Paper Tiger Blog


The Paper Tiger Blog contains great ideas on better ways to stay organized, clear your desk, reduce stress and spend less time managing information.

While most professionals realize that file management is mandatory to keep their businesses organized, they hate the actual task of filing paper. Often, these same professionals procrastinate more in developing a document management system than in any other task in the office. This applies to supervisors, business owners and office employees alike. Filing has a bad reputation in business.

The main reason is because it’s time consuming. Add to that, not knowing how to file specific documents and then locate those same files again when needed, and this serves only to reinforce this negative mindset. An efficient and organized file management system is mandatory. So what’s the solution?

The Paper Tiger Document Management and Filing System Software!

This document management software makes filing easy and much less time consuming. Those who have converted to document indexing using The Paper Tiger software have discovered just how simple and efficient this filing system is. And they rave about how it removes the dread from the task of filing! Once the software is installed and in use, the procrastination associated with managing files and paperwork in the office flies out the window.

Less procrastinating means more work accomplished. Employees will be more productive, which will make them—and you—happier and more content.

Organization is required for any business to function properly. Sadly, many office workers still believe the only way files and documents can be organized is to keep them all in one location. With The Paper Tiger, that simply isn’t the case because the software provides the organization. To add new files, you simply place a new folder behind the last one in the drawer or file box; label it accordingly in relation to your keywords input into The Paper Tiger, and you’re good to go. It works like a search engine for your paper files! You’ll immediately spend less time shuffling paper and more time being productive.

No more struggling or wasting time moving files around from one filing cabinet to another so you can squeeze one more folder in. No more wasting time trying to decide where the file is when you need it. No more reorganizing an office to fit in another file cabinet, when there is plenty of space in another room. Files no longer have to be near each other to keep your file management functioning properly.

Some business owners and employees think scanning is the best way to manage their files in trying to create a paperless environment. But consider this…

1. What happens if you scan a file, dispose of it, and then realize you’re missing important documents that didn’t scan properly?

2. How much money will you have to spend on a scanner with enough speed, efficiency, and quality to justify the cost of this filing system?

3. What will you do if your computer crashes and you don’t have a backup?

4. How will you name your files so you’ll be able to easily find them later?

5. How will your computer handle the files as space becomes limited or programs change?

These are just a few of the many questions that you’ll need to answer before using a document management scanning system. The concerns are many and can impact your business in ways you may never have considered.

When you use The Paper Tiger filing system, however, you’re putting your computer to work for you. Not only will you have a computer index of all your files, but a paper copy as well. You’ll still have the originals of all your important documents.

Companies who have been in business for decades often struggle with their document management system because it was created back when the company began. This can cause problems never imagined. Certain files must be kept forever. This can be a challenge, to say the least, when the business has been around for many years.

Some business owners may be concerned they can’t learn to use the software and may feel an indexing system only works for small businesses that don’t have many files. Or they may think it only works for businesses whose files are all housed in one location. This really isn’t the case. Worldwide, associations, large companies, small businesses, schools & colleges, government agencies, healthcare providers, non-profit institutions, religious institutions, as well as individuals, have discovered a filing system that uses the power of their computer to solve their problems with paper once and for all!

The Paper Tiger Document Management and Filing System Software works with as many files as you have to manage and it’s so easy to add or remove files, that it’s truly the best solution for a business of any size. The system works well for businesses with different locations as well. The software will manage files wherever they’re stored, making it a perfect solution for any business, regardless of what they do, or how big or small they are.

The Paper Tiger may not take all the work out of filing and document management, but it will save you time in maintaining and organizing your office documents. The fear that it will take too much time to get it all done is probably the biggest reason for procrastinating where filing is concerned. The average businessperson wastes over 150 hours per year just looking for lost information! Let The Paper Tiger Document Management and Filing System Software tame your files and you can alleviate some of the stress that comes with developing a more effective filing system while running a well-organized and more efficient office at the same time!

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Whatever your document management issues, Paper Tiger Document Management and Filing System Software is the ideal solution to help you control the paper flow in your company.

Some businesses have so many files that they must consolidate at times. They may have rules that state that files can be moved to basement storage periodically, to an offsite location, storage shed, or a corporate storage location. When this happens, how do you handle the filing on those still important, yet archived, files? Let’s consider…

1. Basement Storage

Whether you store your files in a file room, unused office, or a basement storage room, you need to keep track of them with your filing system. Some people may think you can’t use an indexing system with archived files, but that’s far from the truth.

Document management via an indexing system makes more sense now than ever because your files are farther away from your “regular” office space. This means you’d have to go further to find the files you need, which of course takes more time and creates added expense.

When you index archived files in remote storage areas, you’ll be able to search the Paper Tiger database to find where the file is located, then go right to the location, pull the file, and be able to get back to work with the file in hand. Then you can quickly return the file to the same location when finished.

An indexing system handles the information required so you know which files are in the basement or other storage area compared to the file room. There’ll never be confusion as to where a file is located with an indexing document management system.

2. Offsite Storage Location

Offsite storage locations can be different than other storage areas. The main reason being you don’t have the ability to easily browse where your files are in those storage facilities. Using indexing to manage your documents stored in an offsite location, you can manage these files the same way as any others. Note the location of the files, add keywords to help you index them and file as needed. The hardest task then will be beating the traffic in your drive to find a file.

3. Storage Shed or Unit

Some businesses use storage units either on location or within a locked gate at a different facility. With this type of storage, you’ll want to use shelves so archived file boxes aren’t directly on the floor. Shelves will protect the files and still allow you to use your indexing file system easily.

For best results, mark each shelf so you’ll know specifically where boxes are located. You can, of course, use file cabinets, but you might not want to purchase new cabinets when you move files to archived storage. Metal shelves will work just fine while still allowing you easy access to your documents.

4. Corporate Storage Location

At times when corporations have small divisional offices, they may not have the room to store archived files, and they don’t want to send them to an offsite storage location. In this case, those files may be sent to the corporate office for safekeeping.

When this happens you can use the same indexing system you’re currently using, even though the files aren’t in the same location. You manage it the same way you would with any other offsite storage location. Simply note the location, the box number and keywords in your index file and you’re good to go. Document retrieval is a cinch, regardless of where your files are stored.

One advantage with corporate storage is that you will typically be able to contact someone in the corporate office and ask them to send you any files you need without you having to make a trip to the office. With another offsite storage location, that wouldn’t work, of course.

At times businesses may run into storage problems and will need to move files around to accommodate space or a change in facilities. Using an indexing system for your document management needs will make this an easy transition and still allow you needed access to your files.

Whatever method you use to archive files, be sure and use the Action Date function in Paper Tiger to remind you when these archived files need to be pulled and destroyed based on your company’s records retention policy. If you don’t already have a records retention policy, see our ‘Retention Guidelines: How long should you keep records?‘ articles that might be helpful to you.

Try Paper Tiger Document Management and Filing System Software today and see for yourself!

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Have you ever been on the road traveling for business and discovered you needed a file from your office? If you have your own file system, it could be a challenge to send someone to your office to look for what you need.

If you used an indexing system such as The Paper Tiger document management software and filing system, you wouldn’t have this problem. You could give your assistant the information needed to quickly and easily find the documents you need, saving you not only time, but money as well.

Worldwide, thousands of businesses, government agencies, non-profits and individuals use The Paper Tiger Document Management and Filing System software to manage their filing. They have discovered a filing system that uses the power of their computer to solve their problems with paper once and for all!

These organizations and individuals have found The Paper Tiger software to be an invaluable tool to help them better manage their office and get organized to stay on top of the virtual mountain of paperwork that they must deal with each day. It is simply the best filing system available. You get all the power of the computer without the risks and time commitment of paper scanning!

The indexing system is the way to go because it gives your employees the ability to access files and documents no matter where you are. It’s the ideal way to find what you’re looking for with ease.

An indexing system saves a company money and it saves time every year because you don’t have to physically search for files you need. Just think how productive your staff can be. It’s like having more hours in the day to accomplish necessary tasks. You’ll also lower your overtime hours when you implement an indexing system for your document management solutions.

Some managers want to ensure The Paper Tiger Document Management and Filing System software is the right program for their offices, and others want to be sure the money they spend is worth the investment, while still others need to make sure they can get a refund if this software doesn’t work as promised. Let’s alleviate some of these concerns.

One question we’re asked often is what happens if my computer crashes or goes down. What will I do since all of the information is stored on the computer? There are a couple of ways to handle this. One suggestion is to print out a report with all of the information that is contained in your software.

Another option is to do a back up of your entire computer and save it at another location. An external hard drive or CD works well for this.

One last suggestion is to make sure your network (if you have one) is backed up regularly.

We’re also asked how we can say The Paper Tiger saves 150 hours a year when it takes so long to create the index? When you consider using an indexing system you need to look at the entire picture. Yes, it will take time to create your index, but compared to the time spent searching for files, it takes much less time in the long run. And you have a full 60-day guarantee!

For some, if not all companies, security and privacy is a huge issue. When your file folders are arranged by contact name, company name, or other pertinent information, it’s easier for someone to look in those files and access confidential information. When you use an indexing system that uses numbers, it isn’t nearly as easy for someone to locate sensitive data. This virtually eliminates privacy issues for client files, in particular.

Training is another big issue for some companies. They need to make the most of their time and money. The Paper Tiger indexing system is easy to learn and it’s easy to train others to use. The more you use the system, the easier it becomes. Start slow and work your way up to larger quantities of files. Before you know it, your entire office will be indexed!

An indexing system for document management is worth every second of investment and time spent setting it up. You’ll see the difference almost immediately. Your employees will be more productive, you’ll spend less time searching for files, and you’ll spend even less time filing new documents or re-filing documents you’ve pulled.

After just a few days of using The Paper Tiger, you’ll feel comfortable with it and you’ll wonder how you survived without it. You’ll feel better about your document management system and you’ll know you made a smart choice. You’ll also know that you’re spending less money and your employees are more productive than they ever were before you chose The Paper Tiger Document Management and Filing System software.


There are a number of filing systems that office personnel use for document management. Some are, of course, more common than others. When filing solutions are chosen based simply on “tradition,” (such as the standard alphabetical filing system that has always been used), it could create problems for your company down the road. That’s why managing office documentation via an indexing system like The Paper Tiger document management software and filing system is so valuable.

In our uncertain times where layoffs are all too common, losing the one person who knows the current filing system can wreak havoc in an office. It may be that no one has a clue where things are filed and how to find them. When locating a document becomes critical, and no one remembers how it was filed, panic ensues.

The best solution to this dilemma is to set up your files using a computerized document indexing system. Once the process is complete, you’ll be thrilled with the ease of use and implementation of this common sense approach to filing. An indexing system for document management is an invaluable strategy for your business. And new office managers and filing assistants can be trained on its use in just a few minutes.

You’ll need to decide where to begin with your files, but the best place to start is obviously with the first file cabinet. You’ll need hanging files and labels on hand for each file. Having the computer and the file cabinet in the same room is the ideal way to save time going back and forth between the two.

There are many advantages to using an indexing system as opposed to a traditional filing system. One of the main reasons is the reduction in hours spent managing files. You’ll be amazed at the reduction in time employees spend searching for specific files. When you implement an indexing system for your documents, you include keywords for every file. Then when you need to search for that file, you simply enter the keyword in the computer and within seconds you know the location of that document.

Another advantage to an indexing system is the reduction in the number of duplicate files your company maintains. One main reason for duplicate files and documents comes when more than one person keeps files on hand. Since everyone has their own system for filing, it’s often difficult to locate information that someone else has filed. So duplicate files can be created, whether on purpose or inadvertently. With an indexing system to manage your files, this duplication can be eliminated.

Have you ever ran across a document that needs to be filed in more than one location? Maybe a file that relates to multiple customers. This typically means you have to make a copy of the entire file so you can store it in two (or more) locations. With an indexing system that isn’t necessary. You simply include both names in your keyword list and eliminate the need for copies.

In a traditional filing system, items are typically filed alphabetically. When you run out of room, you’re forced to shift files around to accommodate new files. This problem is also eliminated when you use an indexing system to manage your documents. There’s no need to shift or move files because they aren’t filed in alphabetical order. You can place new files in a new cabinet and still be able to locate them quickly and efficiently.

When you choose The Paper Tiger for document management needs, you install the software directly to your computer. The file itself will then guide you through every step of the installation and set-up process. You receive, literally, all the information you need to get started, including pre-printed tabs if you choose the shipping option, software, and learning materials to get you up and running right away.

You’ll also receive the support you need to get through the learning process, installation and set-up, and to any questions that may come up now or down the road.

The Paper Tiger document management software is a one-of-a-kind solution that eliminates countless hours of filing and searching for documents. The system is easy to learn and simple to use. It’s also a cinch to train others.

If your filing system is a mess, consider The Paper Tiger document management software. You’ll be thrilled you made the decision when you see the money your company saves each month in document management.

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To eliminate procrastination with your filing, always make sure to have empty hanging files with numbered tabs already set up. Then you can just enter the information into The Paper Tiger document management software and drop your documents in the appropriate numbered file.

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Perhaps you’re familiar with the adage that time is of the essence. That means it’s important to spend your time wisely. Searching for papers that are filed somewhere can be time consuming. At worst, this could cause you to miss a deadline; at the least you’ll spend valuable time that could be better spent on more productive tasks.

Successful document management is mandatory for your business. An unorganized office can cost your company hundreds of dollars every year due to lost time, lack of efficiency, and even duplicated efforts in recreating work you can’t find. It is estimated that people waste 150 hours per year just looking for lost items. Just think about what 150 hours per person in your company is costing. Organizing office paperwork is key.

Finding and implementing a simple, effective document management and filing system is so important for your business. You need to know exactly where to find what you’re looking for when you need it. Who can afford to spend valuable time searching paper-by-paper, or drawer-by-drawer trying to find a document?

Once you realize the importance of an effective system for managing your office documents, the decision becomes what kind of system to use. There are a few possibilities, but which one is best?

One relatively new filing system is to use a Rolodex and write down each item and where it can be found in the office. For each word you might search under, you would write out a card using that word. You would then file the cards in alphabetical order based on chosen keywords. While this may be viable for some, when you have a large number of documents to manage, it can quickly become a gargantuan task to handwrite all those cards.

Another option is to scan each and every piece of paper you need to keep and file them on your computer, or on CDs or flash drives. The problem with this system is disk space. In addition, it is very time consuming and you run the risk of losing everything, should there be a technical ‘glitch’ — they happen, you know.

As such, what happens if your computer crashes? Or what happens if your computer gets one of the millions of viruses available to you (for free!) on the Internet?  You could lose everything in the blink of an eye! Not to mention that, as you upgrade your computer and operating systems change, you could face the problem of not being able to view your files anymore. This is what happened with all those floppy disks that were so common awhile back. New computers don’t even come with 3 ½” drives anymore.

It could also be difficult to search for needed files since some document scanning systems do not allow much flexibility or make it cumbersome to add keywords or search terms. You could keep a separate folder for every document, but then you need an even larger amount of space to store them all. This system simply isn’t feasible for a business with a large amount of paperwork. Plus, the entire effort is very, yes VERY, time consuming.  Many documents do not lend themselves to being scanned (i.e. bound documents, original signature contracts, etc.)

Of course, you can always use an alphabetical filing system, which is what most companies resort to by default, simply because it’s all they know. After over 100 years, the alphabetic methods are firmly entrenched into our way of doing business.  However, the alphabetic document management system has many flaws and starts to breakdown almost as soon as it is implemented.  It literally gets worse, much worse, over time.  The alphabetic method requires that a person (or worse, a group of people) in the office remember how they filed the information.  The problem is that people forget or they don’t all think alike.  Many times, the person who sets up the filing system leaves the company and the knowledge of where things are filed goes out the door with them. (this is a BIG PROBLEM!)

The solution seems elusive.

Yet, there is a simple document management system that can be easily implemented in any size company. Converting your traditional files to this more efficient system will make you wonder how you ever managed without it.

It’s called Paper Tiger.

Paper Tiger document management software and filing system is a software program that allows you to easily categorize and organize your files based on a numerical indexing system that makes it a cinch to find what you need by allowing you to search for any keyword you choose—right from your computer!  Think of it as the Google search engine for your file cabinet.

No need to scan your documents any longer, you simply index them and file them the same way you’ve always done. For those who need to keep the paper copies and originals, this is the ideal solution to document management. You avoid all the hassles and risks of using an imaging solution (paperless, scanning) and yet get many of the benefits of instant retrieval and virtual immunity from disruption due to staff turnover.

Not sure you want to commit to managing your office documents via computer? You can enjoy a free version, learn how the system works and see if this innovative document management system will work for you and your company before you buy. If you find—as thousands of others including large businesses, major universities, government agencies, non-profits, small businesses and professionals have—that this is indeed something you can’t live without, you can purchase the full product and get started on managing your files more efficiently right away. You can learn how to use Paper Tiger software in under 30 minutes – and you will never have to remember how you filed a document again!

And since you’ll print out an index of your files, you don’t have to worry about losing everything if your computer crashes or gets the “Trojan A”, “Trojan B”, etc. or some other crazy sounding virus. With Paper Tiger, you’ll have the ease of computer document management solution and the security of a paper trail as well. It’s the best of both worlds. There is security in having the real paper, when you need it.

Paper Tiger Filing System software for document management allows you to add simple codes to every document in your office, and then add item name and keyword information to the software so you can easily track and manage your files. You can see this amazing system in action on Paper Tiger’s website.  You’ll be able to search for documents and files based on keywords that you choose to input, while creating a custom designed filing solution that’s perfect for your office.

An efficient document management is a must for any size company from the smallest home based business to the largest corporation or government agency. That’s why there are varying solutions with different levels of functionality to meet your individual needs. But whatever options your company needs, you can find pre-recorded webinars with tips and all the information you need to help you create a manageable, effective filing system.

As the decision maker in your business, you need to decide which document management system will work best for your organization. To do so, you’ll need to evaluate the options and choose the one you deem most appropriate. The ability to search for files and documents using keywords you select will save time and money every day, while greatly reducing stress and increasing productivity.

The business world today is much too competitive to not be as efficient as possible.  The days of using traditional alphabetic filing systems with their inherent disadvantages are quickly coming to an end.  Realize as you search for a computerized solution to replace your antiquated alphabetic filing system and move to the paperless office, that there is another fantastic computerized solution available using indexing, not imaging…Paper Tiger software.  Indexing is a great, low-cost, low-hassle, reduced risk way to meet your organization’s document management needs.

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This article below is a great source to get your filing cabinet(s) in order. Gina suggests a label maker, which is a fine resource, however if you use The Paper Tiger document management and filing system software, you can print your labels from within the software.

By Gina Trapani, 12:30 PM on Fri Feb 17 2006

One of the main clutter culprits in my home office is the “To File” pile – you know, that stack of paperwork that’s supposed to go into the file drawer at one point or another. Usually this pile spontaneously occurs right on top of the filing cabinet, which is pretty silly. I mean, instead of adding stuff to the pile, why wouldn’t I just file it? Turns out the sad state of my messy, overflowing filing cabinet is the reason for my blockage.

Sound familiar? Today we’re going to embark on a file drawer makeover for the overstuffed, under labeled filing system and turn it into a neat, breezy and dare I say pleasurable place to organize your important paperwork.

Give your paperwork a spacious place to live.
Let’s face it: we’re not in college anymore. That plastic file box or enormous binder held shut with a rubber band just ain’t going to cut it. You’ve got personal, financial, insurance, car, clients, tax and medical paperwork to track. If you’ve been using an undersized filing cabinet that just doesn’t have enough room to accommodate your stuff – or no filing cabinet at all – invest in a spacious, well designed file drawer or cabinet that leaves you room to spare. Lots of room. In fact, Getting Things Done author David Allen says your file drawer should be only three-quarters full. From page 99 of the GTD book:

“I know almost no one who doesn’t have overstuffed file drawers. If you value your cuticles, and if you want to get rid of your unconscious resistance to filing, then you must keep the drawers loose enough that you can insert and retrieve files without effort.”

If you’re out to buy a new filing cabinet, Allen says you shouldn’t skimp on quality.

“Nothing is worse than trying to open a heavy file drawer and hearing that awful screech! that happens when you wrestle with the roller bearings on one of those $29.95 “special sale” cabinets. You really need a file cabinet whose drawer, even when it’s three-quarters full, will glide open and click shut with the smoothness and solidity of a door on a German car. I’m not kidding.”

He’s not kidding. A tool that’s easy and fun to use is a tool you will use.

Allocate one file folder per hanging folder.
As soon as things start to get crowded inside filing cabinet land, your first instinct is to start putting several manila folders into one hanging folder. Bad idea. Allocate one single manila folder to one single hanging folder. This cleanly separates your folders and makes them easy to ruffle through them. (Allen recommends staying away from hanging folders completely; personally, I like them.) Keep a supply of both manila folders and hanging folders within reach so that creating a new one is as easy as possible.

Choose an accessible naming scheme.
You may be a plain old straight-up A to Z type person, but there are more ways than one to alphabetize file folders. My preferred method is to break things up into categories, like “Car,” “Client,” “Taxes,” “Bank Account” and preface a folder name with that word. For example, one folder might be “Car: Honda Accord” and another is “Client: Lifehacker,” and another “Bank Account: ING Direct.”

Whatever method you choose, make sure your system is obvious and consistent throughout your files to make retrieving paperwork as simple and thoughtless as possible.

Use a label maker.
When I first read Getting Things Done, the recommended tool I was most sure I didn’t need was a label maker. Boy was I wrong. Neatly labelled folders make a file drawer look sharp and accessible.

I used to write the name of my folder in pen or pencil or marker right onto the tab. When I wanted to reuse a folder, I’d put masking tape or white-out over the old label and write over it. What a mess that was – especially considering the downward path my handwriting has taken since I learned how to print in second grade. Making a label is fun and makes your folders look super-professional and easy to read. Check out the difference between written tabs and labeled tabs.

See? The Brother P-Touch Home and Hobby Label Maker gets the job done and it’ll set you back about 25 bucks.

Purge what you don’t need. Archive closed files.
Over time it’s easy for your filing drawer to get out of control and filled with stuff that doesn’t matter any more or that you simply don’t need on hand at all times. Be sure to purge your paperwork every few months of the irrelevant stuff, like user guides you can get on the web or for gadgets you no longer own, past project research and former employer paperwork. Archive old stuff you don’t want to get rid of but don’t need immediate access to into cardboard file boxes and put them in storage. Closed bank account records, old credit reports, and your 1996 taxes are good candidates here.

Article by Gina Trapani taken from

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The best document management software and paper filing system product is now available for a free 10-day trial. Tens of thousands of companies, government agencies and non-profit organizations around the world use The Paper Tiger document management and filing system software to manage their office filing tasks much more productively.

Atlanta, GA (PRWEB) September 26, 2009 — The best paper filing system software product is now available for a free 10-day trial. Tens of thousands of companies, government agencies and non-profit organizations around the world use The Paper Tiger filing system software to manage their office filing tasks much more productively.

The Paper Tiger document management and filing system software is a very powerful, yet simple indexing system for office files. It works like a search engine for paper files, to help companies get and stay organized! Individuals can waste over 150 hours per year, just looking for lost information. The Paper Tiger filing system software uses the power of the computer to index the hanging file folders in office file cabinets.

Now with our 10-day free trial, everyone can easily download the software and see how it will work in their office environment without any risk. What most people do not know is that there are only 5 things they can do with a piece of paper – (1) toss it (2) stack it (3) file it alphabetically (4) scan it or (5) index it, using a product like The Paper Tiger filing system software. The paperless office never quite made it to reality. Scanning solutions are costly and very difficult to implement. Also, many documents (signed contracts, presentations, etc.) must be kept in their original paper form. Some people are uncomfortable with scanning documents (document management solutions) due to the possibility that they could lose everything in the event of a technical malfunction. For a complete list of these options and the pros and cons of each, see the Decision Guide at
“Paper is not going away, as many people thought just a few years ago. Now, many people are looking for a better way to deal with and share the paper in their business and personal lives,” says James D. Grady, President & CEO of The Monticello Corporation, the makers of The Paper Tiger document management and filing system software. “Now with our 10-day free trial, everyone can easily download the software and see how it will work in their office environment without any risk,” remarks Mr. Grady.

For more information and to download a 10-day free trial, visit

About The Monticello Corporation, makers of The Paper Tiger document management and filing system software.

Founded in 1995, The Monticello Corporation’s mission is to enhance its customers’ business and personal effectiveness by providing the training, tools and motivation to help them solve their problems with filing and finding the paper in their lives. The company’s main product, The Paper Tiger document management and filing system software, was created as a type of inventory management system (like a chart of accounts) for physical hanging files (you know, the green, yellow, blue and red ones in your file cabinet!).

Monticello got its name from the legendary home of Thomas Jefferson, U.S. president from 1801-1809. An avid collector of books and music, Jefferson transferred his personal library of more than 6,000 volumes to the Library of Congress in 1815, doubling its size and permanently expanding the scope of its collections.

James D. Grady
President/CEO, The Monticello Corporation

Toll-free Phone: 866-701-1561

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The following article by Barbara Bartlein, The People Pro, recommends The Paper Tiger filing system software!

After coaching executives for more than twenty years, it is clear that one of the greatest stumbling blocks for productivity is the difficulty successful people have in letting go. They hang on to routines, paper, people, and even meetings that suck their time, energy, and creativity. Consider:

* The average US executive wastes six weeks per year retrieving misplaced information on desks or in files. At a salary of $75,000 per year, this translates into $ 9225.

* Office workers spend 40-60% of their time working with paper. Despite visions of a paperless office, 95% of all information is still transmitted using paper.

* 80% of filed papers are never referenced again.

* Negative employees cost companies millions of dollars in lost productivity and sales.

* Of 1,037 full or part-time workers polled by Opinion Research USA, 27% ranked disorganized, rambling meetings as their top frustration.

Highly creative and energetic people seem especially prone to hang on to things and routines. After all, this was part of what made them successful. They view “stuff” as opportunity and people as resources. But sometimes it doesn’t work and the clutter, negative employee or useless routine gets in the way of attending to what is really important.

There are steps you can take to “let go” of the things in your life that are stifling your success. Some suggestions:

* Let go of perfectionism. Perfectionism is paralysis and often 80% is more than good enough. Sometimes it is better to just complete something than obsess over details that won’t make a difference. Set time limits for projects and stick to them.

* Let go of energy suckers. Get rid of negative, non-performing employees on the payroll. When management at 3M laid off the bottom 10% (the poorest performers) at one facility–their productivity skyrocketed up eighteen percent. 3M learned that negative employees not only produce less, but they also cost more. Negative employees destroy morale and turn off potential customers. As one employee said, “an energy sucker is the person you go on break with and come back more exhausted than when you left.”

* Let go of meetings. The great corporate time waster. So many meetings aren’t really necessary and too often they are poorly organized and run. Conduct training for effective meetings for all management personnel. This should include an evaluation checklist whether to have the meeting at all. Make sure that meeting organizers know how to create an agenda, start on time and keep control of the proceedings.

* Let go of filing. Make your office paperless by using some of the new on-line filing systems such as Easy to implement, you can manage both paper and electronic files. It eliminates duplication of materials and does not require scanning.

* Let go of crisis management. Avoid the tyranny of the urgent so that you can focus on what is important. Often the result of someone else’s poor planning; it can result in spending most of your day putting out fires. Let co-workers know that you plan your day and don’t jump from project to project. Insist on realistic timeframes for projects.

* Let go of interruptions. Train yourself and your co-workers to stop the frequent interruptions that block creativity and “flow.” Every time you are interrupted, it will take an average of 15 minutes to get back into the task at hand. Make sure you are not interrupting yourself with frequent breaks, cups of coffee or chatting in the hall.

* Let go of useless tasks. Do you really have to do all the stuff on your “to do” list? I have seen executives typing their own letters, doing computer entry and other everyday jobs that could be easily delegated to someone else. Evaluate what you really need to do.

* Build white space in your life. UN-schedule time on your calendar and in your life to just think, read, walk, and relax. Have a weekend from time to time where you have nothing planned. Don’t schedule every hour of the day with no breathing room for the unexpected.

* Know what is draining your resources. Take a careful inventory of where your time goes and with whom. What activities/people deplete your energy? Evaluate how you can handle them differently. How do you re-charge? Structure your week with some re-charging activities such as exercise and hobbies.

* Start plugging the leaks. Start letting go of the problems areas. Get rid of clutter, let go of your bottom feeding employees and control access to your time.

Increase Your Productivity by Letting Go

According to Albert Eistein, there are three rules of work: “Out of clutter find simplicity; from discord find harmony; in the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.”

FREE E-mail newsletter, sign on at Barbara Bartlein, is The People Pro, and President of Great Lakes Consulting Group, LLC, which helps companies sell more goods and services by developing people. She can be reached at 888-747-9953, by e-mail at: or visit her website at

Barbara Bartlein, The People Pro may be contacted at or

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During the “GREAT RECESSION”, as this recession is and will forever be known, many organizations saw their businesses shrink and their staff stretched to the breaking point. According the Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States Department of Labor report dated September 4, 2009 the unemployment rate in the U.S. stood at 9.7%. With fewer people to do the work, everyone left in the organization has had to work much harder to accomplish their goals, relying on systems and tools provided by the company, to make the work as easy as possible. As the nation and the world economies start to recover and we get back to business in a more normal growth-oriented mode, this is a great time to make sure that your organization, if it is not already, is streamlined and ready to do business.

Paper Tiger software can take the boring and tedious task of filing and managing the ever increasing flow of paper in your office (yes, we are all trying to rid ourselves of paper but it still keeps coming!) and almost make the process FUN and REWARDING. After the past 12-24 months of recession, who doesn’t want to make boring tasks more fun?

Now is the time to change the systems in your office that don’t work right – alphabetic filing does not work properly and breaks down very quickly. You only have 5 options with any piece of paper.

As we finally get back to some form of normal business growth, you have to maximize the use of technology to remain competitive and provide the highest level of customer service. Let Paper Tiger software handle your paper filing system – the software really works. If you are using a single-user edition, consider putting your work group on the Network Edition. The software works great when information in the office must be shared.

Now, each day, they get the pleasure of being much better organized with their paper filing. They realized that paper was not going away and that they needed a better way to deal with it. Using The Paper Tiger software each day to stay on top of things, really gives them a bit of a thrill and makes them feel good. And in today’s economy, who doesn’t need to feel just a little better each day?

Make yourself feel good by making the commitment to install, fully implement and convert to the software. Once you have it in your office, you are not likely to go back to the old methods. Filing is a difficult, but necessary, task and making it FUN! (okay, well almost fun), is really important so that you will stay on top of it and streamline your office.

Be sure and see our new What is The Paper Tiger? video.

We stand ready to help you achieve your goals!

The Paper Tiger Team

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The Sermonators interview Dr. Brad Whitt from Temple Baptist Church in Simpsonville, SC

If you are a member of the clergy, this audio tells you in detail how to use The Paper Tiger software to better manage content that you use for your sermons. Use The Paper Tiger to create your own personal library. Remove or photocopy articles of interest from magazines or newspapers or print internet articles. File them now, and read them when you have time.

Ultimate Virtual Filing System For Sermon Resources (And Your Entire Office)

Note: interview regarding The Paper Tiger actually starts about 7-9 minutes into the podcast

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The time it takes to convert your piles and files is justified!

Does converting your files to ‘The Paper Tiger way’ seem overwhelming? Do you have an office full of stacks and stacks of paper to be filed and lots of file drawers to convert?

There is an investment of time to set up your new file system with The Paper Tiger, but when you consider that the average person wastes 150 hours per year looking for lost and misplaced papers, even if it took two (8 hour) days to convert …that would be 16 hours vs. 150 hours. The investment of time is well worth it because you will be so much more productive for years to come.

The Paper Tiger actually makes filing easier and quicker to do once you have it set up, because you set up the empty hanging files prior to filing (a file labeled with a number can be labeled ahead of time) so they are waiting empty in the file drawer to receive your paper files. So when you’re ready to file, you don’t have to search for a hanging folder nor do you have to create a printed label at the time you create a new file.

Listed below are some plans of action.

  • Block off a couple of workdays and get it over with. Plan ahead and make sure that you have an assistant; anyone who can type to enter the data you relay to them will make the file conversion go much more quickly. Go ahead and input the numbered tabs into your hanging folders (files you already have set up in your desk drawers and file cabinets, and new hanging folders for new files.) You tell your assistant which words to enter into the database for Item Name, Keywords, and Category starting with #1 and forward. Then, you can put the papers into the appropriate numbered file.  This will also be a good time to decide file retention for each file and use the Action Date section to remind you to archive or trash after a pre-determined amount of time.
  • Converting will be more difficult without an assistant, but it can be done.
  • We suggest starting with the papers on your desk. Make a decision for every piece of paper.
  • Throw away what you can do without (if you can toss all the paper in your life and find it later on the Internet or get it from someone else, recycle!)
  • Does the paper require Action? If so, decide which action and file appropriately. Use the handy Action tabs that come with your shipment or printed from Paper Tiger to help you decide how to file Action items! You may also want to set up a daily and/or monthly follow up system to help you with dated items, which you should check daily.
  • If you want to keep for later reference and it doesn’t require action, place in stack to file (or tray labeled ‘To File’)
  • Next, go to your desk drawers. If you’ve already input the numbered tabs in your hanging folders, you’re ready to type into Paper Tiger the item name and keywords for each file.

Note: If your hanging file folder has several items that you want to include into 1 Item Name in Paper Tiger, you would simply add keywords for all document items into the Keyword section of the same Item Name. In addition, you may want to separate the physical documents in the hanging file folder with manilla folders. In this case, you might also want to number the manilla folders and include the number that you input on the manilla folder with the coinciding keywords in the Keyword section.

  • Go to your file cabinets next, one drawer at a time. Before you know it, you’ll be done!
  • If blocking off complete days will not work for you, commit to doing a certain number of files per day. So if you had 150 files to convert and you said you would do 10 a day, in 15 days you would have it done. If you do this, you need to schedule the time in your calendar to do the conversion and then be disciplined about keeping these appointments with yourself.

Do a combination of the above in some way that will work for you. Decide on the most important sections of your files and convert them immediately. Then you commit to a couple of hours a week or 1 drawer a day until the rest is done…whatever works for you. Statistically, 80% of our existing files are never referenced again, so as you are going through each file, and you know you haven’t referenced a file for several months (and probably won’t again,) decide if you can toss it or if it needs to be archived. If it needs to be archived, put the file in the last drawer to be converted. When you get to that drawer, you can create a location called Archive within Paper Tiger, input the file item name and keywords in that Archive location, then box the file to be sent to wherever you send archived files.

Also, you don’t have to add keywords for every piece of paper in a file if the file name contains the only word(s) you would ever look up to find it. (ex: invoices)


Dear New Paper Tiger User,

So, you’ve been asked to take over the filing from another employee who’s is on leave, gone on vacation or left the company. At this point you now find yourself staring at a software screen trying to understand a software product that you’ve never used before, eh? And to make matters worse, people are asking you to file and find things using this software – you are expected to do this while completing all of your other tasks? So, before you use words that you will later regret : ), let us help you with a few quick tips that will make this process much easier and not consume all of your time:

  1. Relax and Breathe - Tens of thousands of companies use The Paper Tiger software, it is really easy to learn. If all those people can do it, you can do it! Heck, you might even have FUN!

  2. Flying a Jet - You wouldn’t attempt to fly a jet without a little training, so why would you attempt to use a new piece of software without just a little instruction? Okay, I know…you are busy, right? Well spending just a few minutes, we are talking 30 minutes, understanding the concepts and features of The Paper Tiger software will potentially save you hours of “trying to figure it out” later. We make this learning process very easy and best of all, you can do it from the comfort of your own desk – everything is online. See the list of our training tools below including our new The New Paper Tiger message board.

  3. Mistakes - The beauty of The Paper Tiger software is that it is really hard to mess it up. Unlike alphabetic systems (the old way) where if you misfiled something, it could be lost forever, The Paper Tiger software almost guarantees you will find the documents later, regardless of how you filed it. The system works very similar to Google and is truly a “finding system”, not really a filing system. Go ahead, use it – file things, the system will make it easy to find later!

  4. Start Slow - To use the system, you only have to start with the papers on your desk right now. To file with The Paper Tiger software, you don’t even have to get up from your desk. See the training videos to see how this is done. The software really changes the paradigm of filing and makes it not only easy but well…almost fun!

Have a good time and don’t worry…filing with The Paper Tiger software is very forgiving. Spend just few minutes learning the software and you will never look back. We are here to help you in any way!

The Paper Tiger Team

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Let’s face it, everyone would like to have less paper in their lives and many people are trying really hard to limit paper. If you are trying to greatly reduce the paper in your business and personal life, we think that is a great idea. However, if you are like most people, you will find that you can only take going paperless so far and you will still end up with quite a bit of paper – for this you should use The Paper Tiger software.

As we mentioned in a previous newsletter, with paper you only have 5 choices to deal with paper: TOSS IT in the trash (toss as much as you can), STACK IT (all that stuff on your desk), FILE IT alphabetically (the old fashioned way using abc’s and the file cabinet), SCAN IT (very tedious and time consuming) or INDEX IT (use The Paper Tiger software to index your paper files).

However, one of the best ways to get yourself better organized is to eliminate as much paper as you can upfront (i.e. don’t get it in the first place). If you want to get rid of as much paper as possible, here are a few ideas to consider:

  • Emailing - if at all possible, scan your paper documents into a computer and email them to your recipient rather than using a fax machine. If you do this, you are keeping a copy for yourself and reducing the paper on the other side. Your recipients will thank you for doing this!

  • Postal Mail - use an online service such as DMAchoice to take your name off direct marketing mailing lists. It is also not a bad idea to remove your name from telemarketing call lists at the same time.

  • Catalogs - use an online service such as Mailstopper to take your name off catalog marketing mailing lists.

  • Pay Online - pay bills and receive statements online. This eliminates quite a bit of paper. However, make sure you have a good electronic copy of the statements on your computer, in case your bank or other vendor decides to remove old statements. You can usually download a copy of all statements in .pdf format.

  • Digital Lists - reach for your iPhone, iPod Touch, Netbook or other such digital device before using paper to write down notes. There is great software available to help you keep organized and stay on top of your lists (free one at gmail tasks – Google). There is even a system available where you can call in and the system convert your voice to text called Jott.

  • PDFs - not everything needs to be printed to paper. You can save trees and laser toner/ink by simply printing documents to .pdf format and saving them on your computer. The bigger question is do you really need to save the document at all?

  • Scanning - scanning allows you to convert paper files into digital format. This can work out quite well for you and can make you feel “really organized”. There are many good choices in the market including The Neat Company. However, realize the pitfalls – scanning can consume quite a bit of time, some documents do not lend themselves to scanning and computers can and do break, so be sure and have a “bulletproof” local and off-site backup system or you could lose everything with a computer malfunction or a virus/database corruption error. You could even use The Paper Tiger to organize the physical documents that have been scanned, if you are worried about tossing the paper and later having a total loss situation due to a computer malfunction.

  • Paper - believe it or not, even if you did everything above, you would still have paper and lots of it! This is especially true if you are running a business. This is where we hope you will use The Paper Tiger to better manage the information. The Paper Tiger software is the easiest way to manage the paper in your business and personal life. At its core, it is a powerful indexing system that allows you to use the computer to Find Anything in Your Office in 5 Seconds or Less…Guaranteed! It is simple to learn and it really works! Take a 10 day FREE TRIAL!.

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