Paper Tiger Blog


The Paper Tiger Blog contains great ideas on better ways to stay organized, clear your desk, reduce stress and spend less time managing information.

Use Paper Tiger Filing System Software to Find What You Need Quickly

The need to be organized in the office as well as in the home is an obvious and universal one. It is also a confusing and sometimes overwhelming need with many different options that can be used to accomplish the task. Paper Tiger Filing System Software for document management can help you get organized so that you can find what you need, when you need it – quickly!

The problem with some of the organization systems is their difficulty. Some of them are very expensive and some are very limited in their scope. They may not be very effective with certain types of items and they may not be as user friendly as some people would like them to be. The more difficult a system is to use, the less likely they are to be used on a regular basis. If papers are just stacks piling up on the desk because the system is just too much of a chore to use, then it is nothing more than a waste of time.

To correctly use a digital filing system, you have to have the right digital filing system. While that sounds like it should be a given, it is not always such a simple thing to accomplish.

The right system is one that will be easy to use, accommodates everything that you need to file and organize and is adaptable and expandable. The right digital filing system is one that is so easy to use in fact, that there is no lengthy training period, which is particularly helpful for those who need such a system in their office and may have more than one or two employees who will have to have access to this system.

The biggest amount of work that you have in using any type of organizational system should be in the initial set up and if you have opted for the right one, even that is not that much effort. Once you get your system set up, then accessing, updating or changing anything should be a step or two to accomplish. There should not be the need to tear down the system to rebuild it, even if you are making some major changes or updating a lot of information.

You can set up the system by using existing file names and add keywords to the database relating to each file and the filing system software assigns numbers to each of your hanging file folders, so your folders coincide with the item number in the database. This allows you to find an item just by conducting a Google-like search in the database based on the keywords you’ve indexed relating to the item you need to find, and the program gives you the exact location of the file or item.

You don’t have to rely on your memory for what name is placed on each file – you know, that one or two words on the file tab. Nor do you have to rely on that one person in the office that does most of the filing. What happens when that person is out of the office?

Implementing filing system software that’s not just for document management will provide you with an organizational system tool that will help you get organized and start finding what you need, when you need it without having to rely on your memory or others in the office!

There is a better way! Paper Tiger Filing System Software for Document Management and even better Paper Tiger Online will soon be able to connect Digital Tiger to Google Docs!

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