Paper Tiger Blog


The Paper Tiger Blog contains great ideas on better ways to stay organized, clear your desk, reduce stress and spend less time managing information.

Get Organized Beyond Paper Files

Organize Beyond Paper Files

If you have your own business, you realize how difficult it can be to keep things organized and in order. Paperwork alone can be a real nightmare, but Paper Tiger Filing System Software for document management, not only can you finally get all your paper files in order, but anyone in the office can find them.

Using Paper Tiger, you never have to worry about whether to file a paper under “Smith’s dog care,” or “Fido dog walking schedule” again, and solves the many problems with filing such as:

  • You can’t decide what to name something;
  • You keep putting off filing because you don’t like making new folders when you need to file;
  • You can’t remember where or what name you previously filed something under;
  • You forgot that you’ve filed a relating file so you create a duplicate;
  • Staff sharing files in the same filing cabinets, everyone thinks differently so relating files are named differently under separate hanging file folders;
  • Staff turnover or the one person in the office that knows where everything is gets sick or on vacation.

The Basics of a Document Management System

The best thing to consider is using document management software as your ultimate tool for a filing system. The great news is that Paper Tiger can be used for more than just your paper files, but start with the paperwork part of your business. This is often the most important aspect of your business because it affects you, your clients and even how you get organized and prepare for tax time reporting.

Consider how the alphabetical method filing system would work. You would have to make sure everyone who might need access to the document would be in agreement with the labeling system and then make sure you had everything in the right alphabetical order. One simple slip and you could spend a lot of time searching every file of every drawer in all of your filing cabinets looking for one single piece of paper.

You can index the document into Paper Tiger’s database with any item name you want without any worry about finding it later, because the system will allow you to add as many keywords as you want to describe all documents that you put in your hanging file folders. For documents that you want to add to the same file, simply edit the Item and add additional keywords necessary for the new document(s).

Because the hanging file folders are already set up numerically and waiting for your documents, you eliminate the time-consuming hassle of having to find and create a file folder each time you want to file something.

When you’ve indexed your paper files or other physical items into Paper Tiger, and you need to find an item, you simply conduct a Google-like search in the database and Paper Tiger will let you know where the needed item is located, then no matter what someone types in to search for the Fido Smith dog care and walking schedule, the answer will appear based on the keywords entered previously. Find that file number and you have your paper without even having to think about putting it in alphabetical order, or what you would have put on the file tab.

Get Organized Beyond Paper

So after you have your papers in order, you realize that you and your staff waste a lot of time finding things you need relating to the business, such as inventory or office supplies. Now you can use your document management software to keep track of the bin number you keep extra flea collars in, the box number where your back stock for leashes is and even if you have those personalized dog beds in your business, home or at some offsite storage unit.

Below is another example of how to use Paper Tiger to index and organize your CD’s, and can be used to implement the same concept to index your office supplies or inventory or your books or any other physical item that you can put a number onto:

1. Name a Location CDs, with capacity of 100 (you can increase this later if you need to) Then print labels for the 100 items ready to affix onto each CD as you index it.

2. Begin indexing your CDs individually by adding a new item in this Location. I would name the item by the name of the movie or topic or singer of the CD, and continue with something like the following:

-Item Name: (name of the movie or topic or singer of the CD)

-Keywords: (actors/speakers, length, rating, brief description)

-If you have Professional or Pro edition, you will be able to apply a Category to the item. If so, add new category for either drama, fiction, comedy, historical, etc. (as info, the Basic edition does not have the Category function) If you have Basic, then you can add the category to the keywords section as well, then when you search for a specific category, Paper Tiger will bring up all of the CDs that you’ve indexed with that category, which is basically the same thing that would happen if you were to select the Category drop down box in Professional or Pro.

3. As you index each CD, affix the corresponding label to it and store in your new place. As you’ll see in this picture below, both the CD and the CD jacket are numbered so when you search Paper Tiger, you can go to the corresponding CD jacket number, and you’ll also know to match the numbers when replacing the CD.

The bottom line is that if you can put a number onto an item, you can index it into Paper Tiger… then whether the physical items are paper files, boxes, bins or books, etc., type in a keyword for an item the same way you do with an online search engine, you can find it. Start making your organization system work for you and your entire office by using Paper Tiger Filing System Software for document management and get organized today!

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2 Responses to “Get Organized Beyond Paper Files”

  1. Well loved this blog very much informative and also brief in regards to the organizing way.

  2. Janet Baker says:

    Thanks Steven, Glad you like Paper Tiger filing system blog. Paper Tiger is a great tool to get organized!

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