Paper Tiger Blog


The Paper Tiger Blog contains great ideas on better ways to stay organized, clear your desk, reduce stress and spend less time managing information.

Making the New Year’s Resolution to Declutter and Get Organized

You’ve probably already made a list of New Year’s resolutions, and it’s possible that getting organized is on your list. Let 2012 be the year you make the resolution to get your life organized. Get your filing system started and get those papers, records and other documents in order. You can, in fact, use Paper Tiger Filing System software to organize other aspects of your life, as well to declutter your environment.

If you have been living under a mound of clutter and are ready to take back control of your home, office or life, it’s time to declutter. Too many people put off getting their things organized and end up making the piles of clutter worse. Not only is this unsightly, it also makes it difficult to find anything when you truly need it. Straighten up your life by tidying up your papers, DVDs, books, photos, collectibles or other items that could be cataloged.

Get Organized with Filing and Indexing System

If you are organizing papers, you obviously need to be placing them in filing cabinets. Hanging file folders are a great system to use. When organizing your paper files, you can group them together by category. If you are using an indexing system you won’t even need to do that and can skip that step all together.

An indexing system takes the confusion and wasted time and effort out of what the old standard alphabetic filing system does. Using the indexing program on your computer, you type in the keywords that each paper or records could be classified as. By doing this, you won’t have to worry about forgetting what you called the paper file. Also, it means other people can access the system and find the paper in case you have an employee or family member retrieve something for you. The final step is simply to put the paper in the numbered file that coincides with it assigned by the software database. Then of course, you can add documents relating to the same topic by editing the item in the database to add keywords if necessary and add to the relating hanging file folder.

Organizing Other Physical Items

Say you have a collection of baseball caps or have more DVDs than you can possibly fit on the one shelf designated for it, you can file these items away and still make it easy to find later. You can put the extra DVDs in boxes or plastic storage bins. Each container gets a number and if you need to look for a certain movie, simply look it up on your indexing system and you will know exactly which bin to grab.

This works really well for things you may also keep in storage in the garage or at a storage rental unit away from your property. So, if you want to preserve that baseball cap collection, you can put them in sealed containers in storage. At some point when you are looking for one specifically, simply conduct a Google-like search in the software database. Gone are the days of opening every box in search of that one specific item.

Basically, if it can be numbered, it can be documented in Paper Tiger Filing System software. Make this the year that you declutter your home or office and finally get organized. Get started now and make keeping your life clutter free and organized your resolution. Then make the decision to maintain by taking 20-30 minutes everyday to file or put away what has come in for the day. You will be able to find what you need, when you need it and be more productive in no time!

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