Paper Tiger Blog


The Paper Tiger Blog contains great ideas on better ways to stay organized, clear your desk, reduce stress and spend less time managing information.

Indexing Document Management Solutions

Different forms of document management solutions have been created, tried and discarded. In our high tech society, we still struggle with managing our paperwork. Many companies have tried the paperless route. They purchase expensive equipment and software to scan all their documents to give employees easy access to files and remove the bulky file drawers from the office.

But guess what happens?

Much of the paper filing must still be retained. It takes ages to scan the thousands of documents. Then employees still can’t find documents because they don’t understand the filing system created by Alice who left the company after 30 years of service!

Indexing: Card Catalog vs. Software

Fran, who knows that document indexing is the new way to file, enters the office. She immediately implements an indexing system for all new files and begins the slow process of cataloging the existing files using a card catalog system based on the old public library indexing system. Typing out cards is tedious, but Fran is committed.

Employees notice it’s easier to locate files using Fran’s card catalog system; however, the company is finding it costly to supply Fran with the assistance she needs to complete the job quickly. Now employees must determine if the file is new enough to be in the new filing system or if they will have to search through the dreaded old system.

Fran is solution-minded and searches the Internet for a way to speed up the process. She locates The Paper Tiger Document Management and Filing System software, a computer software indexing system that drastically reduces the time necessary to complete the filing transformation. Fran’s superiors are efficiency experts and instruct Fran to implement the new system immediately.

Need to Keep Files Handy

Expense is often a major reason companies are afraid to go paperless, but another reason is that they need their paper copies handy. Customers often request copies of documents and photocopies look much better than their scanned equivalents. Often it’s easier to work with the hard copy of a document than to continually click from screen to screen on a computer. Document indexing solves this problem.

With document indexing, all files can be easily categorized and located using keywords much like an Internet search engine such as Google. Document locations can be found quickly using keywords in a search tool. Files can be labeled with easy to find numbers and letters instead of clumsy words or phrases.

No More Pondering Over File Names

Traditional filing systems often use categories for naming files. Employees must determine the major category and listing for each document and file it accordingly. However, not everyone has the same sense of categorizing or the same labeling style.

John may feel a receipt for concrete should be filed under Construction Materials, while Mary believes it should be filed under Miscellaneous Purchases. When the document is filed using The Paper Tiger, both John’s and Mary’s keywords, along with many others, can be entered into the search tool so that every personality and character type in the office can quickly and easily search for—and locate—documents without assistance.

All Documents Available at All Times

Once The Paper Tiger Document Management and Filing System software is implemented, employees can locate any file at any time. It isn’t necessary for employees to wait for the file clerk to arrive to begin research or complete a task. Those who want to stay late or work on the weekend to finish up a project can do so without having to place an order to have files pulled early in the workday. What an improvement to overall work efficiency!

Who Uses The Paper Tiger?

The Paper Tiger has many levels of use and can be as simple or as detailed as desired to fit the needs of anyone. Individuals and students as well as businesses and organizations are finding relief from the paper hassle by implementing this system of file retrieval.

Big businesses, small businesses, associations, non-profits, government, healthcare, real estate, finance/legal, and education institutions are all using The Paper Tiger document management software and indexing system to minimize the paper tasks in their offices. Even filing professionals such as Professional Secretaries International of Kansas City, Missouri use and understand the value of such an indexing system.

How Can it Help You?

In our fast paced and efficiency-driven society, time is truly of the essence. Studies show many precious hours and company dollars are wasted every day on paper searches. Minimizing this wasted time is an essential way to improve the efficiency of any organization.

Employee frustration calls for extended breaks and decreased productivity. Your company can eliminate the traditionally inefficient filing systems used for document management and enter a new era of organization and increased productivity, as others have, with a document indexing solution such as The Paper Tiger Document Management and Filing System software.

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