Many years ago, filing was just a haphazard task with no discernible pattern and no regulations governing how and why it should be conducted. However, today’s business world is far different due to major advances in so many different areas of technology and media. Why do you need best practices for proper document management?
It’s vital that you have a fully functional and compliant document management system in place today for a multitude of reasons. Some best practice standards relate to the company itself. Others relate to legal obligations that must be fulfilled in relation to dealing with other companies and various regulatory bodies. Regulations can be broken down into these five key areas.
Any document management software must meet all requirements in areas such as: Retention, Access and Indexing, Compliance and Accountability, Policies and Procedures, and Disposal. People trust a company that has a sound document management system in place that is user-friendly and enables staff to file and retrieve documents quickly and efficiently.
If you’re going to implement a document management system, it must:
An efficient document management system must offer solid consistency in terms of labeling titles, filing, retrieval, archiving and destruction methods throughout the company. It’s only when this high level of consistency is met that you can firmly agree that best practices are being met.
Companies that have solid foundations in terms of records management will stand out from the crowd and will achieve greater success in all areas of endeavor. It will inevitably take any organization a great deal of time to convert an archaic filing system to a more sophisticated set up, but the results will be well worth it.
The initial step is to conduct a full inventory. At the same time, decisions must be made for each file. Should it be archived, filed for action or reference, or destroyed? The days of “too hard to file” or “miscellaneous” files will disappear.
Files may have differing legal requirements for retention and this also needs to be ascertained. If it’s all done at once, it will save hours in double and triple handling of documents and files. In the long run, it will also save thousands of dollars as well.
The new document management software will be capable of being used by everyone from the CEO right down to the relief assistant. Future action dates can be entered and will appear as reminders when needed, eliminating the misuse of in and out trays on everyone’s desks. It will also prevent the need to create paper-based documents from DVDs or CDs as they can simply be filed as they are, along with any paper files you have relating to the same subject.
In order to establish best practices, the company has to ensure that all contingencies are catered for. What information do customers generally need and how quickly? Are there differing needs that have to be met, depending on the clients? What are the retention guidelines to meet company and regulatory requirements?
Changing any filing system is always going to be a huge job. Be smart, use the most suitable document management software and plan the change as best as possible. Then you’ll achieve the strongest foundation that will allow your company to take firm forward strides with much less stress.
Why do you need best practices for proper document management? The answer is simple. Unless you want to be left behind by the forward thinking companies that adopt user-friendly document management software as part of their best practices plan, you need to do it yourself. Your office will be better organized and your staff will be able to find documents when needed, saving time and money.
Paper Tiger Document Management Software and Filing System was designed for just this purpose … to give you a tool to manage your physical files to get organized and be able to find what you need – when you need it. You would simply input the information into the database relating to your physical files, and Paper Tiger has a very powerful and easy-to-use search engine built in, so that lost information is virtually eliminated in your office.
Governments represent a large percentage of the business population. Therefore it’s essential that every department functions at peak capacity or the domino effect can easily happen and massive problems will occur. Governments need an efficient document management system, like Paper Tiger Document Management Software and Filing System, to help ensure that chaos doesn’t happen.
When you consider there are so many departments and different levels such as: local government, state government, federal government and international levels, that’s an enormous number of files that have to be maintained on a daily basis. The only way it can be organized efficiently is if someone takes the initiative and instigates a major change.
Ever changing rules and regulations apply to various local, state and federal government agencies. Then you have the multitude of applicable laws that apply internationally.
There has to be an intelligent, standardized document management system that can streamline the way that files are being maintained and enable every department to work together more efficiently. The positive news is that there is such a system and it’s already being used in many different companies.
Years ago, all records were kept using basic manual systems. Filing and retrieval of documents was costly in terms of both time and money. However, that can now change because employees in all departments can use the same method for naming every file they create.
Documents appear in a range of formats including paper, CDs, DVDs, and faxes. Files are capable of containing them all. This saves space, money and time and avoids duplication. Documents are easy to locate through the use of the filing system software. A few keystrokes and an employee can instantly see where a file is stored. The file can be retrieved or a document can be added and returned to its rightful place.
If someone in a different department or level needs access to a file, they use the same software to locate it. People become instantly more efficient because less time is needed for filing and retrieving documents which means more time can be spent on essential tasks.
If you add every local, state and federal department in each country together, that equals a massive number of departments and employees. Standardization of filing systems is crucial. Otherwise chaos is sure to reign.
Imagine if a prime minister or president couldn’t get their hands on documents urgently. Important decisions would have to be postponed, and that could prove to be difficult, if not dangerous at times. These key figureheads need to have the best possible support from their administrative staff, senior advisers and a reliable, modern document management system that can fulfill every requirement.
Creating a filing system where every file is named according to a certain set of guidelines, no matter where you are or what level of government you’re working in, is a vital part of keeping the governments running. Whether you’re an administrative assistant in a small local government department or the Secretary of State to the president, you should be using the same type of filing system.
Think of the amount of space taken up by physical files. If lots of documents are saved on CDs or DVDs, they take up a lot less room. If your document management software is accurate, files that are no longer active can be archived and stored off site. How to archive is simple with Paper Tiger. You would have a Location named ‘Archives’ in Paper Tiger, then simply conduct a Transfer Move of the file or files being moved to the Archive Location within your database. Paper Tiger will assign a file number in your Archives file to move the file to in the physical location.
Records also have to be easy to retrieve which will save time. It is estimated that people waste 150 hours per year just looking for lost information.
Everyone complains that the government wastes billions of dollars every year. Everyone moans about paying taxes. An absolute fortune would be saved in both money and man-hours through the use of a standardized document management system. Staff could spend more time on vital tasks, rather than looking for files or documents, which is both frustrating and extremely time consuming if an archaic filing system is being used.
Governments need an efficient document management system so that all departments can work well together without wasting billions of dollars on financially unproductive aspects of the job.
Stop Wasting 150 Hours Per Year
Paper Tiger software is a very powerful, yet simple indexing system for paper office files. It works like a search engine for paper files to help you stay organized. People using the software can save over 150 hours per year by eliminating the time-consuming task of looking for lost information.
Paper Tiger does not involve scanning your documents. Rather, the software uses the power of the computer to index the hanging file folders in office file cabinets. This method works much better than old-fashioned alphabetic methods and is a great alternative to costly and time consuming scanning and imaging solutions. You only have 5 options when it comes to paper…see them in our Document Management Decision Guide.
By Meggin McIntosh, “The Ph.D. of Productivity”™ and Paper Tiger Expert. Meggin recommends Paper Tiger Filing System Software for document management to get everything in your life organized — not just for filing paper.
Some dandy acronyms exist that can increase your productivity (and that of your colleagues) when using email. Four of the best and easiest to implement are shared in this article.
EOM: End of Message – The time to use this acronym is when the entire message can be encapsulated in your email’s subject line.
NRN: No Response Necessary – Let’s say somebody has asked you for some information and you send them an email with that information, and then at the end of your email, you put NRN. It’s helpful to follow that with “No Response Necessary” in brackets or parentheses. This helps your receiver to know that “You don’t need to write me back about this.” This can be useful when you send out an informational email to people to give them a location for a meeting or some general announcement.
NNTR: Not Necessary to Respond – This one is essentially the same thing as NRN. It is not that one is better than the other, it’s just an alternative to NRN and another common one that people are beginning to use. Remember, be sure to put the explanation of what NNTR means when you are first starting out using this acronym.
NTN: No Thanks Necessary – The reason folks need to use this acronym is because we are friendly people, so, when people do things for us, we thank them. In email, this can get out of hand because then they thank us for thanking them, and then we say “No problem, happy to do it,” and they will write back with, “You’re always so nice” and so forth. This is called email ping-pong and it does not enhance anyone’s productivity. Before long, one email can turn into about 17 – many of which are meaningless. No one has time for this. When you send something to somebody that they requested, then you could put either NRN or NTN (No Thanks Necessary). They may not be able to help themselves, so they may write back and say, “I know you said not to thank you, but thank you anyway.” You have to resist the impulse to write them back because somebody has to stop this insanity.
When you take a look at your emails, you could easily see that 20 to 40 percent of the emails that are sent are the unnecessary back and forth of ‘thanks,’ ‘got it,’ ‘see you there,’ and the like. No real information is exchanged, but rather the little “You’re the gal”, “I try to be”, “Everybody counts on you.” If you want to have a love-fest then call up the person on the phone or go down to that person’s office and give him/her a hug or whatever you need to do.
I think we have to be careful about using acronyms that people aren’t sure what is meant by them. When I first begin using EOM, NRN, NNTR, or NTN with any person or group of people, I always spell it out, too, but then also using the acronym so that, eventually they can begin to think about what it is. You might want to consider sharing these ideas with a group. For example, let’s say you’re on a committee, and as a committee you may want to decide here are a few acronyms you will use so everybody is clear on EOM, No Response Necessary and the like.
Bonus tip: You can also use the ideas included in this article with voicemail. Although you are not using an acronym, at the end of the voicemail to someone you can say, “I’ll assume you got this. No need to call me back,” because otherwise, some people will call you back, “Thanks for sending me the information.” Then you’ve got a voicemail that you now need to respond to.
As David Shipley and Will Schwalbe say in their book Send: The Essential Guide to Email for Office and Home, “duplitasking,” i.e., when someone calls you to make sure you got the email they just sent, is unnecessary in essentially all instances. Trust the systems that are in place (email and voicemail) to be sending what needs to be sent. Then move on to other areas of your work and life.
There are a multitude of great tips available to help all of us be more effective and efficient in our email – and other types of – communication. To access some of these and to keep moving forward on your goals for more peaceful productivity, join others (worldwide) who receive Meggin’s weekly emails (and see what is available for download at no cost at the following websites):
**Top Ten Productivity Tips (
**Keys to Keeping Chaos at Bay (
(c) 2010 by Meggin McIntosh, Ph.D., “The Ph.D. of Productivity”(tm). Through her company, Emphasis on Excellence, Inc., Meggin McIntosh supports smart people who want to be more productive so that they can consistently keep their emphasis on excellence. Sound interesting? It is!
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I have been using the Paper Tiger Software for so long I am at a loss to remember. What I did was go through my files, which were set up alphabetical by subject matter and start cleaning them out.
I have a small book selling business, as well a great interest in genealogy. I am the bookkeeper for the business so I have many records to keep track of: Vendor records, subject records for purchasing various products and some not stocked, but you never know what a customer may ask to have located and purchased.
I found many of the older records out dated and some lost from loss of information to locate being forgotten. This has been overcome with the use of Paper Tiger Software. Also it makes it a lot easier to have set up all my files by file category and folder number, then I do not have to replace the original folder each time I have to update information. Just toss out old information and replace it in same folder, unless it is worn out.
As files get larger, I only have to expand the drawer and re-sort some folders as all are in numerical order, which can be found with the computer in a jiffy. Just type in a keyword and the Paper Tiger shows what drawer and file folder it is located within.
I have seven metal file cabinets set up in this order. Each month to be safe and not be lost if the computer is down or power is off, I create a hard copy of all the files by subject, keyword, and numerical file lists in a binder on the shelf for reference to manually look up files if need be.
There you have my working system and Paper Tiger Software is the best system I have found, bar none, and I worked for thirty years in the Office Products Industry setting up and selling file systems for customers. I wouldn’t be without it now – it is just sort of a love relationship.
Robert D. Waybright
Dallas, TX
Moving offices is a huge undertaking. The larger your organization is, the more complicated it will be to move. It could take you months of planning and involve a lot of people in order to make a smooth transition. Something that you really need is a resource management system or indexing system, like Paper Tiger Document Management Software and Filing System to help you move your office.
By implementing such a system at this point, you’ll save a lot of time and effort by getting rid of unnecessary files and streamlining systems, so your operations will run more smoothly when you complete the big move. This is also a perfect time to reevaluate all of your files and determine one of three actions for every file.
Your choices will be action, archive, or discard. This is a vital component of the move, because the new filing system will be able to tell everyone where files are located as nothing will be the same as it is in the current office. Better to have one upheaval than two.
This document management system will greatly reduce the amount of files needing to be moved. This will be cost effective and give you more space to utilize in other ways. It will also mean less time wasted on filing and retrieval of documents because it will be much more user friendly. In addition, it’s vital that files are packed and transported securely so you don’t breach privacy or confidentiality.
If you’ve been using an archaic filing system up until this point, it’s the ideal chance to upgrade to a more practical document management system. Instead of the old alphabetical or numerical system, use a personalized system for naming files. This will cut out all duplication due to different people using different titles for the same type files. And because everyone has access to the same files, it’s easier to organize.
Note Where Each Box Or Item Should Be Placed In The New Location
Implementing this indexing system prior to your move will not only allow you to index your paper files, but books, training manuals, CDs, DVDs, etc. Another broad category you can list in this indexing system is all office furniture including: desks, chairs, filing cabinets, bookcases and tables. Then you have all the electrical equipment such as: computers (and their accessories), printers, photocopiers, fax machines, shredders, microwaves, refrigerators, etc. There’s also the copious quantity of stationery and office supplies to pack as well.
Don’t forget to index all the moving boxes ensuring all contents in each box are input into the keywords section. You should also note where each box or item should be placed in the new location.
You Need a Detailed Plan
It’s important to create a very detailed plan so that every aspect of the move is carefully coordinated in an efficient manner. You also need to ensure that as little downtime as possible occurs in order to maintain your high standard of customer service. It’s a wise idea to appoint one or more people to act as moving coordinators so there’s less disruption to the regular work.
One major component to consider is transportation. Generally, you hire a moving company that specializes in this sort of work. However, their job is simply loading, moving and unloading trucks. It’s your responsibility to ensure everything is planned perfectly so the move is seamless and everything gets placed in the new location as it should.
To be efficient, you need to create a master plan and be able to have paper and computer based copies, because during the downtime, you’ll still need access to it.
The coordinator(s) can update the moving plans as new things are added. They should be thoroughly familiar with the new premises and design a floor plan of where everyone will sit and where all furniture will be placed so moving day runs like a well-oiled machine. It’s generally recommended to choose either Thursday or Friday for the move so you have the whole weekend as well.
The coordinator(s) can design documents relating to check lists, FAQs about the move and people’s availability to assist with the move itself. It’s important to have enough manpower or the move will take much longer than necessary. The coordinator(s), I.T. people, the PABX supplier and other phone people will be required to ensure phones, cabling, computers and the Internet are all working as quickly as possible.
Obviously not everyone will be set up at workstations and fully functioning at the same time. The coordinator will have to liaise with management to ensure that the minimum number of people are needed to maintain customer service are there and set up, complete with all workstations, and able to work until everything else is settled.
Implement Paper Tiger Today and Save Money!
Unless you want absolute chaos, you really need Paper Tiger Document Management Software and Filing System to help you move your office. You’ll have instant access to where every document and office inventory are located, because you were wise enough to implement the system to prepare for the move. It’s estimated that people waste 150 hours per year just looking for lost information, so you’ll save money too!
Do you hate filing? Now you can Find Anything in Your Office in 5 Seconds or Less…Guaranteed! The number one paper management software product is now “in the cloud” – Paper Tiger Online is now available & customers can sign up for a FREE FOREVER account in 60 seconds!
Atlanta, GA (PRWEB) July 20, 2010 – Paper Tiger Document Management Software & Filing System has set the standard for helping companies and individuals get control of something they hate…filing the paper on their desk & in their office. First launched in 1998 as a desktop software product, Paper Tiger software is now “in the cloud” and available worldwide on the Internet (SaaS – software as a service).
Now anyone can start solving their problems with the paper in their office in under 60 seconds for FREE. If a messy desk is your problem, if your alphabetic filing system breaks down each time you have staff turnover, if members of your team want to be able to quickly and easily share information in the office or if you are wasting too much time each week looking for lost information, then Paper Tiger Online could be just what is needed. The new filing system product is designed for anyone who wants to get a better handle on the paper-based information in the office. Currently tens-of-thousands of organizations worldwide use the existing desktop (client) version of Paper Tiger software.
Paper Tiger Document Management Software and Filing System is a very powerful, yet simple indexing system for paper office files. It works like a search engine for paper files to help companies and individuals stay organized! People using the software can save over 150 hours per year by eliminating the time-consuming task of looking for lost information. Paper Tiger Document Management and Filing System software uses the power of the computer to index the hanging file folders in office file cabinets. This method works much better than old-fashioned alphabetic methods and is a great alternative to costly and time consuming scanning and imaging solutions.
Using Paper Tiger Online, customers will be able to access their information from anywhere with an Internet connection. They will no longer have to worry about what computer they are using (Windows, Mac, Linux, etc.) or if they have backed up their data. They can even see their Paper Tiger information on the Apple iPad, Apple iPod Touch, Apple iPhone, Android phones and most other web-enabled devices. The new software works with almost any Internet browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, etc.) Adding an additional member of their team to Paper Tiger Online is so easy, it just takes a minute and there are no networking/technical hassles!
“Finally, everyone including our Mac customers, can use Paper Tiger software. With our FREE FOREVER account, anyone can start using the software in under 60 seconds by going to our website!”, says James D. Grady, President & CEO of The Monticello Corporation, the makers of Paper Tiger Document Management and Filing System software. “Our total focus with Paper Tiger Online was to make filing & managing paper much easier to do. People want to stay organized & clear the piles of paper off their desk, but not spend their life doing it.”, Grady continues.
Tens-of-thousands of companies, government agencies and non-profit organizations around the world use Paper Tiger Document Management and Filing System software to get organized and manage their office filing tasks much more productively. What most people do not know is that there are only 5 things you can do with a piece of paper – (1) Toss It (2) Stack It (3) File It Alphabetically (4) Scan It or (5) Index It using a product like Paper Tiger Document Management and Filing System software. The paperless office never quite made it to reality, alphabetic methods quickly break down and become out-of-date, and scanning solutions are costly and very difficult to implement. Also, many documents (signed contracts, presentations, etc.) must be kept in their original paper form. Some people are uncomfortable with scanning documents due to the possibility that they could lose everything in the event of a technical malfunction. For a complete list of these options and the pros and cons of each, see our Document Management Decision Guide.
About The Monticello Corporation, makers of Paper Tiger Document Management and Filing System software.
Founded in 1995, The Monticello Corporation’s mission is to enhance its customers’ businesses and personal effectiveness by providing the training, tools and motivation to help them solve their problems with filing and document management. The company’s main product, Paper Tiger Document Management and Filing System software, was created as a type of inventory management system (like a chart of accounts) for physical hanging files (you know, the green, yellow, blue and red ones in your file cabinet!)
Monticello got its name from the legendary home of Thomas Jefferson, U.S. president from 1801-1809. An avid collector of books and music, Jefferson transferred his personal library of more than 6,000 volumes to the Library of Congress in 1815, doubling its size and permanently expanding the scope of its collections.
In 1998, we revolutionized the way the world files and manages paper by introducing Paper Tiger Desktop. The first product was based on a simple concept…enlist the computer to create an easy-to-use index of the paper in your life (or your organization) so that you can Find Anything in Your Office in 5 Seconds or Less…Guaranteed!
The first product allowed people to:
* Clear their desk.
* Stop trying to remember where they filed things.
* Easily share information with others in the office.
* Make it possible for the office manager to actually take a vacation knowing that everyone will use Paper Tiger to find what they need.
Paper Tiger customers could move beyond the piles everywhere or a broken, non-functional alphabetic method to using a computer to better manage their ever-increasing flow of paper. All of this without the cost, hassles (very time consuming), and risks associated with using a scanner to digitize their paper files.
Forget About Backups, Operating Systems, and Your IT Department!
So, now in 2010, as the world of technology has evolved, we are very happy to announce Paper Tiger Online! This product is amazing. Using Paper Tiger Online, you will be able to access your information from anywhere with an Internet connection. You will no longer have to worry about what computer you are using (Windows, Mac, Linux, etc.) or if you have backed up your data (we automatically do it for you!) You can even see your Paper Tiger information on the Apple iPad, Apple iPod Touch, Apple iPhone, Android phones and most other web-enabled devices. The new software works with almost any Internet browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, etc.) To add an additional member of your team to Paper Tiger Online is so easy, it just takes a minute and there are no networking/technical hassles!
If you are currently a Paper Tiger Desktop customer, your database can be imported to the new Paper Tiger Online. The entire process should take you about 10 minutes. If you have any issues, we will prepare your database for you to import!
The Paper Tiger Online application and your data are hosted at the industry-leading, IT hosting provider Rackspace. Rackspace is a publicly traded company that has over 80,000 cloud hosting clients such as Paper Tiger Online. We have taken every step possible to guarantee 100% application uptime and maximum security of your data.
Looking Ahead with Paper Tiger Online
The future of computing belongs to the Internet. We have grand plans for Paper Tiger Online. As people in business struggle to manage both their paper and digital worlds, there is a need for a 21st century filing system that is adept at both paper and digital, and this information needs to be available on any device. You can let your imagination run with what we are building! As a Paper Tiger Online customer, you will be able to take advantage of the new features, as they become available.
Best of all, the cost to use Paper Tiger Online is very modest and will fit almost any budget. There is a wide range of PLANS/PRICING available – there is even a limited FREE FOREVER account for the modest user that allows up to 100 Items (hanging file folders).
Special Pricing for Our Loyal Customers
As a current Paper Tiger customer, by ordering now and paying for a Paper Tiger Pro yearly plan, you will receive a 30% discount over the regular monthly price. The great news is that by subscribing to Paper Tiger Online during the launch period, you are locking in this price permanently. That’s right, for as long as you have your Paper Tiger Online account, your cost will remain at the discounted price that you paid when you signed up. If you are a current Paper Tiger desktop user, contact and ask how to get the special price. This offer ends at midnight Tuesday, September 7, 2010.
Order with confidence, there is no contract and you can cancel whenever you wish. You can even export your data at any time for safekeeping or if you decide to cancel.
We hope you will join us by subscribing to Paper Tiger Online. We look forward to your feedback and suggestions.
The Paper Tiger Team
Record keeping is a vital part of any business. Whether you’re involved with law, accountancy, human resources or taxation, thousands of records are created and need to be maintained for many years. Legal record keeping doesn’t have to be complicated.
A document management system isn’t a money making part of the business. However, accountants, consultants, lawyers, real estate agents, government, schools – no matter your type of business or organization — rely heavily on accurate records being kept. An efficient document management system, like Paper Tiger Document Management Software and Filing System gives everyone access to records when needed.
If six lawyers are all working on one major case, they’ll all need access to the same files. Instead of the old, clumsy way of having to go through filing cabinets to find them each time, each person merely has to use their keyboard to quickly locate the file and retrieve it. Once the file has been dealt with on that particular occasion, information in the system is updated and the file can be returned to its original storage place.
In professional occupations such as lawyers, doctors and accountants, regulations are changing all the time. They must also deal with an ever changing volume of local, state and federal laws and ensure they comply with them all. If they implement a smart document management system, every time a new law is passed and information is received, it can be added to the relevant files so everyone has the updated information.
The old problem of files sitting on people’s desks eternally waiting for certain documents to arrive before they can be actioned is gone. This will reduce the amount of time spent on filing and retrieval of files.
Human resources and payroll departments of large organizations rely heavily on the correct filing and retention of personnel files on a permanent basis. This is a legal necessity and is vital for the company to be able to access the records when dealing with salaries and any other personnel problems that may arise.
Businesses may operate in different states and countries where laws differ. These laws must not only be recorded and stored correctly, but be easily retrieved when necessary. Once the new software has been implemented, thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours will be saved. This time and money can be devoted to the more lucrative parts of the business.
Legal record keeping doesn’t have to be complicated. It’s in everyone’s best interest to use the most user-friendly document management system available. Your business will become far more profitable if you do so, because money and time can be focused on the important aspects of your job. The mundane filing and retrieval processes will be faster and more efficient.
Organizations face many tough choices in today’s business world. The struggle to keep up with new advances in technology and reduce carbon emissions is difficult. There is always pressure to cut costs and increase productivity. The positive news is that your document management system can be environmentally friendly whilst still being cost effective.
Whether you believe that global warming is an issue for the planet or not, it’s everyone’s responsibility to do all they can to minimize the impact their business has on the environment. Typical offices waste a lot of paper and power needlessly. This can easily be rectified by making some smart business decisions.
The First Step – Standardization
The first change should be to implement an intelligent document management software system, like The Paper Tiger Document Management Software and Filing System, that can eliminate the need for waste, save money, reduce power usage and increase productivity. If such a system is put in place, your current method of filing would change completely. Standardize the way that all files are labeled and that will avoid unnecessary duplication. Once individual documents are finished with, they can be added to the appropriate file.
Reduce Paper Usage
Because millions of documents are in different formats, they can be actioned without first converting them to paper. This immediately reduces the need for such vast quantities of paper to be used. A recent study calculated the additional costs associated with a single sheet of office paper, discovered that you have to multiply it by a factor of 30. This means that a $5 ream of paper would cost around $150. The average office worker uses around 10,000 sheets a year. One company calculated that if each of their workers saved one sheet of paper a week, they would save $700,000 per year.
If people start becoming smarter about their paper usage, the savings would be incalculable just for the paper alone. This means such signs as “think before you print” and “recycle that waste paper” should start appearing all over the office.
Documents can be edited electronically and saved on a CD or DVD for filing instead of printing because the files now have the ability to contain all formats. Paper won’t ever disappear completely, but a heavy reduction is vital.
Save Money and Boost Productivity
All staff will have access to the same filing system software and can instantly locate relevant files and documents at any time. This reduces filing and retrieval times and so decreases your overall costs while increasing productivity.
To decreases your power bill and carbon footprint at the same time, all staff should get into the habit of turning off all printing equipment when not being used. Of course, this is even more important at the end of the work day.
Once your document management system is in place and working smoothly, you won’t need as much room for file storage because everything will have been categorized in one of three ways; action, archive, or destroy. You won’t have desks overflowing with documents and files that haven’t been actioned or are just put in the “too hard” basket. And how to archive is simple with Paper Tiger. You would have a Location named ‘Archives’ in Paper Tiger, then simply conduct a Transfer Move of the file or files being moved to the Archive Location within your database. Paper Tiger will assign a file number in your Archives file to move the file to in the physical location. Files being destroyed or recycled can simply be Tossed in the Paper Tiger database, opening the item slot for another file to be inserted.
Staff will become more productive and office morale will be higher because they are able to work on more productive tasks. Proven statistics say that 20% of the work produces 80% of the revenue and 80% of the work only produces 20% of the revenue. Clumsy filing systems are time and money eaters. Now you can improve the percentages. Because of this increased efficiency and the smarter use of paper and all office equipment, your power bills should decrease as well.
The Impact on the Environment
If you stop to consider the ramifications of utilizing a more efficient document management system on other associated industries, it makes no sense to stick to the old methods. The paper industry uses vast amounts of pulp, energy and water and pump out tons of greenhouse gases. If the need for paper decreases dramatically, thousands of trees can be saved, more water can be conserved and less energy will be needed. If the number of trees being cut down is reduced, the result will be cleaner air and a healthier environment.
The Big Picture
It’s also vital to think of the bigger picture in terms of the next generation. You may not live to see the long-term effects of these necessary changes, but your children will. Should they have to live on a sick planet because their parents and grandparents badly damaged the environment through carelessness?
It doesn’t matter if you’re a small business owner or the CEO of the largest corporation. If you have filing to do, remember that your document management system can be environmentally friendly while being cost effective.
They hide in the shadows of the shelves and lurk inside big grey tombs. They linger on desks and chairs and creep along the floors. You’ll find them reproducing at an alarming rate in every in-tray.
It’s time to tame the paper filing monsters and boost your productivity once and for all.
Nobody likes monsters, but the office world is full of them. Your inefficient filing system is a family of huge hungry monsters with ravenous appetites. They eat up hours like seconds and dollars like cents. They turn the hardest of workers into slaves and scare off the most valiant of secretaries, clerks and administrators.
However, there’s a new breed of soldier entering the arena and he’s ready to do battle with these horrendous monsters. This knight’s name is Sir Document Management System — Paper Tiger Document Management Software and Filing System, that is. He has plenty of weapons in his arsenal to help you defeat your enemies. Wherever he goes, monsters flee in terror because his reputation precedes him.
Imagine Clean Desks and Tidy In-Trays
Imagine a world, not unlike your own. A world where there are no shadows or empty, messy tombs. Imagine clean desks and tidy in-trays. Fantasize about your budget being in surplus due to an increase in productivity, the likes of which you have never seen before. Dream about staff not taking sick days because they enjoy their work.
Only the most astute of kings will have the wisdom to see past the endless years of havoc and visualize the possibilities of a new and better world free of such monsters. A world where all your people file documents of all types in exactly the same way. Retrieval of archived files becomes very easy because the information is at your fingertips. A few clicks of your mouse and you can instantly access the location of the document a secretary who left the company two years ago had archived.
This user-friendly document management software is to monsters what kryptonite is to Superman; Lethal! Staff will be more productive because they’re not wasting countless hours looking for lost files and documents for important meetings. There won’t be problems with file duplication because of the Find First feature in this filing system. No matter how the person is thinking the day they file or the day they are looking for a file, they will be able to find it within a few seconds based on the keywords input when filed.
If you implement one little concept at the same time as you initialize this system, you’ll reduce the amount of wasted dollars and man hours even further. The tip is simple. As much as possible, manage each document only once. Receive it and make one of only three choices: archive it, action it as soon as practical or discard it.
Don’t Just Shuffle Documents From One Place to Another
Don’t play the game of moving a document from a tray to a pile for further sorting and then sort that pile into more piles because that’s what you’ve probably already been doing. Why do you think the monsters came out in the first place?
Paperwork won’t ever be eradicated. Well, at least not this century, but it can be controlled more efficiently and give you back precious time to concentrate on more important tasks.
Of course, you can also control access to certain materials. By using smart document management software you’re streamlining lots of different processes and that means efficiency and productivity will rise enormously.
Another benefit to using Paper Tiger Document Management Software and Filing System is that it reduces the amount of physical storage needed. More files can be archived and stored elsewhere if that’s more convenient. The system helps you locate archived files quicker than the old fashioned way of hunting through piles and shelves and filing cabinets.
Filing will always be a major component of any office, but handling it in the smartest way possible will save time and money and help you achieve your goals faster.
So in the end, it basically comes down to a simple question. Will you remain in the cobwebbed castle with the constant shrieks and howls or will you rise up and decide to tame the paper filing monsters and boost your productivity? Sir Document Management System is only a mouse click away!
Every business, company, organization and government body of any description has to deal with the serious issue of document management and how best to deal with such a complex issue. Frequently the main concern is only how to file the information. However, a user friendly filing system must allow easy retrieval of all documents or files at any given time.
Retrieval is the key reason why documents must be stored in the first place. Some material has to be kept for a certain period of time for legal reasons. Other files need to be accessed regularly so that more documents can be added or amended. On some files, you will simply take action and then shred or delete them.
A classic case is a hospital. If you were a patient in a particular hospital and only had to go there twice in a five year period, you would expect the doctor to easily access your records the second time and then add current information to that existing file. He wouldn’t create a duplicate file.
There’s no reason to have a filing system that doesn’t tell you where the relevant file has been stored whenever you need it. Society revolves around legal hard copy documents for everything from birth certificates to business licenses and legal contracts for major companies. Because computers are a major part of today’s lifestyle, it’s only logical to utilize options that can now be offered to help reduce the clutter that current paper filing systems create.
You may have an office with 200 staff that all carry out different duties. They still need access to the same document management system to retrieve vital information to carry out their specific work. Many staff members may even collaborate on some files if that’s what their duties dictate. Using specialized filing system software to record the location of all files within the company will enable faster retrieval and increased efficiency.
Documents can be added to files as time passes and, if you currently use an alphabetical system, it can become very confusing and cumbersome. This is because everyone thinks differently. One person might use a business name as the title, while another uses a person’s name, and therefore duplicate files can get created and as history of that “file” grows, so does the confusion.
To avoid such problems, it’s essential to have very user-friendly document management software. Establish set criteria for the naming of files and make that a standard right through the company. Then filing, retrieval, additions to and re-filing processes will become much more streamlined and save countless hours and thousands of dollars. The staff will be more productive and your business will achieve its goals a lot faster.
If your business doesn’t use an efficient document management system, documents can be created in a variety of different formats. Apart from hard copy paper-based documents, you’ll have faxes, audio, DVD, CD and PowerPoint files. There will also be emails that may be quite lengthy and have been viewed by numerous people. These may need to be added to specific files as well.
Using document management software, you can record the location of each item and the file in which it’s stored. If any of these various formats are needed again, simply access the file by checking your computer for the location. Then you have all the relevant information in one place.
Quite often there might be regular reviews of material contained in some of the files. Instead of trying to remember them or write them in a diary that only you can see, utilize the filing system software to set reminders so that anybody can access the information and action the necessary work. This means that even if the relevant person is away sick, the work can still be carried out.
When all the files are stored and labeled correctly as per the filing system guidelines you implement, you have the added benefits of knowing who and when files have been accessed and/or action taken. Compliance with all regulatory bodies is much easier when you have tighter control over your document management system.
In addition, using an efficient document management system will enable you to reduce the office clutter. The desks that used to be piled high with files waiting to be worked on will become a thing of the past. Staff simply retrieve the relevant information they need only when they need it. They’re not confronted with that depressing pile every single day.
No matter what decision you make, remember that a user friendly filing system must allow easy retrieval or it just becomes another time waster that your business shouldn’t have to deal with.
The Paper Tiger Document Management Software and Filing System is a very powerful, yet simple indexing system that will totally revolutionize the relationship you have with your filing cabinet. The filing system works just like a search engine for your paper files!
You can start with as few, or as many, of your files as you like by simply creating your index into the software’s database and printing the accompanying labels. Then, as you add new files, simply add them to your database and you’re on your way to a more efficient and cost-effective document management solution.
The number one paper management software product is now “in the cloud” – The Paper Tiger Online is now in beta testing and soon to be released!
Atlanta, GA (PRWEB) April 14, 2010 — For the past fifteen years (since 1995), The Paper Tiger Document Management Software & Filing System has set the standard for helping companies and individuals get control of something they hate…filing the paper on their desk and in their office. Now, The Paper Tiger software is being put “in the cloud” and made available worldwide on the Internet (SaaS – software as a service).
Now anyone can start solving their problems with the paper in their office in 30 seconds or less. If a messy desk is a problem, if members of your team want to be able to quickly and easily share information in the office or if you are wasting too much time each week looking for lost information, then The Paper Tiger Online might be for you. The new filing system product is designed for anyone who wants to get a better handle on the paper-based information in the office. Currently tens of thousands of organizations worldwide use the existing desktop (client) version of The Paper Tiger software.
The Paper Tiger Document Management Software and Filing System is a very powerful, yet simple indexing system for paper office files. It works like a search engine for paper files to help companies and individuals stay organized! People using the software can save over 150 hours per year by eliminating the time-consuming task of looking for lost information. The Paper Tiger Document Management and Filing System software uses the power of the computer to index the hanging file folders in office file cabinets. This method works much better than old-fashioned alphabetic methods and is a great alternative to costly scanning and imaging solutions.
“Finally, everyone including our Mac customers can use The Paper Tiger software. We are excited to have an online solution that makes it so easy for our customers to start solving their problems with paper!”, says James D. Grady, President & CEO of The Monticello Corporation, the makers of The Paper Tiger Document Management and Filing System software. “Starting a new FREE account with The Paper Tiger Online takes about 30 seconds and can save a businessperson 150 hours per year in lost productivity trying to find the paper in their life”, Grady continues.
Tens of thousands of companies, government agencies and non-profit organizations around the world use The Paper Tiger Document Management and Filing System software to get organized and manage their office filing tasks much more productively. What most people do not know is that there are only 5 things you can do with a piece of paper – (1) Toss It (2) Stack It (3) File It Alphabetically (4) Scan It or (5) Index It using a product like The Paper Tiger Document Management and Filing System software. The paperless office never quite made it to reality, alphabetic methods quickly break down and become out-of-date, and scanning solutions are costly and very difficult to implement. Also, many documents (signed contracts, presentations, etc.) must be kept in their original paper form. Some people are uncomfortable with scanning documents due to the possibility that they could lose everything in the event of a technical malfunction. For a complete list of these options and the pros and cons of each, see our Document Management Decision Guide.
The new Paper Tiger Online is currently in beta testing and should be available in the next 60 days. Professional Organizers, Virtual Assistants and all interested people are invited to join the beta testing program. To celebrate The Paper Tiger Online now working for our Mac customers, we are giving away an Apple iPad approximately every 60 days. Go to The Paper Tiger website for more information on The Paper Tiger Online.
About The Monticello Corporation, makers of The Paper Tiger Document Management and Filing System software.
Founded in 1995, The Monticello Corporation’s mission is to enhance its customers’ businesses and personal effectiveness by providing the training, tools and motivation to help them solve their problems with filing and document management. The company’s main product, The Paper Tiger Document Management and Filing System software, was created as a type of inventory management system (like a chart of accounts) for physical hanging files (you know, the green, yellow, blue and red ones in your file cabinet!)
Monticello got its name from the legendary home of Thomas Jefferson, U.S. president from 1801-1809. An avid collector of books and music, Jefferson transferred his personal library of more than 6,000 volumes to the Library of Congress in 1815, doubling its size and permanently expanding the scope of its collections.
James D. Grady
President/CEO, The Monticello Corporation
Toll-free Phone: 866-701-1561
This article by Denise Landers, founder and CEO of Key Organization Systems Inc. and a Paper Tiger Expert, will help you save time and money, simply by taking steps to get organized. Denise also recommends The Paper Tiger Document Management and Filing System software to help keep track of all your paper files throughout the year.
Are you interested in cutting costs and saving money?
Saving money in both business and personal spheres is not only a wise discretionary move during this economic turmoil, but for many it is a necessity. These past months have caused us all to reevaluate our spending and seek ways to limit cash outflow.
There is an easy solution that will produce many benefits, not just financially but in many tangent areas – become more organized.
Improving organization helps with the bottom line in a multitude of ways:
1. Image.
a. 73% of managers and associates say they form impressions of co-workers by the way their desks are organized. Disorganized desks do not indicate you are ready for additional responsibilities. There is a lot of competition now, so do not handicap your chances of securing more business.
b. Nearly 70% of workers believe that colleagues with messy desks are less career driven than their counterparts. Can you afford to allow that perception in this climate of downsizing and forced sabbaticals?
2. Productivity
a. Office distractions eat up 2.1 hours per day for the average worker. How much more could you produce if you had 2 extra focused hours of work each day?
b. Once interrupted, it takes 25 minutes to get back into the flow of the original task. Although many think you will get more done by multitasking, you are actually less effective than when concentrating on one thing before switching to another.
3. Time
If distractions eat up an average of 2.1 hours per day, that adds up to over 12 weeks per year. If you were organized, not only would you produce more, but you have extra time to pursue your personal goals and meet family commitments.
4. Health
a. Distracted drivers who are multitasking cause 80% of crashes and 65% of near-crashes.
b. Stress builds up with disorganization. 80% of our medical expenditures are now stress-related.
5. Money
a. 2.1 hours of distractions per day translates to $28 billion a year in the U.S. Add to that the loss of money due to employee absenteeism, illness, and health claims.
b. Estimate how much time is being wasted by each employee within an organization, multiply that by number of employees, and do that for year after year that this continues to occur.
Bringing the cost of disorganization closer to home, here are common situations where eliminating disorganization can quickly put more dollars in your pocket:
• Late payments (misplaced bills leading to interest and penalties)
• Pending rebates (not collecting the necessary information)
• Duplicate purchases (unable to find what you already had)
• Unused gift cards (not with you while shopping)
• Overdraft fees (failing to reconcile)
• Multiple trips to store (shopping without a list)
• Repairs (neglecting maintenance)
• Tax Deductions (not tracking mileage and business expenses)
• Late fees (overdue items)
It is always worth the time to be better organized, but with the economic stresses we are facing now, it becomes more of a necessity. The short-term investment in time produces long-term dividends.
Denise Landers @timetrainer
Contact Key Organization Systems, Inc. for written permission to reproduce an article:
If you would like to jumpstart your organizing efforts and add to your time management skills, we can help!
Corporate Training: workshops and consulting to increase daily work flow and reduce stress
Individual Assistance: our onsite and virtual office organizing to bring about changes quickly
On Your Own: books and CDs to work at your own pace
This article by Stephanie Calahan of Calahan Solutions and a Paper Tiger Expert, is a great source to get you thinking about how to set up your files in a systematic way so that you can find them again.
According to the National Association of Professional Organizers, it costs $120 in labor to track down a misplaced document or $250 in labor to recreate it. YUCK! Filing systems that work with the way you work are critical to cost management. The following tips will aid you in setting up systems to meet your needs.
File Only What You Need
Many of us (yes – I’m guilty sometimes) put things in files because it is easier to file it away than to make a decision. Recognize that your files are not dumping grounds. Do not put things in your files without first contemplating whether or not you can get rid of them.
Also see this article “Did You Know Paper and Other Things in Your Office Hold Emotion?” by Stephanie that you should find helpful when deciding what to file or not.
Create a File Index
A file index is one of the most important items that you can have to help you keep control of your ever growing pile of papers! List the location of each category and folder. That way, when you need to find your documents, you will have an easier time locating what you need. I use Paper Tiger Document Management Software and Filing System for my file management both at home and at work. I love it! Find Anything in 5 Seconds or Less With The Paper Tiger Software
Keep Fingertip Files at Your Desk
Fingertip files are those that you refer to all the time — phone lists, school directories, catalogs. They can be built into a great action system. What? You don’t have an action system? See my next point.
Reduce the Piles into Files
If you keep your files in piles on your desk because you need to see them, try using a rolling file cart. This keeps piles off your desk but in a place where you can see them at all times.
Or maybe you have those piles on your desk because you are afraid that you will forget to do something. Then, make an action system that will work for the way you work! Check out this demonstration for info on how to make your own action filing system.
Consider Off-Site Storage
If you are low on space, consider allowing a document management storage company to store your old records in an off-site facility, or you could relocate your files to a storage facility.
Avoid Paper Clips
Clip multiple-page documents together with staples or a binder clips, but avoid paper clips because they have a tendency to get caught on other pages.
Remember You Are Ever Changing, So Your Filing System Should Be Too
Your filing system should be a dynamic and ever-changing creature. Don’t be afraid to get rid of a category if you don’t use it anymore — or to add a new one if you need it. Consolidate folders that seem to go together under one larger heading, and split up categories into smaller pieces if your folders get too stuffed. Once a year, you should set aside time to purge the old and obsolete information from your files. If you follow these instructions, your filing system will serve you well for the rest of your life.
Use Color Coding for Your Files
Consider using a different color folder or tab for each section of files ex: all “financial” folders are green or have a green label. This makes it easier to find the file you need quickly and makes it easier to put folders back in the right place. You will now be able to put your hands on the folder you want almost instantly and run down the row of major categories until you find the right one.
Don’t Overstuff Filing Cabinets
There’s nothing worse than having to file papers in a file cabinet that is overloaded! Leave enough room in file drawers so you’re not using all your energy to get a piece of paper in or out.
That is it for now! I suggest that you only try to implement a few of these things rather than a bunch of them at once. Pick one or two that really speak to you, make them a habit and then add a few more.
To your success!
PS: Don’t forget to keep your paper files in order with Paper Tiger Document Management Software and Filing System, which Stephanie highly recommends and also includes in her in-person or remote/virtual Office Miracle.
About the Author:
Stephanie Calahan is The Business Vision Catalyst and founder of Calahan Solutions, Inc. She works with purpose-driven entrepreneurs, visionaries, coaches, consultants, health practitioners, authors, speakers and all sorts of remarkable service professionals who are experts in their field, to help them embrace their brilliance, leverage their business and get their message out with power, ease and joy; so that they can make a powerfully positive difference in the world, exponentially grow their income and enjoy a highly-successful and meaningful business… while working less. Learn how you can have more freedom in your life!
Large corporations and government bodies deal with thousands of records every day. They come in different formats including paper based, emails, faxes, scanned photos and documents and digital recordings. But where do your records really go? What happens when you finish using them?
Many files are kept in a variety of different, and sometimes confusing, ways. Paper based files are tossed into filing cabinets with no rhyme or reason to a structured document management system, or left on an employee’s desk to be buried in an ever-increasing stack of documents. Emails are filed on someone’s computer or even deleted. CDs and DVDs get tossed in a drawer never to be seen again. Books, binders, training manuals all get shuffled and mixed on a shelf somewhere.
Add to that the fact that different people label files differently. For instance, if you currently use an alphabetical filing system, there’s a good chance that files will be stored differently using the company name, or by a person’s name, or even by the industry. A lot of duplication can occur in this kind of filing system, which can lead to employees only seeing part of a file instead of every document pertaining to the file. These methods can be bad for business, especially if critical information can’t be found because it is in a different file under a different name.
As time passes, and a company grows, these type problems keep escalating. That’s why a major change needs to be implemented to enable your company to streamline the management of all documentation into one single, workable method that can be applied to every file in the company.
A document management software like The Paper Tiger Document Management Software and Filing System that uses an indexing system is the smart, logical choice for such a filing system. Basically, anything you can number, you can easily index. With a document indexing system, you can keep every document, binder, CD, DVD, etc. easily accessible for everyone to find. You decide how to name the files using letters, numbers, keywords and contact names to uniquely identify every file for future retrieval. You simply enter the details of the file and its contents into the software database, print off the file title onto a label and attach it to your hanging folder tab or affix to the corresponding item. And the exact same method can then be used by every staff member to locate information needed.
This is an easy to use system because the next file you create goes right behind the last one created and there’s no need to stuff a file drawer just to make something else fit alphabetically.
The computer index can easily be accessible by everyone in the company. This means you reduce the amount of time staff members spend filing and trying to locate needed documents. If anyone needs a particular piece of a file, they simply check its location on the index and then retrieve it for themselves.
And documents will no longer get misfiled. Meetings and reports can be handled much more easily because you can locate relevant information by simply pressing a few keys on the computer. Thousands of hours that previously were wasted searching for paperwork can now be used more productively, which means you not only save money, but employees can also tackle more projects in less time. It is estimated that an employee can waste over 150 hours per year, just looking for lost information.
A hard copy printout of the index serves as a backup in case you have a computer crash or power failure. And you can even store a copy of the index offsite as well.
As companies expand their operations, there is a growing need for more space. Usually this means having to uproot furniture, file cabinets and more, possibly even moving to a larger facility. Using a document management system can actually eliminate this need, because so much of a company’s needed space is for documentation. Old files can be archived in boxes and moved without uprooting the employees.
Because every possible keyword associated with each file is entered into the index, you can easily see whether a document you need has been archived or is in the office without searching for untold hours. In some cases, this can mean that you have room to even expand your operations without having to move to bigger offices.
Document indexing saves money and time and increases productivity. These are all huge wins for the company. And they’re all positive factors that can be clearly demonstrated when discussing budgetary issues. In fact, the very files you need to prove the value of this system can be more easily found when the system is installed.
There is no longer a need to keep everything stacked on your desk for fear of losing it. With a document management software system, you can find things at the click of your mouse … oh, what a stress-free way to manage your paperwork!
If you’re wondering where your records really go, that becomes an easy question to answer with a few simple keystrokes when you opt for document indexing software.
You can better control and improve the whole process of document management so your company is more than capable of tackling whatever projects are put on its plate. Document indexing can free your staff to devote time to the really important work of doing their jobs, because all the filing hassles are now under control, both for today and for the future.