Paper Tiger Blog


The Paper Tiger Blog contains great ideas on better ways to stay organized, clear your desk, reduce stress and spend less time managing information.

A Power Process for Clearing Clutter

We found this article by Kristy Nichols and thought it would be helpful to you in how to get started before implementing your files to The Paper Tiger.

A Power Process for Clearing Clutter by Kristy Nichols

Take everything OUT of your workspace. Clear it down to the bare bones – furniture and walls. Now, arrange the furniture the way you’d like, if it isn’t already. Clean everything – dust your surfaces, clean your windows, vacuum… Now go to your pile o’ shtuff that you eradicated from the room. Using a SMALL box or bag, bring items / papers back into the room a few things at a time. Put them away in your totally clean space. Have several LARGE garbage bags ready and label them Trash, Recycle, Donate, and Shred. If there isn’t a place for it in your sparkling new workspace, it goes in one of these bags. Be ruthless.

Why this works: 1. Starting from a “perfect” space, and introducing items INTO it, acts as a psychological barrier to a certain level of clutter, which you might otherwise be inclined to just accept. 2. Because you are not shuffling items from one surface to another, it is exponentially more efficient. 3. Because you started from a clean slate both physically and mentally, you will be better able to locate the items you need going forward.

Why it MUST be done in a single day: If you leave the mess you created in another part of the house, even for just a day or two, it will begin to infiltrate that aspect of your life instead… now all you’ve done is traded one cluttered area for another… ugh! (Especially bad if you extradited the office clutter to an area you’ve previously organized!!)

….So what area have YOU been turning a blind eye to for longer than you’d like to admit? Reclaim it! That’s YOUR space, YOUR energy, and YOUR life!

Have a passionate, prosperous, and powerful day!

Kristy (Nichols)

a.k.a. The Average Goddess

Get your FREE ebook with information like this and so much more at

(full article at Average Goddess blog)

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