Paper Tiger Blog


The Paper Tiger Blog contains great ideas on better ways to stay organized, clear your desk, reduce stress and spend less time managing information.

5 Ways to Deal with Paper…

These are your options for dealing with paper:

1. Trash it (come on, man – trash it), this is the best filing system ever invented, if you can find it later, then put it in ‘file 13′- the trash can.

2. Can’t trash all the paper in your life, well okay, then stack it, I know your mom told you to keep a ‘clean desk’ but if it works, why change it?

3. So if stacking is becoming a problem (either an image problem or you really are spending too much time finding stuff) so you need to look beyond the stacks for a better way!  WAIT – I know what you are thinking – don’t do it – the alphabetic method stinks – come on, use a computer – it is the 21 century you know, wouldn’t you like to find your paper files as fast as you find information on Google?

4. Are you with me still?  Okay, you have just two options left and they both are pretty cool.  The first is Scan it!  If you like it, great, but realize the problems.  They are listed for you on our website.

5. The final option, another cool method : ) is INDEX it!  The Paper Tiger is an indexing method and it is the method that we think makes the most sense for many people.  Let me tell you more about it…

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