Paper Tiger Blog


The Paper Tiger Blog contains great ideas on better ways to stay organized, clear your desk, reduce stress and spend less time managing information.

Tina says, “Paper Tiger Filing System Has Changed My Life”

Paper Tiger Filing System Software and Document Management has changed my life! I support a team of 12 supervisors and am responsible for over 3000 files. When I came into the department, the filing system was a collection of various different filing systems and was mostly organized chronologically. This system worked as the team of supervisors I supported had worked for the county for 20 years and could remember when the projects were completed, etc. I began to get anxious when I realized that these long-term supervisors would be retiring at the same time and, without their knowledge in the office, I would have a very difficult time locating project files.

So now here we are in 2010 and the departments of Finance, Agriculture, Administration and Planning are all using the Paper Tiger. My long-term team members have since retired and I have a wonderful tool at my fingers that allows me to retrieve archived information for my new supervisors very easily and quickly. It works so well that they are able to use it while I am out of the office!

The Paper Tiger filing system allows my department to run efficiently and makes me look good!!

Tina Kwirant
Public Works Administrative Assistant
Brazeau County, Alberta

Tina’s testimony was originally published in Sherry Borsheim’s newsletter. Sherry Borsheim is owner of Simply Productive and a Paper Tiger Expert, has been helping people to work smarter, not harder for years. She specializes in resolving paper, time and information management issues. To learn more about eliminating the paper pile-up and in vastly improving your productively, contact Simply Productive at 604-233-7076.

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