Paper Tiger Blog


The Paper Tiger Blog contains great ideas on better ways to stay organized, clear your desk, reduce stress and spend less time managing information.

Simplify Your Company Filing System

Have you ever been in the situation that you needed to find an important document and you know you had put it in a certain place or filed it in your filing cabinet, but just when you needed it, the file is no where to be found. You’ve searched your filing cabinet under different file names that it could be filed under and you’ve searched through the stacks on your desk and on top of the filing cabinet to no avail.

In this situation, you probably stop and think, if only you had the time to index your paper filing system that your company currently has in place. But just think how much time you would save and how less frustrating you would be if you could find what you need, WHEN you need it!

Having a paper filing system software, like Paper Tiger, is not something that is going to cost a lot of money to set up and maintain. In fact, it can actually help companies save a lot of money, because they are able to save a lot of time since they won’t have to search for files. Often, it can take a lot of time to search for a particular file, especially if the files are not properly organized, and the return on investment will far outweigh the cost and time you initially spend to index your files into Paper Tiger paper filing system software. You will be able to index your paper files and still be able to keep them in hard copy format when you need to, so you will also have almost instant access to each of those files through your computer by simply conducting a Google-like search in the database for whatever keyword you’re thinking of that day to find where your file is located.

Trying to Go Paperless?

If your company is trying to go completely paperless, it is going to be like fighting a losing battle. There are always going to be paper documents in any business. But, you can make a choice to scan each of these documents and put them into a digital filing system, or index them into paper filing software and store the paper files that you want or need to keep in hard copy format. You can go paperless by scanning the documents that you don’t need in hard copy, but you will still have those paper files that is needed in hard copy when and if you need them at a later date.

In addition, Paper Tiger Online will soon be able to connect Digital Tiger to Google Docs which will allow you to search for both your paper files and other physical items that you’ve indexed into Paper Tiger and your digital files that you’ve scanned, uploaded or created in Google Docs! Yes, we recommend Google Docs for your electronic files because it is the least expensive digital cloud storage that you’ll find anywhere. You’ll be able to search for both physical items and scanned or digital files from one search. This will make your time management and productivity even easier to maintain!

Easy to Use Software

One of the things that prevent a lot of people from using many software programs is that they are afraid to use them because of the level of difficulty involved. Many people feel that they are not going to be able to easily use the software provided for certain applications and that by purchasing it they are just going to be wasting their money. Paper Tiger is really user friendly and easy for anyone to use, no matter what their level of computer experience. Not only is this software easy to use, it is also very powerful, so you can organize all of the paper files in your office, and still have room left over to be able to add many new files in the future.

By indexing the paper files that need to be kept in hard copy, you don’t have to spend hours searching through stacks or boxes or filing cabinets just to find one particular file. It has never been easier to keep track of important company documents, and using Paper Tiger Filing System Software for document management is one of the best office management tools to come down the line in a long time.

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