Paper Tiger Blog


The Paper Tiger Blog contains great ideas on better ways to stay organized, clear your desk, reduce stress and spend less time managing information.

Posts categorized as "Get Organized"

How to Get Organized and Declutter Your Shelves for Good!

You most likely loved how many shelves your home had when you first moved in. With all good intentions, little did you realize the amount of clutter that would accumulate on those shelves. In fact, it may seem like the shelves have become a magnet for clutter seeming to attract things you did not even [...]

Do You Need an Effective Filing System?

How many times in your day do you find yourself shuffling through paper files, wasting a lot of time looking for one item in particular that seems to be lost in countless papers in front of you? This has happened to all of us at one time or another, whether we are in busy offices [...]

Filing and Finding Paper and Digital Files

It is said that the average American spends over 150 hours per year, just looking for lost information. Some estimates are even higher than this! Can you imagine working in the office in the picture above? How would you ever find anything?! How much does lost information cost you and your staff? Calculate your cost [...]

Should Your Office Go Paperless?

The paperless office has been a myth up until just recently but does going paperless mean having no paper at all in your office? Of course, that depends on your office and the type of documents you have. Legal, accounting or medical offices would probably have a harder time going paperless due to the types [...]

Get Organized Beyond Paper Files

If you have your own business, you realize how difficult it can be to keep things organized and in order. Paperwork alone can be a real nightmare, but Paper Tiger Filing System Software for document management, not only can you finally get all your paper files in order, but anyone in the office can find [...]

Home Office Organizing

Running a home office can be very trying no matter whether you are using it to keep track of the family’s finances or running a small business from home. If you don’t keep track of your papers and other items in a manner that makes sense, you will waste time because you cannot find things [...]

Simplify and Organize for a Better Quality of Life

You may have already heard of the 100 Thing Challenge. It is the idea that people do not need more than 100 things in their homes and life. The belief is that by cutting down on the amount of things you own, you will bring more joy and simplicity to your life. You may not [...]

Handle Your Small Business Filing Needs With Filing System Software

One of the most important parts of being a small business owner is being organized. No matter what type of business you have, you are going to have records to maintain. Some small businesses require much more than others; it just depends on whether you also have to keep things on file such as client [...]

De-clutter for Organized Living

You keep meaning to get your home and office in order so you can enjoy organized living; it just keeps getting put off. The idea of trying to organize everything and de-clutter seems like such a daunting task, even though you know it will make you feel much better and less stressed in the long [...]

Organize Your Digital Files for Most Efficiency

Do you work from multiple computers, such as your computer at work, your home computer and your laptop? If so, then you probably already have a pretty good idea of how difficult it can be to keep all of your digital files in order and how much of a pain it is to look for [...]

Manage Paper and Digital Files

If you work in an office, you probably have a pretty good idea of just how much paperwork can accumulate, and how overrun you can actually get with paper files. If you let the paperwork get ahead of you without having a really good filing system, you may be in serious trouble when you need [...]

Use Indexing Software for More than Your Filing Cabinets

You may already be familiar with the idea of using an indexing system to maintain better record management capabilities for your professional office paper files. In fact, you may even already be using Paper Tiger Filing System Software for document management for your office needs. On the other hand, you may not be familiar with [...]

Not Just Any Filing System to Get Organized!

Getting organized and staying organized with paper files can seem difficult for most people, and therefore many companies are opting to go to a paperless office to get organized. This type of filing system may get rid of most paper in your office to make your desk look organized, but it can also add countless [...]

Top 4 Ways an Indexing System Can Improve Your Business

Every business continues to look for ways to improve the way they operate. The ultimate goal of a successful business is to keep the customers satisfied. Improving the functionality, customer service and organization are all small ways that work together to make the company able to keep customers happy and coming back for repeat business. [...]

Top 5 Benefits of Getting Organized

Everyone knows one of the main benefits of getting organized is having a life that is clutter free. Believe it or not, though, there are many other less obvious but more surprising benefits that result from taking the steps to get organized. There are plenty of other benefits when you take the time to declutter [...]

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