Paper Tiger Blog


The Paper Tiger Blog contains great ideas on better ways to stay organized, clear your desk, reduce stress and spend less time managing information.

Employees Love Using A Smart Document Management System

Filing must be one of the most tedious parts of any job. The volume will vary from company to company and job to job. The type of filing system also varies, but employees love using a document management software system, like Paper Tiger Document Management Software and Filing System, because it makes their jobs much easier.

Filing and retrieval of files is often a very time consuming task. If you’re using an archaic alphabetical filing system, it’s even worse. Experts estimate that people waste 150 hours per year just looking for lost information.

When you arrive at work each morning, is your desk overflowing with files? Do you have numerous in and out trays and even a special one for the “odd” files that you’re not sure where to file? Do you spend two or three hours every day putting files away and trying to locate other file folders so that you can add documents to them.

Perhaps you spend time in dusty basements or storerooms searching through boxes of files? Does your office have lots of filing cabinets with big, bulky files? If this is the case, perhaps you should consider that there’s a much better way. It’s not always easy to locate a particular document that’s two years old or even six months.

Document management software enables staff to become more efficient in everything they do, saving time and money. If such a system is implemented, you’ll no longer be buried up to your neck in files every day.

Imagine modern filing as a concept. Different formatted documents can all be stored in the same physical file, regardless of whether they’re paper, DVDs, CDs. Imagine if that same system can help you easily locate documents and files with just a few strokes of your keyboard, regardless of how long they’ve been in the filing cabinet.

Would you enjoy going to work more if your desk wasn’t completely covered with files every day? Would you feel that you were contributing more towards the company’s goals by working on more productive tasks? This is all very possible if you use filing system software.

Naturally you would expect it to be a huge job to change from an alphabetical filing system to a more user-friendly document management system, however the long-term benefits are enormous in terms of man-hours and money saved. Think of yourself and all your colleagues being more productive because you can find the files you need when you need them. Your job would be more rewarding, and you would have greater job satisfaction.

Getting organized will help you feel renewed energy and a more positive attitude towards your work.

Staff morale is a huge factor in any working environment. Employees love using Paper Tiger Document Management Software and Filing System because it makes their job much easier.

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