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Ten Years Later – Still Loving Paper Tiger in Our Government Office

Customer testimonial by Kimesha Butterfield

Kimesha's testimonial using Paper Tiger Filing System Software

I have been using Paper Tiger Document Management software for over 10 years.  When I first started to use it, I was a little afraid of using a numerical system instead of the alphabet system I had used for so many years.  Our Paper Tiger consultant, Cindy Swan was so understanding of my apprehension and we took one step at a time.

I had four different sections or departments that had their own filing systems and I needed to combine all sections into one central filing system. We worked together and developed a customized system that works today, 10 years later.  The system is so fool proof that when temp staff comes in, they can retrieve filing data and perform filing duties.

I have since left that department.  In my new position, I told my boss that we needed to have Paper Tiger filing system software.  My boss is the Chief Medical Office of Bermuda, and has been in that position for a number of years and introducing a numerical filing system was beyond his thought process; he actually disliked it greatly in the beginning and thought he would never use it.  He now understands the value that Paper Tiger system brings to him being able to retrieve information whether I am in office or not. He now gives and shares input into the Paper Tiger system.  I thought his willingness to use the Paper Tiger system would have never happened from dealing with his initial lack of willingness to accept Paper Tiger software system.

After convincing my boss, in conversation with our comptroller, she was complaining of her and her staff in her departments not being able to easily retrieve their data once it was filed away.  She said it was like she was experiencing the Bermuda triangle, because once her data was filed away, it seemed like the Bermuda Triangle swallowed up their data and most of her data was never found again.

I invited her to come to my office and I showed her how Paper Tiger worked.  She, unlike my boss, was immediately impressed, not fearful and overwhelmed with joy at the prospect of filing her data and being able to retrieve it with the click of a button.  I honestly feel she was most in awe of the keyword feature in Paper Tiger.  I explained to her how I have witnessed the vast development of Paper Tiger, because when I started out there was no network versions, no spell check and we did not have all the other features such as connecting to the internet and even being able to search through Google from the Paper Tiger database.

Yes I love the Paper Tiger!  I would not work anywhere without it.  I am in the process of starting my own home organizing business and trust me, I will be sharing all the wonderful experiences and the professional way one can use this software to organizing all aspects of their lives.  I can’t wait to spread the word to others that are in dire need of getting not only their paper organized, but books, recipes, etc. to name a few.

Kimesha Butterfield
Administrative Assistant
Bermuda Government



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