Paper Tiger Blog


The Paper Tiger Blog contains great ideas on better ways to stay organized, clear your desk, reduce stress and spend less time managing information.

Print out a 2nd set of labels for your PT locations

Make your life a little easier, especially when first setting up your files The Paper Tiger way!

You know that we suggest you write the location, either directly on your paper file or on a ‘Post-It’ type sticky note that coincides with your hanging file location, so that when you need to re-file it, you’ll know exactly where it goes.

Why not plan ahead and print out a 2nd set of labels for sticking on ‘Post-It’ type sticky notes instead of having to write out every file location. (I use Avery 8167 or 5160 size labels for this) This way, you can put each file label on a separate sticky note, place each sticky note with the file in the corresponding hanging file location.

The next time you need to retrieve the file, put the sticky note on the file so that when you need to re-file it, you’ll know exactly where it goes; back to it’s home location! Happy Paper Taming!

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