Paper Tiger Blog


The Paper Tiger Blog contains great ideas on better ways to stay organized, clear your desk, reduce stress and spend less time managing information.

5 Ways to Keep You Organized and Save Time

This article has some great suggestions for steps to get organized and create a system for yourself that will keep you organized. Notice that one of the suggestions is to implement a document management system in your office. Paper Tiger-Digital Tiger Filing System Software for Document Management. Digital Tiger promises to help clear your desk without clearing out your wallet! You may not be able to go completely paperless, but you can sure de-clutter your desk to create a more productive environment.

clutter, binders & files

Ahhh, the enlightening feeling of a clear and focused mind. Everything on your “to do list” is done, time to relax on the couch, and slip in to that Zen state. Chances are this isn’t you because most people spend more time trying to organize their lives than actually making progress. Keeping organized is a daunting process that requires discipline and, most importantly, knowledge of what to do.

Once you start figuring out how to plan, and differentiate your daily tasks, you will become more proficient at accomplishing your goals. Whether you are looking to better achieve the items on your to-do list, or you are trying to better organize the electronic clutter at work, you should understand organization is a learning process. Some people are inherently detail oriented; others learn their disorganization is negatively impacting aspects of their lives. This is the way life works, but for those of you looking to better improve your organization to save time and be more productive, here are few tips and tools.

1. Create a List That Works For You

Whether you work better on a Google Calendar or you are more of a physical calendar person, determine what works best for you and go with it. Create separate lists for work and personal. Carry both of these lists in portable form, around with you wherever you go (Whether it is mobile device or a hipster PDA, planner or day-timer type calendar). Keep these items in terms of priority with short term first and long term next. Once you begin achieving items on your list, you will learn how to breeze through your goals or obligations.

2. Document Management Software

Document management software allows you to organize your work files by indexing and assigning tags or keywords to each document you file. This software is incredibly powerful because it allows instant retrieval of documents by storing your files in one place. Digitizing your documents can also save space, according to Eco-officiency, “Current estimates show that 50–70% of space in an office is still dedicated to filing and storage of documentation. The real clincher is studies showing that over 45% of the files in those cabinets are duplicated information, and 80% is never accessed again.” Save yourself the hassles of cost-heavy activities and implement a document management system in your office.

3. Hipster PDA

The hipster PDA is for everyone out there like me. The person who loves mobile apps, but knows there is nothing that drives you to a call to action like a physical piece of paper. I make my hipster PDA every weekend, and it guides me through personal, work, diet, fitness and social “to do’s.” Hipster PDA planner pages are available to help you put everything you need on to an index card.

4.  Eliminate Clutter

Organize your computer’s folders, itemize your Google docs, and clean your desk. Spend a weekend to get “uber” organized. This will serve as a base for your productivity as you move forward on your goals. You will find that eliminating clutter enlightens your mind. Hopefully making you feel more at peace with your current situation, and allow you to function more effectively.

5. Gcal

Google calendar may be the best way to organize and compile upcoming events on the web. Because it’s made by Google and hosted remotely, Gcal is accessible from any computer or phone. The recurring feature is great for consistent weekly events and allows for multiple different themes and skins. Gcal also has added functionality with your other personal accounts, having the ability to sync Facebook events and link them with your Mac’s iCal App.

Whether you are using a bit of tips and tricks to get yourself on the fast track to time savings or productivity apps to get organized; you will find that as you progress into a mode of functionality, things will happen faster and you will approach each “to do” differently. Good luck! Stay healthy, focused and productive.

Matt Krautstrunk is an expert writer on point of sale systems based in San Diego, California. He writes extensively for an online resource that provides expert advice on purchasing and outsourcing decisions for small business owners and entrepreneurs such as restaurant pos systems at Resource Nation.

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