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Bridge the Generation Gap with the Perfect Document Management System

Some people have lots of different jobs throughout their working lives. Others stay with the same company for many years. The long-term people see a wide variety of technological changes. Sadly, some find it hard to keep up. To maintain longevity, companies need to find a way to bridge the generation gap, technologically speaking. And the right document management system can help them do that.

In a large company, especially, there are often staff members ranging in age anywhere from 18 to 65 years of age, or older. If you stop to consider what type filing systems older people may have begun using when they began working or joined the business, you can easily understand why it may be difficult for them to manage a newer, computer-based system.

On the other hand, you have the younger people in their late teens and twenties who have literally grown up attached to a cell phone and a laptop. They probably don’t like the older, more tedious style of document filing, so you could even have a higher rate of turnover than you would like to see for this very reason.

No matter the age, people think differently about how documents should be filed. Then it’s a matter if those files can be retrieved later by any employee in the company!

The future of any company depends, in part at least, on how well it changes with the times and how well it handles new technological changes. The younger staff members of today will be tomorrow’s CEOs. The only logical choice to help bridge this technological generation gap, in both age and ability, is to introduce a system that is easy to learn, easy to use, and quickly standardized throughout the company.

That means every single member of the team, from the youngest new start, to the most senior CEO or company director, will work together as a team to initiate the change in document management all at one time.

An indexing system that’s designed to allow you, as a company, to select the criteria for labeling your files is vital. However, merely using an alphabetical or numerical system is too confusing, simply because everyone thinks differently.

You must be able to choose your company’s own style and designate that to be the official way to label and file your business documentation. Then everyone can work together, easily add more documents to existing files without running out of room, have the ability to locate files simply by checking a computer or hard copy index, and be able to clear their desks at the end of the day.

Using an indexing system to maintain your corporate documents offers greater efficiency for your staff because it reduces the amount of time needed to file individual documents, as well as the time required to create new files and retrieve documents or files at a future date. This type system will save thousands of dollars and free up a lot more time for staff to focus on the more important aspects of their jobs. And better productivity typically ensures greater employee longevity for the company—meaning less turnover.

Technology can certainly replace some functions that were previously only carried out manually. However, technology shouldn’t stand in anyone’s way when it comes to work. More people are working to an older age due to the different economic climate in which we live today. Some of the more senior employees have a wealth of experience and are actually the mainstays of the company. It would be sad to see those same valuable employees feeling forced to retire simply because they couldn’t cope with new document management software or a system that was far too complicated for them to understand.

If you take the wealth of experience of those senior employees, and add that to the drive, enthusiasm and familiarity with new technologies afforded your younger team members, you have a powerful team. Add a document indexing system they can all understand will almost guarantee your company can stay strong and have that vital edge over its competitors—in this one area, at least.

How often have you, or one of your staff members, faced the issue of being unable to locate a specific document? Good record management is vital for any organization. Every department can be affected by how well documents are managed. That includes sales, customer service, maintenance, repair, dispatch, inventory management, accounting, and more.

Locating the information you need quickly to provide answers to your clients and customers, as well as to company employees who are handling various issues such as billing or customer care, can result in a happy ending when documents are managed properly. And a document indexing system, like The Paper Tiger Document Management Software and Filing System is the best way to do that.

So bridge the generation gap in your company by selecting a computerized file indexing system to manage your documents and paperwork. You’ll be able to offer better service to your customers, improve the productivity of your staff, and increase employee morale and longevity. That’s a win-win situation all around.

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One Response to “Bridge the Generation Gap with the Perfect Document Management System”

  1. Ben Gill says:

    We have been waiting for this a long time!!!

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