Paper Tiger Blog


The Paper Tiger Blog contains great ideas on better ways to stay organized, clear your desk, reduce stress and spend less time managing information.

Paper Tiger Interview with Stephanie Calahan

Productive & Organized - We'll help you find your way.™

Recording of Interview with Stephanie Calahan

Hi I’m Janet Baker, office manager of The Monticello Corporation, makers of Paper Tiger Filing System Software. We have with us today, Stephanie Calahan.

Stephanie is a dynamic entrepreneur, nationally known speaker, author/publisher and productivity organization consultant, and business coach. She works with intelligent, highly motivated, busy entrepreneurs, executives, producers and other time-pressed professionals and understands that every person is unique and requires systems that work for them.

As the founder and CEO of Calahan Solutions, Inc., she and her consultants focus on helping their clients transform from where they are to where they want to be through personal coaching, assessments and services that focus on time, space, information and thoughts.  She frequently delivers presentations and workshops that kick start massive business success through systems and simplification.

Practicing what she preaches, she balances the demands of a business owner with her personal and volunteer schedule by developing systems that work specifically for her family’s needs. As a result, Stephanie has plenty of time for her favorite pastimes: spending time with family and friends, reading, singing, volunteering and photography with her son. Over the years she has had active involvement in national, regional and local professional organizations, and has contributed to her community through volunteer work with numerous organizations.  If you are looking for someone that can help take you to the next level, Stephanie is your business transformation go-to gal.

She says: “You don’t have to do it our way, because we help you find your way!”

Stephanie, welcome! And thank you for interviewing with us today.

Janet, I’m so glad to be here.

Janet: Thank you, thank you.

We have worked with you for quite a while now and greatly admire what you do and especially appreciate you helping clients implement Paper Tiger.

Stephanie: It’s one of my favorites, so I’m excited to talk about it some today.

Janet: Ok, I’m going to get right into the questions that we would like to ask.

What are the problems that the majority of your clients hope to solve when they contact you?


You know, Janet, there are a number of reasons that people contact us.  Some common concerns are inability to focus throughout the day, feeling discombobulated or directionless in their day.  Challenges actually getting things done – the to-dos seem to be transferred from one day to the next. Bouncing from task to partial task. Working so fast and so much that they are not sure that they are focusing on their priorities or maybe they’re not sure what their current priorities are.  Some of them getting home too late and not spending time with their family as much as they would like.  No ‘me’ time.  Generally feeling unproductive and that the day was not effective as they would like and so they may even go to sleep and sleep poorly because of focusing on what is not done.

Just this week, I started working with a new client who hired us for our enhanced office miracle service, which is a combination of coaching and implementation.  During that appointment, I asked him to share what was frustrating him most about his current situation. I thought I’d share a little about what he wrote because I really think it answers that question you were asking:

“Loss of thought – that spinning my wheels feeling.  Having to search for things for what seems like endless amounts of time only to find it sitting in front of me in a pile on my desk.  I have no time to get organized even though I know I work better when I am organized.  Everything is completed at the last minute and I don’t like it.  My lack of processes or systems or just plain organization is causing me credibility issues.”

I find it interesting that he wrote all of those things in a very short paragraph when we were initially beginning to work and the #1 reason people call us is because they are tired of searching for lost papers and lost items and that searching ends up equaling lost opportunities and lost money.

Janet: Absolutely, and that customer really summed it up, didn’t he?

Stephanie: Yeah I think he did!

Janet: What is your favorite thing that Paper Tiger fixes? or your most favorite thing that you or your clients use Paper Tiger for?


Stress relief!  Knowing that I’m not going to loose hours looking for something. Or it will be in the first place I look!  Paper Tiger Online makes it even better because we can identify the location of things no matter where we are. We don’t necessarily have to be in our office anymore. We can access it from all over the place over the world wide web, which makes it fantastic.

Paper Tiger makes my clients better at what they do and ensures that they don’t miss opportunities or money.

Rather than me talking about this, I thought you might like to hear directly from one of my clients, so I asked Joy Duling to contact me a little earlier and share her thoughts.

Recording of JOY and her lost contract.

Joy Duling – Business Owner

My name is Joy Duling.  I am a business strategist and managing director of a professional services firm called A 25 Hour Day in Peoria, Illinois.

My business is about helping people get focused on what they really want and overcome any barriers that are standing in their way.  For many of my clients, one of the biggest barriers they deal with hits them in the face every time they walk in their office.

It’s that feeling of being completely out of control over paper, over electronic mail.  There’s a real price that’s paid when we don’t feel as productive as we could.

I’ve known Stephanie for almost two years now.  It took a moment of sheer desperation before I actually called on her for her professional skills.  It was a contract that had seemed very routine.  I signed it, and sent it off.  But after doing business with the vendor for a while, I found out that they had been significantly overcharging me.

But I couldn’t find the contract that laid out the price that I was supposed to be paying.  So I spent two weeks searching every place for this contract.  I looked in my files under the vendor’s name, under various clients’ names, under key projects that I had performed.

I just couldn’t find it.  That was when I just decided enough was enough and I called on Stephanie.  I think that was where I realized there was a financial cost to my business with the way I was managing my paper and managing my filing system and managing my office.

Stephanie was absolutely fabulous.  She started with and assessment to pinpoint where my systems were breaking down, and she blocked off an entire day to get me back on track.  She called it a miracle and that is exactly what it was.  By the end of the day she had restored my sense of control.  I had a new system to manage both my paper and the electronic files on my computer.  I was absolutely ecstatic!  The real test came when I sat down at my computer and gave the new software a run.  I typed in a few keywords associated with that contract and poof! up the document popped.  Something I had spent two weeks looking for was right there in an instant!

In that moment I knew that I would never be out of control of my office again and I owe it all to Stephanie and Calahan Solutions.


We worked with Joy on a number of different things, but one of her challenges obviously was paper management and so we helped her implement Paper Tiger.

Janet: Wow! that was a great testimony too, not only for you, but for Paper Tiger  as well. Thank you for sharing that.

Stephanie: Sure absolutely!

Janet: Do you find that Paper Tiger is used mainly by the admins in the offices or managers or a mix of the two?


Every organization or business that I have worked in has implemented Paper Tiger a bit differently.  In some environments, the executive team does not touch any of their own paperwork or filing.  Their administrative assistants manage it all, so in those instances, the admins are the primary users of the tool.  But in today’s economic climate, however, that is not always as common anymore.  There are many businesses that I have worked in that don’t have an administrative position on staff!  Each employee does their own administrative work. The structure and focus of the business determines the best way to implement the tool.  Some organizations have the traditional “master file room” while other businesses have their employees maintaining their own files. I’ve really seen a myriad of combinations in who uses the Paper Tiger tool.

Janet: That’s kind of what I expected because like you said in today’s climate, depending on the type of office that’s what would determine who uses it. That’s a great answer!


The size of the organization makes a difference too. Sometimes there may be one administrative assistant that’s supporting an entire organization or an entire business and it also depends on the involvement and type of information that’s being stored in Paper Tiger. For some organizations, they are storing their higher-level information and the employee’s specific information maybe handled in another way, although that is not what I would recommend. The best cases are where people are really managing all their physical information within the tools and they really can find anything in 5 seconds or less.

Janet: Right and it doesn’t limit to just one admin when they have the separate files because if one admin goes away the others will not know unless they are all combined, how to find something from that one admin.

So, Stephanie, I have to ask this, do YOU use Paper Tiger?


Yes!  Unequivocally, yes. I have been a happy user of the Paper Tiger for a number of years.  First, I started with the desktop version and then moved to the network version as my company grew and now I’m happily using Paper Tiger Online.  In fact, not only do I use it at work but I use it at home too and I can tell you I use it for way more than just paper filing. Now I know that we don’t have a lot of time on today’s call to talk about how I specifically use the tool, but listeners, I encourage you to check out the article on the Paper Tiger site that I wrote on the many uses of Paper Tiger. It’s way more than paper and it’s a wonderful tool. I think that it is important to have working knowledge of any system that you help a client to put into place.  So what better way to have that knowledge than to use the tool yourself?!

Janet: Absolutely and that article you wrote for us, we actually made a separate webpage just for that ‘Not Just for Filing Paper.’ I refer to it all the time. I really appreciate that Stephanie.

Tell me, what do your clients have to say when you have helped them get their offices organized versus what they would have been able to do without your help?


Many of the clients that contact us have acknowledged that they would procrastinate on getting a system in place if they did not have someone to help guide them.  In fact, once, when I was working with a client and we were filing his papers we found that he had purchased Paper Tiger twice before at conferences, but had forgotten about it when he got back to the office and the real world took over.  The accumulation of clutter and piles is a direct result of deciding not to decide.  We take obstacles away from our clients by giving them techniques that they can use to easily make decisions. So one thing I absolutely love about Paper Tiger (you asked me about that before but I’ll give you another example) it really is a streamlined tool. There are just the right things built into the tool. There’s not a bunch of the bells & whistles that would make it difficult to learn and so with helping clients implement Paper Tiger, we help them take it one step further in building into their overall system with what they are doing in their environment.

Janet: Right and Paper Tiger is such a paradigm shift from the regular alphabetical filing that I’m sure it is somewhat of an obstacle for some that are not quite ready to take the plunge and kind of overwhelming to transform your files from alphabetical to Paper Tiger, sometimes but for those that are ready, it’s an awesome tool to get implemented.

Stephanie: Well and I’ll say too Janet that I probably have a 50-50 split where that’s concerned. I have some clients that are a little apprehensive about going to that indexing system, going to a numerical system and we can teach them some work-arounds to help them feel more comfortable with that too. There’s always ways to transition into a fully numerical system, but I also have a lot of clients who are apprehensive that say you know what, what I’m doing right now isn’t working, so I might as well try a new strategy that’s been proven.

Absolutely I totally agree with that and Paper Tiger has been proven over and over and over again.

Tell me, how do you implement Paper Tiger in your clients’ offices most effectively?


Well, I can tell you that I have never implemented the Paper Tiger the same way twice!  It goes back to what I was saying earlier.  Each organization is different.  For example, this week, I worked with a small state-funded organization.  They are very limited on staff and have an open door policy.  This means that everyone has access to almost everything.  We put the business multi-user online version into place.  While each person in their office maintains their own files, every user can see each staff member’s PAPER TIGER database.  That way, if someone is out ill, someone else can easily pick up the ball and keep things going.  Contrast that to a business I was working in last month where confidentiality is very important and no one had access to another staff member’s information.  The thing that makes PAPER TIGER fabulous is that it is flexible enough to be implemented in different ways that fit for how the organization functions and how the individual thinks.  When we help a client implement Paper Tiger into their organization it is one part to a larger whole.  Rather than being this stand-alone product, it has the flexibility to be incorporated into how the organization functions.  This makes the learning curve much shorter and sometimes almost non-existent.

Even how we deliver our services varies. So Joy, who you heard from earlier had us physically come over to her office and sometimes sat on the floor and sorted through papers and got everything implemented. We have had clients fly us out to help them physically, however; we work with clients virtually too.  But rather than me talking about it, I asked one of my virtual clients Linda Siniscal to share her experiences with me.

Recording of Linda’s testimony.

Linda Siniscal, CB – Business Owner

Hi my name is Linda Siniscal, and I own Third Hand Secretarial Services. Our company offers administrative and bookkeeping services virtually to clients located around the country so I’m accustomed to working virtually. I connected with Stephanie to help me install Paper Tiger system in my filing system and also was a little bit apprehensive because I was wondering how we were going to do this virtually, but I must say that Stephanie spent quite a bit of time with me walking me through the process sheet by sheet and we sat up the filing system and it’s just been amazing. I open the Paper Tiger system in the morning, if I need to find a paper, I just enter it into the find field and it comes up within seconds and I can find what I’m looking for instead of me hunting through files and trying to find what I was looking for. So I must commend Stephanie on a job well done virtually. It would have been nice for her to come into my office to meet her, but she did an outstanding job and I’m thrilled with the Paper Tiger system.


I wanted to share Linda’s testimony because Linda is somebody who is actually comfortable working virtually because that’s what she does, that’s how she conducts her business, and yet she was still a little apprehensive at first about getting her office systems in place doing it virtually, so I like sharing her story to help people kind of feel that it really is possible.

Because we have so many different ways we can help clients, in order to determine the best approach, we offer our prospective clients a free telephone strategy session where we learn about their challenges and then we make recommendations for next steps. We do not believe in a cookie-cutter approach to systems and organization and we really believe in implementing things that are going to work for the way that you’re going to work and the way that you think. And so that strategy session allows us to strategize with you to figure out the next best approach for where you’re wanting to go with your goals.

Janet: And how long is that phone strategy session?


The phone strategy session usually last somewhere between 20 and 30 minutes. We keep very focused because our goal is to first listen and understand the individual’s or organization’s challenges and then we answer any questions, of course, and then we also go into making a recommendation for next steps.

Janet: Ok to wind down just a little bit, tell us what do you have going on currently?


You know me!  We currently have a number of different collaborative projects going with colleagues in the productivity community and I am really looking forward to this upcoming year!  Right now, we are spending a lot of time fielding calls, coordinating and scheduling my first and second quarter speaking schedule for this coming year. I love what I do and one of the reasons is the variety. Not only do I get to meet some very interesting people and learn about their fields of interest, but about 1/3 of my business is speaking, 1/3 is coaching and 1/3 is consulting and implementation.  For a while, my calendar was so full that I was not taking on new clients, but some of my commitments are coming to a close, so we are also scheduling a number of strategy sessions with people and businesses that are interested in possibly working with us.  The calls do not obligate you to work with me or me to work with you.  It is an opportunity to evaluate the current situation and collectively figure out next steps to get you to where you want to go.  If any of your listeners are interested, they can contact us directly from your site and we’d be happy to schedule the call!

Janet: Awesome, and I will be posting your website and phone number information.


You can reach us at That’s actually my blog and there’s a contact form there, and you can contact our office directly at 309 826-5263. You’ll actually talk to Bruce and let him know that you want a strategy session with Stephanie and he will get it all scheduled for you.

Janet: Good job. Is there anything else you’d like to add before we close?


I’m honored to be invited to do the call with you and value the collaborative approach The Monticello Corporation has taken in working with productivity and organization professionals, Janet. And I wanted your listeners know that you do that. I think that there’s a lot that happens behind the scenes that Monticello does to make sure that they are incorporating the thoughts and ideas of their consumers and one of the things that you do is really collaborate with the professionals that are working with clients that are using Paper Tiger. And it was also fantastic to be able to contribute feedback early in the alpha development process for the online Paper Tiger and I can’t be more excited to be able to offer it to clients now.

Janet: We really appreciate your insight, as well in the online version and of course, we will be asking for that great input in our future enhancements as well so look forward to that.

Stephanie, thanks again for joining us today. I know that you’re insight will be extremely helpful to all and like I said previously, we greatly admire everything that you do from implementing Paper Tiger to your social networking and you mentor so many simply through your social networking and your blog. We appreciate you very much.

Thanks again!

About Stephanie Calahan:

Stephanie Calahan is The Business Vision Catalyst and founder of Calahan Solutions, Inc. She works with purpose-driven entrepreneurs, visionaries, coaches, consultants, health practitioners, authors, speakers and all sorts of remarkable service professionals who are experts in their field, to help them embrace their brilliance, leverage their business and get their message out with power, ease and joy; so that they can make a powerfully positive difference in the world, exponentially grow their income and enjoy a highly-successful and meaningful business… while working less. Learn how you can have more freedom in your life!

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2 Responses to “Paper Tiger Interview with Stephanie Calahan”

  1. Janet –
    Thanks so much for the opportunity to get interviewed. It was fun talking with you.
    To your success!

  2. Janet Baker says:

    The thanks belongs to you! We appreciate your time and expertise. Thanks for always being available. Sincerely, Janet and the Paper Tiger Team

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