluttering Your Calendar?

What commitments have you made that you said yes to when you really wanted to say no?  Do you have a tendency to please everyone and say yes a lot?   Learn to set boundaries around your time.  Get clear on your values and what’s important to you.  Make sure you schedule the important stuff first, like relationships, time for yourself to exercise and getting enough sleep.  Then fill in the rest of your life.  At the end of the day, for the majority of people, relationships are most important.

What Do You Want to Change?

These questions haven’t been easy, but they are important questions to consider.  Now is the perfect time to reflect where you are right now and access what’s working, what’s not working and what do you want to do differently moving forward?  The next action step that you take now, could be the most important step you take that leads to a whole new level of productivity and peace of mind.  Being organized in your office, home and life is a beautiful thing!

If your stuff has side-tracked you, all there is to do is get back on track.  So, take time to answer these questions and then take action.  When we leave this place, and we all eventually will, you won’t be taking your stuff with you.  All your precious stuff will remain exactly where you left it.  So do yourself a favour and those you love and get rid of all the unimportant stuff.  It will save your loved ones a lot of time and money down the road!  And remember, to enjoy the process…there is hope, life and light at the end of the organizing journey!


Example of what people are saying about Sherry:

We used to waste a lot of time searching for documents. Now, we can search and retrieve documents quickly. We got rid of the clutter and created a lot of physical space and a more pleasant and positive working space. Having an organized office space is liberating! It has helped us operate more efficiently and save at least an hour a day. The organizing journey was surprisingly easy and fun. Thanks to Sherry for helping us Conquer our Chaos!

Melanie Lam, Administrative Assistant
Administrative and Professional Staff Association
Simon Fraser University


Sherry Borsheim is the president of Simply Productive. You can visit Sherry, access her free article archive and grab lots of free stuff at Sherry lives in Vancouver, BC Canada with her husband (her high-school sweetheart).

Sherry’s mission is to inspire people to unclutter their offices, homes and lives for peace of mind. She believes that when businesses are uncluttered and organizing systems and processes are in place, businesses run smoother and they are more profitable. She helps businesses streamline their workflow and empower new behaviours and levels of success professionally and personally; and helps you grow your bottom line!

For more information on Sherry Borsheim and her educational products and services for organization and increased productivity, go to

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2 Responses to “What Does Your Stuff (Clutter) Say About You?”

  1. jillcure7 says:

    I have read 5 different articles now about how negative a thing clutter is. I was hoping somewhere to find an article that indicated clutter was a sign of brilliance. Not only does my mess say that I’m emotionally unstable, it also indicates that I am self deceived… Bummer!

  2. Janet Baker says:

    You are not alone! Most of us struggle with clutter, and hopefully articles of this type are helpful so that we can see what the problem is, and then what to do to make our lives better! Keep trying! thank you, Janet

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