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Getting Started with Paper Tiger Filing System Software

Welcome to Paper Tiger document management and filing system software — the software designed to help you organize the paper in your life, but also help you get organized in other areas as well, such as books, CDs, DVDs, storage boxes, etc. You will find our approach to dealing with paper not only easier than anything you’ve done before, but also, we predict, life-changing! For a glimpse of what is in store for you, we recommend previewing the video ‘What is Paper Tiger?‘, then take a look at the Getting Started Guides Steps 1-4 and the Tutorials from our Paper Tiger Desktop Video Learning Resource page. The multimedia Tutorial presentations will show you step by step how Paper Tiger file management system works. Listen and watch as the team plans their attack on the paper jungle! They will show you how to reduce your paper pile; how to organize your files; and, how to launch Paper Tiger filing system software so that your document management system will run smoothly and efficiently—not just for now, but forever! Happy paper taming!

Here are a few key terms used in Paper Tiger:

Location is a physical Location for storing Folders, such as a file cabinet or a desk drawer that relates to a Location within Paper Tiger Filing System Software.

Folder is a file folder, containing one or several related items. A hanging file folder may contain other file folders for subdividing papers or for taking files with you. “Folder” is sometimes used interchangeably with “file.”

Item Name is the descriptive name you give a Folder. “Museum Board Directory” might be the Item Name you give a Folder that contains a current phone and address list of museum board members. “Sales Reports 02” might be the Item Name you choose for a Folder containing each regional sales reports for 2002. A Folder or Item Name labeled “Warranties” might include sub-files for “Electronics,” “Major Appliances,” and “Outdoor Equipment.”

Keyword is any word, or words, in addition to the Item Name, which you associate with the contents of a Folder. Key words for your Folder, “Sales Reports 2002” might include: NW region, monthly sales, or Tom Jones. You can find any Folder quickly by entering any of the key words for the Folder, or the Item Name, into The Paper Tiger’s Find function.

Category is a word or words you may use to classify groups of related Folders. For example, you may use the Category “Benefits” to classify the Folders, “401K,” “Stock Options,” and “Day Care.” The Category, “Services,” might include Folders for “Accountant,” “Graphic Artist,” and “Organizing Consultant.”

Action Files are files you use most frequently. There are two categories of Action Files:

Temporary Action Files are files of current projects or events that will come to an end, e.g., files on a new committee assignment or presentation notes for an upcoming meeting.

Permanent Action Files are files for tasks that require ongoing action, e.g., “Call,” “Pay,” and “Write.”

Reference Files are files you need to refer to from time to time. “Auto Insurance,” “Taxes – Current Year,” and “Time Sheets” are examples of reference files.

For a sneak preview of Paper Tiger’s plan of attack, crouch low, keep a keen eye, and follow the trail markers below:

1. Establish a physical Location for your Action Files—Permanent and Temporary—and for your Reference Files. Decide how many Folders you will need, approximately, in each Location. Tiger Tip: Place your Action Files in a file drawer or desktop file holder within hand’s reach!

2. Decide what type of filing system you will use—numerical or alphabetical. We strongly recommend a numerical filing system. Files easily stay in order in your file drawer and you don’t have to create new file tabs each time you add a file folder! And, you never have to move files to make room for a new one. Just put the new file wherever you have space. The Paper Tiger will help you create and maintain either system. You may even want a numerical system in one Location and an alphabetical system in another. It’s up to you; Paper Tiger allows its users to decide!

3. Gather your hanging files and your hanging file plastic tabs. We provide pre-printed, hanging file tab inserts with our software. (See, we knew you were too busy to make them yourself, so we did it for you!) You will find tab inserts for Permanent Action Folders (e.g., Call, Write, Pay); numbered tab inserts for Temporary Action Folders (#1-60), and numbered tab inserts for Reference Folders (#1-320). Insert tabs into plastic tab holders. (If you prefer, you can create and print your own tab inserts with our software—it’s your choice.) Slip each plastic holder, with tab inserted, into the inside front slots of your hanging files. With tabs on the front of the file folder, you can drop in papers easily by pulling the file tab toward you! You can also print custom tabs from within Paper Tiger filing system software.

4. Install Paper Tiger software. Close any open Windows applications, especially anti-virus. Follow the Installation Instructions that comes with your purchase. Insert the CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive. Click Start on the taskbar, then click Run to begin the setup. Type d:\setup.exe (if d is not your CD-ROM drive, type in the appropriate letter).

5. After viewing the tutorial, a dialog box will appear. It will ask you if you want Paper Tiger to add a new Location now. Click on Yes. The Location Wizard will appear and will take you step by step through entering your Locations into Paper Tiger. After entering each Location, a Location List window will appear. It will display all Locations entered, the capacity (number of Folders) for each, and any optional information you chose to include.

If you prefer not to view the tutorial first (ouch!), you can go directly to Paper Tiger Main Window. Click on File, then click on New. Click on Create New Location and The Location Wizard will appear.

6. Now enter Item Names for your Folders into Paper Tiger. Click the Browser button on the main toolbar. Click New on the Browser toolbar. The Item Wizard will appear. Step by step, the Item Wizard will prompt you to enter the Item Name for each Folder and any additional information you choose to include—keywords, categories, or action dates.

Each time you enter an Item Name for a Folder, Paper Tiger will automatically assign the Item Name to a numbered Folder. The total number of available Folders for any Location will correspond to the capacity you entered for each Location in the Location Wizard. (You can edit the capacity later, if for example, you want to add more Folders to a Location.)

7. After entering Item Names for your Folders, you will need to print a File Index, a report that lists, alphabetically or numerically, all Folders in a Location. Click Reports on the Main Menu bar and select File Index. A File Index Wizard will appear and will guide you through the process of tailoring this report to your needs. This will be your back-up for when you’re traveling or in the event your computer is down for any reason.

8. Now, begin filing your papers! Refer to the File Index Report to locate appropriate Folders. If you forget a file name, remember, it’s no problem! Just click the Find button on the menu bar, enter any keyword for the file, and the computer will pop up the Item Name and corresponding number for the Folder.

You are now well on your way to using a file system that takes the Aaagh! out of filing and retrieving. We will share more with you along the way, but we know you are eager to tackle the tiger, so… assume your position, and Take Charge!

The Fine Print: Our Company will proudly accept responsibility for our users’ big smiles, free time, salary raises, kudos from the boss, lowered blood pressure, or smug behavior toward those who have yet to discover this wonderful tool.

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3 Responses to “Getting Started with Paper Tiger Filing System Software”

  1. [...] Do you still recommend splitting up files into ACTION and REFERENCE files? A: Absolutely! See our Getting Started with Paper Tiger in the Training Category from our [...]

  2. J. says:

    I have watched several of your videos and read parts of your help files, “Getting Started with Paper Tiger,” etc. It seems there are some contradictory aspects in regard to “LOCATION.”

    In the video “Paper Tiger Desktop – Getting Started – Step 1 – Getting Setup,” the narrator points us to the “Getting Started . . .” in the Paper Tiger help menu.

    In the “Getting Started . . .” area, it states, “Location is a physical Location for storing Folders, such as a file cabinet or desk drawer. Yet, in the same video, instead of entering a physical location, he enters either “Action” or “Reference.”

    Which is correct?

  3. Janet Baker says:

    Either can be correct or both. Location relates to where you will store your physical items (paper files, books, CDs, DVDs, storage boxes, etc) This can be named anything you want, including the type of file it is — however you relate to what you are indexing, i.e., Office files, Home files, Action files, Reference files, House, Basement, Garage, etc. You can have Locations named for the type of file and/or the physical location of the files. Hope this makes sense!

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