Paper Tiger Blog


The Paper Tiger Blog contains great ideas on better ways to stay organized, clear your desk, reduce stress and spend less time managing information.

Paper Tiger Tracks Inventory for Home Based Business Entrepreneurs

A home based business can be a fun, rewarding and profitable venture. For some people, this may only be a sideline project, while others utilize it as their main source of income. Whatever you choose to do,  keeping your inventory in order is most essential. Nothing is more embarrassing than having to delay or cancel a sale because the merchandise cannot be located. Not only does it make your business look unprofessional, it can end up costing you.

Whether you sell collectible sports memorabilia on eBay, handcrafted jewelry on Etsy, or have your online business through your own website, it is important to come across as professional to your customers. This is what helps you earn new customers and keep them coming back as repeat clients. A huge majority of what helps potential customers decide whether or not to buy from you is your customer feedback and ratings. If you have had issues shipping things to customers in a timely manner because you have trouble locating your inventory, you aren’t likely to earn favorable customer ratings. In order to keep your customer orders moving quickly and efficiently, you should use Paper Tiger Filing System Software to set yourself up for success.

Take Control of Your Home Based Business Inventory

Being a successful entrepreneur means taking your business seriously and keeping your customers satisfied to the best of your ability. Plenty of people have made the choice to sell things online through Amazon, eBay, Etsy or their own online storefront. Nothing is more exciting than when those orders start rolling in. Unfortunately, nothing is more frustrating than realizing you cannot recall where you stored that particular item.

Most home based business entrepreneurs keep bins of inventory in their garage, attic, basement or even at a rented storage unit off their own property. It can be next to impossible to recall which location a particular item may be in, or even which bin you may find the item in, if you can’t narrow down where it may be. This is not only frustrating, but very time-consuming when you have to search through several boxes or locations for an item. Paper Tiger can change all of that.

How Indexing with Paper Tiger Works

To use Paper Tiger, all you need is some sort of storage containers or boxes that can be numbered; it is as easy as that. If you have box  #1 filled with handmade jewelry, you can list in your database all the bracelets and necklaces, and alternate search terms that could be related to the items, and then also make note of where that bin will be located. When you sell a set of earrings, any of these keywords should help you figure out what box they are in and where the box is located.

Another example would be, if you have a stamp collection, you could index them in Paper Tiger and note which page each stamp is on. Such as, in your Paper Tiger database, you might have a Location named Stamp Collection. In this Location, each Item Name would relate to a page in your stamp collection book.

Item Name = Page 1, then in the keywords section, list all stamp names and relating information to each. Then you’d just number each page in your stamp collection book.

Whatever your items, indexing in Paper Tiger saves time and could even help save sales you would lose otherwise if you can’t find an item. Make your home based business that much more successful by managing your inventory with Paper Tiger Filing Software.

Good organization paired with Paper Tiger Filing System Software is more than for just your business. Carry this over into your office or personal home space also. For example, keep your paper files and your office supplies indexed in this manner and you will never again have that frustrating and frantic search for the file that you need to reference, or have to search where you have extra pens or printer paper. Set yourself up to be organized in every aspect of your professional and personal life, and you can practically guarantee you will have success in your home based business or any other kind of business.

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2 Responses to “Paper Tiger Tracks Inventory for Home Based Business Entrepreneurs”

  1. Lyn Savage says:

    Wanting to use my paper tiger for two (extra) things…..
    Organizing an Ebay business (the items)


    An Estate (Mom’s) Inventory of items that will be chosen to keep by various family members.

    My question to you thinking you may have this answer is…..

    How can I attach pdf photographs of the items into my Database file at each box number location?

    Thanks so much if you can suggest.


  2. Janet Baker says:

    Paper Tiger does not store digital files, but you can use your Google Drive with your Gmail account to share the pdf photographs of the items. When you upload the photographs to your Google Drive, you can then edit the title name to include some keywords that will help you in your search to connect it with the physical item indexed in your Paper Tiger database.

    Then when you have activated your digital search in Paper Tiger, and search for something, search results will be presented for both the physical item indexed into your Paper Tiger and the digital item that you’ve uploaded to your Google Drive. Here is a knowledge base article that shows what the search results will look like:

    For additional questions, feel free to email us at or phone 866 701-1561, ext 1.
    I’m sorry about your Mom, but best wishes on your inventory. Thanks! Janet

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