Paper Tiger Blog


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Manage Your Regulatory Compliance Strategy with a Document Indexing System

If you run a business governed by OSHA, DOT, or another regulatory compliance agency, you know how important it is to maintain the proper files and keep them easily accessible. If an audit should occur, it’s troubling to think of what might happen if you don’t have the necessary documentation available.

For instance, what if you’re in the middle of an audit and you can’t produce the documents requested? Your company could incur steep fines and potentially be in serious financial trouble. Any fines can be detrimental to your business.

If you have all the necessary documents, however, the best way to locate them when needed is by using a filing system that allows you to search for any document quickly and easily. The Paper Tiger Document Management and Filing System Software is an indexing software that is the ideal solution.

Many people think a color-coding file system works best, but that typically isn’t the case. Color-coding doesn’t allow you to search for files like a computerized index system does. When you’re looking for an important file, you need a system that allows you to find the file quickly, rather than trying to remember what color file you’re looking for.

When you’re rushed or in a hurry to find the right file or documents, the easiest way to do so is to go to the computer, type in a keyword, and have the file location information you need displayed on the screen in a few seconds. That’s what The Paper Tiger does.

Setting up an indexing file system to ensure your regulatory compliance is never difficult with The Paper Tiger Document Management and Filing System Software. Simply input the keywords for each document so that when you’re looking for a file, you’ll be able to access the information easily when the time comes. If you take the time to enter all the necessary keywords up front, you’ll spend less time looking for the files you need in the long run; and you’ll have a much better chance of having the right information on hand, should—heaven forbid!—that dreaded audit take place.

When you enter every possible keyword in your database to begin with, you’ll never have a problem finding the documents you need, regardless of which keyword you search for. This makes finding any document easier, and you’ll find information much quicker than with a traditional filing system.

With an alphabetical filing system, for instance, you’re only able to label the file with a few keywords. This can cause problems if you forget which words you used, or if something changes within the business and you forget to change the file.

If you keep files in multiple locations, you may create duplicates and copies of all the papers in the file to store them in different locations. Not only does that take up more space, but you run the risk of losing important documentation or keeping files that should be thrown away.

When you’re dealing with regulatory compliance agencies like OSHA or DOT, you have to be careful to keep certain information. You must also be careful to eliminate certain information, and file everything properly as well. When you use a traditional filing system and are forced to keep multiple files, you run the risk of forgetting to destroy documents that could cause a regulatory agency to issue a fine. It can quickly become a complicated situation.

Using The Paper Tiger software to manage your document indexing and file system, eliminates this problem completely. You’ll know at a glance where every file is, and you can use the Action Date section, which will make it easy to determine which files to destroy—and which to keep. You’ll never have to worry about duplicate content, or about not being able to find information you need before it’s “too late.”

Regulatory agencies require files to be handled in a certain manner. When you use The Paper Tiger indexing system to manage your files, you’ll be able to handle those requirements much easier than with any other type filing system.

Adding new files is a breeze with The Paper Tiger document management and filing software indexing system! You never need to worry about keeping files in chronological or alphabetical order. Trying to insert new files into an overcrowded file cabinet becomes a difficult task in a busy office using a traditional file system. You have to struggle to squeeze in new folders and move others around to make everything fit. That’s never an issue with The Paper Tiger Document Management and Filing System Software.

You simply place your files behind the others in the file cabinet and label them accordingly. When one drawer fills, you move to the next, and on it goes. This system works like a charm and you’ll always be able to find files and documents with ease, which is critical—especially in the case of an audit!

When managing regulatory compliance files, in particular, you’ll find it’s much easier with a document management indexing system like The Paper Tiger. You’ll spend a lot less time searching for files, which could save your company a lot of money by safeguarding against fines due to lost, misplaced, or outdated documents in the case of an audit.

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