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How the Paper Tiger Filing System Can Help You Move

Whether you are moving your home office or your small business, it can be a major hassle. Even a move that is within the same building can be time consuming and nerve wracking, especially if there are a lot of files and other items to move and relocate.

If the filing system you have in place before the move is perfect, you of course would want to recreate it in the new location. However, if it needs a little bit of work, it might be worth the consideration to implement a new filing system before your move. Paper Tiger Document Management Software and Filing System is a good choice to consider because it is easy to use and eliminates much of the hassle involved with the move.

Setting Up the Office Before the Move

It is best to use Paper Tiger software system for office organization before you start the move so that setting the office up afterward is nothing more than just putting things where they belong. The process is simple: After creating your database and adding a Location in the software relating to the items you will be indexing, your next step is to print out the corresponding numbered hanging tabs, which are never changed or moved. You input information relating to what is in each hanging folder (item name and keywords) and update them as needed in the database.

Unlike other filing systems that require scanning, this filing system software is not limited to paper files, which is also beneficial to setting up your office quickly and efficiently. Implementing this indexing system prior to your move will not only allow you to index your paper files, but books, training manuals, CDs, DVDs, etc. Another broad category you can list in this indexing system is all office furniture including: desks, chairs, filing cabinets, bookcases and tables. You also have all the electrical equipment such as: computers (and their accessories), printers, photocopiers, fax machines, shredders, microwaves, refrigerators, etc. There’s also the copious quantity of stationery and office supplies to pack as well.

Don’t forget to index all the moving boxes ensuring all contents in each box are input into the keywords section. You should also note where each box or item should be placed in the new location.

You will be able to print out labels for the items that are not paper or hanging files.

After the Move

After you arrive in your new location, it is simply a matter of making sure that each hanging folder is in numerical order and everything is put in its place. You can open your database and follow along as you put everything in place as planned. If you need to consolidate folders, you can do so and then make sure that it is updated in the database as you go. When you move other office items, move it in the database also to correspond to where you’ve put the items in the new location.

Finding Things Will Be Simpler

After a move, most people find themselves in utter chaos because they cannot find anything that’s still in boxes. They may have more or less space than they did before and items are not being stored in the same way. They may be using a totally different configuration. Paper Tiger filing system software will eliminate a great deal of that chaos and annoyance.

If you need to find something before it is unpacked, simply conduct a search in the database to find which box the item is in. If you’ve indexed each box when packing, this will save you a lot of time searching through several boxes for that needed item.

Whether a home office or business office, it’s most likely that you have more than just paper files. There may be binders, books and other items that cannot be easily filed using other systems, especially those systems that require scanning. Because Paper Tiger does not require scanning, there is no limit to what can be indexed and organized. That is one of the biggest benefits and a major reason that it is good for the home office as well as for businesses. Not everyone has an onsite scanner, so a system that does not require scanning is a good choice.

Implement Paper Tiger Document Management Software and Filing System before your move and you’ll be more organized and productive!



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