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Document Management Structure: Where Do Your Records Really Go?

Large corporations and government bodies deal with thousands of records every day. They come in different formats including paper based, emails, faxes, scanned photos and documents and digital recordings. But where do your records really go? What happens when you finish using them?

Many files are kept in a variety of different, and sometimes confusing, ways. Paper based files are tossed into filing cabinets with no rhyme or reason to a structured document management system, or left on an employee’s desk to be buried in an ever-increasing stack of documents. Emails are filed on someone’s computer or even deleted. CDs and DVDs get tossed in a drawer never to be seen again. Books, binders, training manuals all get shuffled and mixed on a shelf somewhere.

Add to that the fact that different people label files differently. For instance, if you currently use an alphabetical filing system, there’s a good chance that files will be stored differently using the company name, or by a person’s name, or even by the industry. A lot of duplication can occur in this kind of filing system, which can lead to employees only seeing part of a file instead of every document pertaining to the file. These methods can be bad for business, especially if critical information can’t be found because it is in a different file under a different name.

As time passes, and a company grows, these type problems keep escalating. That’s why a major change needs to be implemented to enable your company to streamline the management of all documentation into one single, workable method that can be applied to every file in the company.

A document management software like The Paper Tiger Document Management Software and Filing System that uses an indexing system is the smart, logical choice for such a filing system. Basically, anything you can number, you can easily index. With a document indexing system, you can keep every document, binder, CD, DVD, etc. easily accessible for everyone to find. You decide how to name the files using letters, numbers, keywords and contact names to uniquely identify every file for future retrieval. You simply enter the details of the file and its contents into the software database, print off the file title onto a label and attach it to your hanging folder tab or affix to the corresponding item. And the exact same method can then be used by every staff member to locate information needed.

This is an easy to use system because the next file you create goes right behind the last one created and there’s no need to stuff a file drawer just to make something else fit alphabetically.

The computer index can easily be accessible by everyone in the company. This means you reduce the amount of time staff members spend filing and trying to locate needed documents. If anyone needs a particular piece of a file, they simply check its location on the index and then retrieve it for themselves.

And documents will no longer get misfiled. Meetings and reports can be handled much more easily because you can locate relevant information by simply pressing a few keys on the computer. Thousands of hours that previously were wasted searching for paperwork can now be used more productively, which means you not only save money, but employees can also tackle more projects in less time. It is estimated that an employee can waste over 150 hours per year, just looking for lost information.

A hard copy printout of the index serves as a backup in case you have a computer crash or power failure. And you can even store a copy of the index offsite as well.

As companies expand their operations, there is a growing need for more space. Usually this means having to uproot furniture, file cabinets and more, possibly even moving to a larger facility. Using a document management system can actually eliminate this need, because so much of a company’s needed space is for documentation. Old files can be archived in boxes and moved without uprooting the employees.

Because every possible keyword associated with each file is entered into the index, you can easily see whether a document you need has been archived or is in the office without searching for untold hours. In some cases, this can mean that you have room to even expand your operations without having to move to bigger offices.

Document indexing saves money and time and increases productivity. These are all huge wins for the company. And they’re all positive factors that can be clearly demonstrated when discussing budgetary issues. In fact, the very files you need to prove the value of this system can be more easily found when the system is installed.

There is no longer a need to keep everything stacked on your desk for fear of losing it. With a document management software system, you can find things at the click of your mouse … oh, what a stress-free way to manage your paperwork!

If you’re wondering where your records really go, that becomes an easy question to answer with a few simple keystrokes when you opt for document indexing software.

You can better control and improve the whole process of document management so your company is more than capable of tackling whatever projects are put on its plate. Document indexing can free your staff to devote time to the really important work of doing their jobs, because all the filing hassles are now under control, both for today and for the future.

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