They hide in the shadows of the shelves and lurk inside big grey tombs. They linger on desks and chairs and creep along the floors. You’ll find them reproducing at an alarming rate in every in-tray.
It’s time to tame the paper filing monsters and boost your productivity once and for all.
Nobody likes monsters, but the office world is full of them. Your inefficient filing system is a family of huge hungry monsters with ravenous appetites. They eat up hours like seconds and dollars like cents. They turn the hardest of workers into slaves and scare off the most valiant of secretaries, clerks and administrators.
However, there’s a new breed of soldier entering the arena and he’s ready to do battle with these horrendous monsters. This knight’s name is Sir Document Management System — Paper Tiger Document Management Software and Filing System, that is. He has plenty of weapons in his arsenal to help you defeat your enemies. Wherever he goes, monsters flee in terror because his reputation precedes him.
Imagine Clean Desks and Tidy In-Trays
Imagine a world, not unlike your own. A world where there are no shadows or empty, messy tombs. Imagine clean desks and tidy in-trays. Fantasize about your budget being in surplus due to an increase in productivity, the likes of which you have never seen before. Dream about staff not taking sick days because they enjoy their work.
Only the most astute of kings will have the wisdom to see past the endless years of havoc and visualize the possibilities of a new and better world free of such monsters. A world where all your people file documents of all types in exactly the same way. Retrieval of archived files becomes very easy because the information is at your fingertips. A few clicks of your mouse and you can instantly access the location of the document a secretary who left the company two years ago had archived.
This user-friendly document management software is to monsters what kryptonite is to Superman; Lethal! Staff will be more productive because they’re not wasting countless hours looking for lost files and documents for important meetings. There won’t be problems with file duplication because of the Find First feature in this filing system. No matter how the person is thinking the day they file or the day they are looking for a file, they will be able to find it within a few seconds based on the keywords input when filed.
If you implement one little concept at the same time as you initialize this system, you’ll reduce the amount of wasted dollars and man hours even further. The tip is simple. As much as possible, manage each document only once. Receive it and make one of only three choices: archive it, action it as soon as practical or discard it.
Don’t Just Shuffle Documents From One Place to Another
Don’t play the game of moving a document from a tray to a pile for further sorting and then sort that pile into more piles because that’s what you’ve probably already been doing. Why do you think the monsters came out in the first place?
Paperwork won’t ever be eradicated. Well, at least not this century, but it can be controlled more efficiently and give you back precious time to concentrate on more important tasks.
Of course, you can also control access to certain materials. By using smart document management software you’re streamlining lots of different processes and that means efficiency and productivity will rise enormously.
Another benefit to using Paper Tiger Document Management Software and Filing System is that it reduces the amount of physical storage needed. More files can be archived and stored elsewhere if that’s more convenient. The system helps you locate archived files quicker than the old fashioned way of hunting through piles and shelves and filing cabinets.
Filing will always be a major component of any office, but handling it in the smartest way possible will save time and money and help you achieve your goals faster.
So in the end, it basically comes down to a simple question. Will you remain in the cobwebbed castle with the constant shrieks and howls or will you rise up and decide to tame the paper filing monsters and boost your productivity? Sir Document Management System is only a mouse click away!
by Stephanie Calahan of Calahan Solutions and a Paper Tiger Expert
We have heard it since the early 1970s – the Internet will make us paperless! Well, I don’t know about you, but my office is not close to being paper-free. One of the reasons for the plethora of paper is that it is just too darn easy to share information today.
Let me give you an example.
When I first started working in an office environment, the Internet and email was not really used to share information. If I had something that others needed to know, it got typed up and I had to walk to the copier and copy it on colored paper. (Different colors stood for different types of information.)
Before I made copies, I took time to think through who really needed the information. I would only make the copies that I really needed. Why? Because after I made the copies, I had to hand address onto inner-office envelopes.
Contrast that to today.
We get something in our in-boxes and decide to send it on. We hit forward and if we want, we could copy our entire address book! Ultimately that means that more information is given to more people at a faster pace.
So, how does that lead to more paper?
Most of us do not like to read information on the screen if it is of any length. We print it! Then the cycle continues over again and again.
Jonathan Spira of the Basex company has this commentary to share on the paperless office.
Pundits have been proclaiming the imminent arrival of the paperless office since the 1970s. So far, they’ve been wrong. If anything, we print more today than we did back then.
Yet some still believe in this; those who engage in looking for the paperless office may be engaging in a Sisyphean task.
The New York Times ran a story on February 10 by Hannah Fairfield entitled “Pushing Paper Out the Door.” It speaks of paper-reducing technologies in homes and offices, citing families who scan their bills and opt for on-line statements. To Fairfield I say, “not so fast.”
Indeed Fairfield quotes Brewster Kahle, the founder of the Internet Archive: “Paper is no longer the master copy; the digital version is. Paper has been dealt a complete deathblow. When was the last time you saw a telephone book?”
To respond directly to Kahle, last week. My friend and fellow analyst Amy Wohl famously commented, around 1978, that she thought that the paperless office was “about as useful as the paperless toilet.”
But the article had a bigger problem. While it provided an excellent look on the move to digitization, it completely ignored the elephant in the room, namely a compatibility conundrum that has been with us since the first computer was turned on over 60 years ago.
Books, pamphlets, and broadsides printed hundreds of years ago are accessible without any special equipment. For that matter, the Rosetta Stone (dating from 196 B.C.E.), was also readable upon its discovery in 1799.
Contrast this with millions of files on 8″ or even 5 1/4″ floppy diskettes, various obsolete tape cartridges, and NASA’s earliest photographs of the earth – all mostly inaccessible with today’s technology.
One might presume that the technology revolution of the late twentieth century had increased our ability to preserve our history and cultural artifacts. In actuality, we have failed.
Moving all of our papers to digital form without a plan to ensure accessibility not only 5 years from now but 50 years and 100 years and beyond is not making information MORE accessible but risking that it will become LESS accessible.
Jonathan B. Spira is CEO and Chief Analyst at Basex.
What do you think? Can we go paperless? What have you done? Share your thoughts below by making a comment in the blog comment section.
PS: Don’t forget to keep your paper files in order with Paper Tiger Filing System and Document Management Software, which Stephanie highly recommends and also includes in her in-person or remote/virtual Office Miracle.
About the Author:
Stephanie Calahan is The Business Vision Catalyst and founder of Calahan Solutions, Inc. She works with purpose-driven entrepreneurs, visionaries, coaches, consultants, health practitioners, authors, speakers and all sorts of remarkable service professionals who are experts in their field, to help them embrace their brilliance, leverage their business and get their message out with power, ease and joy; so that they can make a powerfully positive difference in the world, exponentially grow their income and enjoy a highly-successful and meaningful business… while working less. Learn how you can have more freedom in your life!
by Stephanie Calahan of Calahan Solutions and a Paper Tiger Expert
I was reading an interesting article on record retention in InnerBusiness Issues Magazine, in which Greg Dickerson of Iron Mountain wrote “The 10 Deadly Sins of a Corporate Retention.” Record management is a struggle for many companies because it is not a direct money making activity. It does not seem important until it’s too late – you need information and cannot find it. He notes 10 common errors which reflect companies’ struggles with information management. How many of them match your company? Take a look at his article to learn more. Do you make any of these mistakes? Tell me what you think!
To your success!
PS: Don’t forget to keep your paper files in order with Paper Tiger Filing System and Document Management Software, which Stephanie highly recommends and also includes in her in-person or remote/virtual Office Miracle.
About the Author:
Stephanie Calahan is The Business Vision Catalyst and founder of Calahan Solutions, Inc. She works with purpose-driven entrepreneurs, visionaries, coaches, consultants, health practitioners, authors, speakers and all sorts of remarkable service professionals who are experts in their field, to help them embrace their brilliance, leverage their business and get their message out with power, ease and joy; so that they can make a powerfully positive difference in the world, exponentially grow their income and enjoy a highly-successful and meaningful business… while working less. Learn how you can have more freedom in your life!
In today’s workplace environment, it’s frowned upon to discriminate against anyone for any reason whatsoever. It also suggests that everyone should have the same ability to find suitable work. Employers must be seen to treat everyone fairly.
ADD/ADHD Presents Specific Challenges
People who suffer from Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit & Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) often have difficulty in workplaces for many reasons. If tasks are too mundane or take too long to complete, they can become difficult for the employee to handle.
This can create feelings of low self-esteem and may trigger the desire to quit work rather than cope with it. This challenge often proves to be a large obstacle to people who suffer from ADD/ADHD successfully finding and keeping jobs, especially if they’ve had a bad experience in the past.
Having ADD/ADHD means you have a chronic illness that can’t be cured. It doesn’t turn you into a “monster with 2 heads.” You’re still a human being who deserves the same opportunities everyone else has. Having a chronic illness that isn’t obviously visible doesn’t make it any less real. Add disorganization to the specific challenges of ADD/ADHD and you get more stress than normal, lack of concentration, confusion and a sense of panic.
Bring Sanity Back With Document Management Software
The great news is that document management software, like The Paper Tiger Document Management and Filing System Software brings sanity back into people’s lives. The Paper Tiger is very user friendly for anyone needing such a system. However, people who have ADD/ADHD have an added bonus in knowing that it’s so easy to use and is very logical, which means it doesn’t require an excessive amount of effort. This means files can be saved, archived, retrieved or discarded without the stress that traditional style systems have.
To better understand how filing system software can help you, just picture life without it. Desks piled high with overflowing folders full of documents. In and out trays full to capacity with more documents waiting to be added to the files. Everyone running around scratching their heads and trying to retrieve specific files so they can get back to the more demanding work. An unwieldy alphabetical filing system that forces people to waste hours of valuable time is something that makes no sense.
This picture can be summed up in just 3 words –
Get Organized to Increase Office Efficiency and Moral
Imagine the possibilities if your new filing system software was able to help people facing these extra challenges to better cope. Just think how much more efficiently your whole company would run.
Now close your eyes and picture a row of desks with in trays and out trays containing just a few documents. The desktops have a few files here and there, and staff members are smiling as they carry out their daily tasks. That’s an example of how much impact the implementation of the right document management system can have on your staff and the company’s bottom line.
Naturally this software isn’t just for people with health problems. It’s designed to make life easier for everyone using it. Employers will have greater confidence in implementing such a user-friendly filing system. Employees will be able to better manage their time in order to focus on the more demanding tasks.
In any workplace, teamwork is a vital component of success. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. In a workplace, as in life, it’s up to everyone to cope with the cards they’ve been dealt. So if you can add the right document management system and increase efficiency for all, then that’s fantastic.
The one thing that people in all working environments agree on is that work should be manageable. The more user-friendly your filing system is, the better it will be for everyone.
Your IQ or mental capacity should make no difference. Knowing that user-friendly document management software brings sanity back into people’s lives, will enable you to create a better working atmosphere without breaking the bank.
The Paper Tiger Document Management Software and Filing System will get you on the right track and bring sanity to your life!
Other Recent Posts:
The Smartest Filing System for Busy Moms
The Paper Tiger Will Help You Practice Good Time Management and Organization Techniques
The Many uses of The Paper Tiger
Every business, company, organization and government body of any description has to deal with the serious issue of document management and how best to deal with such a complex issue. Frequently the main concern is only how to file the information. However, a user friendly filing system must allow easy retrieval of all documents or files at any given time.
Retrieval is the key reason why documents must be stored in the first place. Some material has to be kept for a certain period of time for legal reasons. Other files need to be accessed regularly so that more documents can be added or amended. On some files, you will simply take action and then shred or delete them.
A classic case is a hospital. If you were a patient in a particular hospital and only had to go there twice in a five year period, you would expect the doctor to easily access your records the second time and then add current information to that existing file. He wouldn’t create a duplicate file.
There’s no reason to have a filing system that doesn’t tell you where the relevant file has been stored whenever you need it. Society revolves around legal hard copy documents for everything from birth certificates to business licenses and legal contracts for major companies. Because computers are a major part of today’s lifestyle, it’s only logical to utilize options that can now be offered to help reduce the clutter that current paper filing systems create.
You may have an office with 200 staff that all carry out different duties. They still need access to the same document management system to retrieve vital information to carry out their specific work. Many staff members may even collaborate on some files if that’s what their duties dictate. Using specialized filing system software to record the location of all files within the company will enable faster retrieval and increased efficiency.
Documents can be added to files as time passes and, if you currently use an alphabetical system, it can become very confusing and cumbersome. This is because everyone thinks differently. One person might use a business name as the title, while another uses a person’s name, and therefore duplicate files can get created and as history of that “file” grows, so does the confusion.
To avoid such problems, it’s essential to have very user-friendly document management software. Establish set criteria for the naming of files and make that a standard right through the company. Then filing, retrieval, additions to and re-filing processes will become much more streamlined and save countless hours and thousands of dollars. The staff will be more productive and your business will achieve its goals a lot faster.
If your business doesn’t use an efficient document management system, documents can be created in a variety of different formats. Apart from hard copy paper-based documents, you’ll have faxes, audio, DVD, CD and PowerPoint files. There will also be emails that may be quite lengthy and have been viewed by numerous people. These may need to be added to specific files as well.
Using document management software, you can record the location of each item and the file in which it’s stored. If any of these various formats are needed again, simply access the file by checking your computer for the location. Then you have all the relevant information in one place.
Quite often there might be regular reviews of material contained in some of the files. Instead of trying to remember them or write them in a diary that only you can see, utilize the filing system software to set reminders so that anybody can access the information and action the necessary work. This means that even if the relevant person is away sick, the work can still be carried out.
When all the files are stored and labeled correctly as per the filing system guidelines you implement, you have the added benefits of knowing who and when files have been accessed and/or action taken. Compliance with all regulatory bodies is much easier when you have tighter control over your document management system.
In addition, using an efficient document management system will enable you to reduce the office clutter. The desks that used to be piled high with files waiting to be worked on will become a thing of the past. Staff simply retrieve the relevant information they need only when they need it. They’re not confronted with that depressing pile every single day.
No matter what decision you make, remember that a user friendly filing system must allow easy retrieval or it just becomes another time waster that your business shouldn’t have to deal with.
The Paper Tiger Document Management Software and Filing System is a very powerful, yet simple indexing system that will totally revolutionize the relationship you have with your filing cabinet. The filing system works just like a search engine for your paper files!
You can start with as few, or as many, of your files as you like by simply creating your index into the software’s database and printing the accompanying labels. Then, as you add new files, simply add them to your database and you’re on your way to a more efficient and cost-effective document management solution.
Document management has been an integral part of every company, business and organization since each business started operations. Some have been in existence for well over 100 years, while others have only come into existence recently. To protect each organization, there has to be rules regarding the filing and storage of all documentation.
For the purposes of this article, the term “business” includes businesses, organizations, companies and all other establishments needing to keep records. Every business is different in many ways. Structure, location, responsibilities, size, accountability and nature of the business being conducted are all different facets of any business and have to be taken into consideration when creating any document storage and filing system.
Regulations Need to be Followed
Regulations are created by whatever governing body the business has to answer to, whether it’s in legal terms or with regards to personal privacy laws or policies. As an example of the latter, a hospital has a duty of care to ensure all patient records are kept confidential. At the same time, however, information needs to be easily accessible. Decisions may have to be made very quickly sometimes with regards to a patient’s health and the decision may be a matter of life or death.
Some businesses that may have been in existence for fifty years or more could have millions of records and most of them would be paper based files. This means there would be very large storage areas full of important information that may not be easily accessible because the information is pre-computer age material. Such businesses would need to facilitate a more modern approach to a document management system in keeping with current, ever changing regulations.
Rules regarding methods for record keeping can be made by Federal, State and Local governments, hospitals, universities, schools, places of worship, defense forces, major corporations, social and sporting clubs and so the list goes on and on. Because businesses interact with each other, the most sensible approach would be to use a standardized style of document indexing system.
A thorough understanding of the rules and regulations of records management that govern your particular business is vital. Any business has to comply with rules set down by various controlling bodies. The only way to ensure you comply fully is to use an indexing system that will enable you to keep total control over all records and yet have them readily locatable and accessible if required at any time.
Some laws are complex and can sometimes be intentionally vague to allow for new technology developments. There can be stiff fines and even jail time applicable for serious breaches of document management retention guidelines. CEOs, managers of large businesses and other enterprises are more frequently turning to companies that specialize in storage of document management and filing systems to help them maintain the increasing amount of information that they receive.
Ease and Flexibility
The document management system should offer great flexibility, be easily accessible to anyone needing information, be user-friendly and reduce the amount of space necessary to maintain permanent records. It shouldn’t be a tedious time-consuming task.
Intelligent Document Management Software
Record keeping in the past has been generally alphabetical, numerical or a clumsy combination of the two. Because of new technology and ever-changing rules, an intelligent document management software, like The Paper Tiger Document Management and Filing System Software, is really the best choice because of its versatility. If files can be located by simply conducting a ‘google-like’ search from your computer, it will be much easier to comply with all relevant rules pertaining to your specific business.
Disposal of Records
It’s also necessary to know how to dispose of records permanently and correctly once they’re no longer required. If this isn’t done properly, there can be serious repercussions. A certain bank discovered this the hard way when some of their old computers containing hundreds of confidential customer files went up for auction on eBay. Needless to say, there were heavy legal penalties imposed.
Businesses have different lengths of time for which records must be kept. A standard figure for most businesses is seven years. If your business operates in different states or countries, then the way you set up and maintain your document management system will be forced to comply with the rules of those states and countries.
Any system you decide to use must be able to cope with these extra complications. Technology will continue to improve and more reliance will be placed on utilizing it to replace older, more archaic systems.
Ensuring you’re following the rules regarding the filing and storage of all documentation is a mandatory part of every business and using a smart document management software, like The Paper Tiger Document Management and Filing System Software, will enable you to have the greatest amount of flexibility to cope with this enormous job.
The following changes have been made to The Paper Tiger Document Management and Filing System Software to give the option to make a copy of the database backup file to a user select archive folder each time that a backup is performed.
-A checkbox field has been added to the Database Backup Manager Form to set up the archive folder. Go to File, then Database Backup Manager.
-Click the Auto Archive check box.
-Click on the Browse button to select an Archive Folder where you wish to place the archived database.
-Select the folder and click on OK to return the Database Backup Manager Form.
The selected folder will be displayed next to the Auto Archive check box. Each time a backup is performed, a copy of the backup file (.BAK) will be written to the folder.
You can also define the Auto Archive folder by going to the Edit/ Preference menu and click on the Shutdown Tab. The Auto Archive fields work the same as on the Database Backup Manager Form.
There’s a strong need for a complex and sophisticated form of document management for all businesses, no matter the size. However, this is not the only way in which such a system can be used.
There are plenty of non-profit organizations and individuals who have a need to keep accurate records in an easy to use filing system that will enable them to locate material, or see what they actually have in their collection, whenever necessary.
Individuals may have a collection of old vinyl records that they want to keep preserved safely. Other people have cd collections of music, talking books, relaxation cds, DVD collections of favorite movies and TV series and even memorabilia related to any of the aforementioned materials.
Keep Accurate Records of Collectors Items and Many Other Things!
With an efficient indexing system, like The Paper Tiger Document Management Software and Filing System, that is versatile enough to handle all different formats of stored information, this will allow people to keep accurate records of their collections. Such collections are often kept stored safely away from any possible threats, whether it’s from burglary, or fire. Bank deposit boxes are a great way to keep important material and also a hard copy of the indexing system you utilize.
Book, stamp and coin collectors are notorious for keeping meticulous records of all the items in their collection so they can confidently keep looking for more treasures to add to the ever-growing collections. But it’s impossible for them to remember every single item they own before making any purchase.
A well organized indexing system will allow them to label files according to their own specific needs, so a quick glance can show if they already own the rare coin or particular book they see advertised somewhere and may want to purchase.
There are many other types of collectors that need to keep records of their collections, as well as other pertinent facts. Antiques, certain kinds of hobbies such as trains, toy cars, dolls, gem stones and more are all considered to be valuable collections to their owners. Being able to instantly see what your collection has in it by hitting a few buttons on your keyboard or reading the hard copy file is a necessity.
You may have a number of different medical problems, some of them going back years. Using this smart system means you can keep all items including test results, x-rays, other scans and receipts in one place. You never know when you’ll need a particular piece of paper or test result and this system puts everything at your fingertips.
Medical laboratories can use this type of system to catalog and store specimen samples and test results for easy location when needed in the future. Because there are a wide variety of different medical uses, having a standardized system allows for everyone to use the same method and therefore makes retrieval of vital data and specimens much easier, especially if numerous people use the same information.
You may be involved in a complex court case and have lots of different documentation. Indexing this information can help you file documents away for future reference rather than having to carry it all around with you. Some court cases can drag out for years and the files could be on a range of topics including: legislation, personal documents relating to the claim, expenses and specifics regarding what caused the legal wrangle in the first place. Document management software can be easily implemented to help keep track of where a file can be found.
Keep Track of Archives, Home Contents, Moving or Storage Boxes
Archiving of material becomes a much easier process when using document management software. These archived files and documents can then be stored somewhere off site in a secure place, which means if your current location has problems such as a fire, theft or power outage, the archived files won’t be affected.
When moving, you can label every packing box to know instantly what’s in each box and, after arriving at your destination, they can be quickly put in the correct rooms. It’s also handy if you have to keep possessions in storage for a while.
Most people have home and contents insurance. However, would you remember exactly what you had if your house burnt down? You can create a file detailing all of your possessions, their value, brands, etc. so it’s easier to deal with if the worst does happen. You can also use this if you have a wine cellar. You can easily update this as you make new purchases.
Efficient record keeping has enormous versatility in its options and so the benefits are invaluable for business people and individuals alike. These are only some of the possible uses but it’s a powerful example of how many different ways the right document management system can be utilized.
The Paper Tiger Document Management Software and Filing System is the right choice to index and catalog anything you can put a number on. See also our blog for The Many Uses of The Paper Tiger.
This article from Greenstein, Rogoff, Olsen & Co is a great source for Storing tax records: How long is long enough? First you have to decide what paper files to keep and how long to keep them. Document your retention schedule so you don’t have to decide each year what’s best for your situation, then set up your filing system to accommodate when you need to declutter your files by archiving or shredding. Remember to use the Action Date function in The Paper Tiger Document Management Software and Filing System to help you in the life-cycle of your document management retention schedule.
April 15 has come and gone and another year of tax forms and shoeboxes full of receipts is behind us. But what should be done with those documents after your check or refund request is in the mail?
Federal law requires you to maintain copies of your tax returns and supporting documents for three years. This is called the “three-year law” and leads many people to believe they’re safe provided they retain their documents for this period of time.
However, if the IRS believes you have significantly under-reported your income (by 25 percent or more), or believes there may be indication of fraud, it may go back six years in an audit. To be safe, use the following guidelines.
Business Document To Keep For One Year
• Correspondence with Customers and Vendors
• Duplicate Deposit Slips
• Purchase Orders (other than Purchasing Department copy)
• Receiving Sheets
• Requisitions
• Stenographer’s Notebooks
• Stockroom Withdrawal Forms
Business Documents To Keep For Three Years
• Bank Statements and Reconciliation’s
• Employee Personnel Records (after termination)
• Employment Applications
• Expired Insurance Policies
• General Correspondence
• Internal Audit Reports
• Internal Reports
• Petty Cash Vouchers
• Physical Inventory Tags
• Savings Bond Registration Records of Employees
• Time Cards For Hourly Employees
Business Documents To Keep For Six Years
• Accident Reports, Claims
• Accounts Payable Ledgers and Schedules
• Accounts Receivable Ledgers and Schedules
• Cancelled Checks
• Cancelled Stock and Bond Certificates
• Employment Tax Records
• Expense Analysis and Expense Distribution Schedules
• Expired Contracts, Leases
• Expired Option Records
• Inventories of Products, Materials, Supplies
• Invoices to Customers
• Notes Receivable Ledgers, Schedules
• Payroll Records and Summaries, including payment to pensioners
• Plant Cost Ledgers
• Purchasing Department Copies of Purchase Orders
• Sales Records
• Subsidiary Ledgers
• Time Books
• Travel and Entertainment Records
• Vouchers for Payments to Vendors, Employees, etc.
• Voucher Register, Schedules
Business Records To Keep Forever
While federal guidelines do not require you to keep tax records “forever,” in many cases there will be other reasons you’ll want to retain these documents indefinitely.
• Audit Reports from CPAs/Accountants
• Cancelled Checks for Important Payments (especially tax payments)
• Cash Books, Charts of Accounts
• Contracts, Leases Currently in Effect
• Corporate Documents (incorporation, charter, by-laws, etc.)
• Documents substantiating fixed asset additions
• Deeds
• Depreciation Schedules
• Financial Statements (Year End)
• General and Private Ledgers, Year End Trial Balances
• Insurance Records, Current Accident Reports, Claims, Policies
• Investment Trade Confirmations
• IRS Revenue Agents’ Reports
• Journals
• Legal Records, Correspondence and Other Important Matters
• Minutes Books of Directors and Stockholders
• Mortgages, Bills of Sale
• Property Appraisals by Outside Appraisers
• Property Records
• Retirement and Pension Records
• Tax Returns and Worksheets
• Trademark and Patent Registrations
Personal Document To Keep For One Year
• While it’s important to keep year-end mutual fund and IRA contribution statements forever, you don’t have to save monthly and quarterly statements once the year-end statement has arrived.
Personal Documents To Keep For Three Years
• Credit Card Statements
• Medical Bills (in case of insurance disputes)
• Utility Records
• Expired Insurance Policies
Personal Documents To Keep For Six Years
• Supporting Documents For Tax Returns
• Accident Reports and Claims
• Medical Bills (if tax-related)
• Property Records / Improvement Receipts
• Sales Receipts
• Wage Garnishments
• Other Tax-Related Bills
Personal Records To Keep Forever
• CPA Audit Reports
• Legal Records
• Important Correspondence
• Income Tax Returns
• Income Tax Payment Checks
• Investment Trade Confirmations
• Retirement and Pension Records
Special Circumstances
• Car Records (keep until the car is sold)
• Credit Card Receipts (keep until verified on your statement)
• Insurance Policies (keep for the life of the policy)
• Mortgages / Deeds / Leases (keep 6 years beyond the agreement)
• Pay Stubs (keep until reconciled with your W-2)
• Property Records / improvement receipts (keep until property sold)
• Sales Receipts (keep for life of the warranty)
• Stock and Bond Records (keep for 6 years beyond selling)
• Warranties and Instructions (keep for the life of the product)
• Other Bills (keep until payment is verified on the next bill)
• Depreciation Schedules and Other Capital Asset Records (keep for 3 years after the tax life of the asset)
The number one paper management software product is now “in the cloud” – The Paper Tiger Online is now in beta testing and soon to be released!
Atlanta, GA (PRWEB) April 14, 2010 — For the past fifteen years (since 1995), The Paper Tiger Document Management Software & Filing System has set the standard for helping companies and individuals get control of something they hate…filing the paper on their desk and in their office. Now, The Paper Tiger software is being put “in the cloud” and made available worldwide on the Internet (SaaS – software as a service).
Now anyone can start solving their problems with the paper in their office in 30 seconds or less. If a messy desk is a problem, if members of your team want to be able to quickly and easily share information in the office or if you are wasting too much time each week looking for lost information, then The Paper Tiger Online might be for you. The new filing system product is designed for anyone who wants to get a better handle on the paper-based information in the office. Currently tens of thousands of organizations worldwide use the existing desktop (client) version of The Paper Tiger software.
The Paper Tiger Document Management Software and Filing System is a very powerful, yet simple indexing system for paper office files. It works like a search engine for paper files to help companies and individuals stay organized! People using the software can save over 150 hours per year by eliminating the time-consuming task of looking for lost information. The Paper Tiger Document Management and Filing System software uses the power of the computer to index the hanging file folders in office file cabinets. This method works much better than old-fashioned alphabetic methods and is a great alternative to costly scanning and imaging solutions.
“Finally, everyone including our Mac customers can use The Paper Tiger software. We are excited to have an online solution that makes it so easy for our customers to start solving their problems with paper!”, says James D. Grady, President & CEO of The Monticello Corporation, the makers of The Paper Tiger Document Management and Filing System software. “Starting a new FREE account with The Paper Tiger Online takes about 30 seconds and can save a businessperson 150 hours per year in lost productivity trying to find the paper in their life”, Grady continues.
Tens of thousands of companies, government agencies and non-profit organizations around the world use The Paper Tiger Document Management and Filing System software to get organized and manage their office filing tasks much more productively. What most people do not know is that there are only 5 things you can do with a piece of paper – (1) Toss It (2) Stack It (3) File It Alphabetically (4) Scan It or (5) Index It using a product like The Paper Tiger Document Management and Filing System software. The paperless office never quite made it to reality, alphabetic methods quickly break down and become out-of-date, and scanning solutions are costly and very difficult to implement. Also, many documents (signed contracts, presentations, etc.) must be kept in their original paper form. Some people are uncomfortable with scanning documents due to the possibility that they could lose everything in the event of a technical malfunction. For a complete list of these options and the pros and cons of each, see our Document Management Decision Guide.
The new Paper Tiger Online is currently in beta testing and should be available in the next 60 days. Professional Organizers, Virtual Assistants and all interested people are invited to join the beta testing program. To celebrate The Paper Tiger Online now working for our Mac customers, we are giving away an Apple iPad approximately every 60 days. Go to The Paper Tiger website for more information on The Paper Tiger Online.
About The Monticello Corporation, makers of The Paper Tiger Document Management and Filing System software.
Founded in 1995, The Monticello Corporation’s mission is to enhance its customers’ businesses and personal effectiveness by providing the training, tools and motivation to help them solve their problems with filing and document management. The company’s main product, The Paper Tiger Document Management and Filing System software, was created as a type of inventory management system (like a chart of accounts) for physical hanging files (you know, the green, yellow, blue and red ones in your file cabinet!)
Monticello got its name from the legendary home of Thomas Jefferson, U.S. president from 1801-1809. An avid collector of books and music, Jefferson transferred his personal library of more than 6,000 volumes to the Library of Congress in 1815, doubling its size and permanently expanding the scope of its collections.
James D. Grady
President/CEO, The Monticello Corporation
Toll-free Phone: 866-701-1561
Five Requirements for Success
1. Vision
2. Methodology
3. Tools *
4. Time
5. Motivation
A suggestion for a great tool that will help you get organized and save time … The Paper Tiger Document Management Software and Filing System is a very powerful, yet simple indexing system for the hanging files in your filing cabinet. It works like a search engine for your paper files! You can waste over 150 hours per year, just looking for lost information.
There’s many other uses for The Paper Tiger as well! Here’s to your success!
Managing paper in any office is an overwhelming task, because there is a seemingly ever-increasing mountain of paper files.
Whether you’re a small or large company, you must practice good time management and office organization techniques in order to control costs and provide excellent service. Constantly increasing staff productivity is a must. What is needed is a simple, but effective document management solution such as Paper Tiger Filing System Software and Document Management.
David Lawrence of David Lawrence and Associates said in a previous article, “Consider how much it costs to maintain inefficient paperwork and filing systems. If, as a direct result of not having efficient systems, it costs you and/or your staff one hour each day (this is probably conservative), and you used a $50-per-hour cost factor over the course of an entire year—the cost of inefficiency could top $12,000 in lost time ($50 x five days per week x 48 weeks).
There is an old saying in business that goes, As much as is possible, handle a piece of paper only once. Those of us who scan through paper mail and set it aside in an inbox, promising to deal with it later, may find that same piece of mail a couple of months later buried in a pile. Deadlines can be missed, important mail can be commingled with unimportant (or junk) mail…”
In that Financial Advisor Magazine article, Mr. Lawrence recommended Paper Tiger; and financial firms from around the world have found this software to be an invaluable tool for helping them better manage their office and get organized to stay on top of the virtual mountain of paperwork that they must deal with each day. It is the most efficient filing system available. You get all the power of the computer WITHOUT the risks and time commitment of paper scanning.
The Paper Tiger allows you to go ahead and set up hanging files with numbered tabs, so they are ready to drop your paper filing into.
When going through mail, decide what needs action, what should be filed, and what should be tossed. Stacks of paper files all over the office lead to frustration and inefficiency, which is costly in both time and money, so you must prioritize and decide on procedures to handle the paper that comes through your office. To create an even more efficient office, be sure to document your paper handling system and retention guidelines. This will ensure that everyone is organized in the same way and training on these procedures will be a cinch in the event of employee illness or staff turnover.
-Decide what is junk, and toss what should be tossed immediately.
-For items that need to be filed, the best practice would be to open the Paper Tiger database and input Item Name and Keywords for each item, then immediately drop into the corresponding hanging folder.
Or you could have a tray or folder on your desk where you can immediately place items to be filed. Then set aside 15 minutes to clear your desk at the end of each day, enter the necessary information regarding the ‘to be filed’ into the Paper Tiger database, and place the files into the corresponding hanging folder. (remember, the hanging folders are already set up, so you don’t have to worry about finding folders and making tabs)
-Prioritize action items. Decide if the action can be done immediately. If not, either delegate or check the deadline. Decide how long it will take you to complete the task, and work backward on your calendar. Schedule this start of action on your calendar. Input the Item Name and Keywords information regarding the action file into the Paper Tiger, and select the Action date to start. Place the item in the corresponding Action Item hanging folder.
The Paper Tiger is great for short-term action files, as well as long-term storage of files. Of course, purging of files should be a task that is done regularly according to your office retention guidelines and compliance with regulations to ensure your filing cabinets do not overflow with unnecessary or outdated files.
When you’re ready to purge files to archives or to recycle/shred, simply conduct a Transfer of the file(s) in the Paper Tiger database, print a report and then remove the physical files from your filing cabinet or desk drawer. (If transferring to archives, don’t forget to set the action date in Paper Tiger when a file should be removed from archive to recycle/shred. That way, you’re sure to keep up with the life-cycle of your document management system.) Then box the files you’ve removed and send to archive location or recycle/shred, whichever the case may be.
Making decisions regarding how paper should flow through your office and the life-cycle of document management and retention will go a long way in your staff time management, increased productivity and organization. As mentioned previously, when you document your paper handling system and retention guidelines (the schedule in the life cycle of documents in your office), you will reduce cost and legal liabilities. Keeping unnecessary files will result in over-stuffed filing cabinets or storage space. In addition, different types of files need to be kept or destroyed based on legal reasons and time-lines, which could result in civil or criminal issues.
See our Blog Category for Records Retention: How long should you keep records? for articles written from different sources, including the IRS, to help you decide document/records retention schedule for your specific needs.
By Stephanie Calahan, of Calahan Solutions and a Paper Tiger Expert
For years I have been telling people about one of my favorite personal productivity software products — Paper Tiger Filing System and Document Management Software. We’ve helped slews of clients implement the software along with other productivity systems as they claimed their Office Miracle™!
Today, I’m thrilled I can let the cat out of the bag and let you know that not only is the Monticello Corporation (makers of The Paper Tiger) re-branding, but they will also be launching an awesome new product very soon and you could be in on it by being a beta tester. Keep reading to learn more.
In 1998, The Paper Tiger software was released to the market and has since become the #1 Paper Management software product in the world! Tens of thousands of companies – large and small rely on it each day to “Find Anything in 5 Seconds or Less…Guaranteed!” Want to know more? Check out Paper Tiger Filing System and Document Management Software to learn more.
The Online Version Is Coming Soon!
In their formal news brief Monticello says:
“Now, we are very pleased to announce that The Paper Tiger software will soon be available on the Internet as a Web-based application! The full functionality of The Paper Tiger Windows-based software can now be found in your Internet browser (Microsoft Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, etc.) – very easy to setup and to use. If you like the Windows version of The Paper Tiger software, you will love the Internet version!”
I could not be more excited about this and about being on the Alpha testing team. I will be among a small group of professionals that will be trying out the software very soon. We’ve been providing our thoughts based on client comments and I’m “chomping at the bit” to get my hands on the software.
Screen Shot of the Soon to be Released Paper Tiger Online
For those of you that know and love your Paper Tiger, you’ll note that the interface looks very familiar.
“Conversions to Paper Tiger Online will be Painless”
The development team has assured me that anyone that has a current version of Paper Tiger will be able to seamlessly convert their data to the online version. That is one of the first things I’ll be testing when the Alpha opens. Do you have things you think I should test or suggest?
Mac Users Will Have Easier Access for their Document Management
While the desktop version of Paper Tiger could be used on a Mac, sometimes people had challenges making the Windows version work well. Mac folks out there…your day has come! You can now enjoy the full functionality of The Paper Tiger in the Online Edition.
Comment and Share
Are you a Paper Tiger lover? What do you think about the idea of an online version? If you sign up for the Beta testing, be sure to comment below and let me know. If you are an organizer interested in info on upcoming training, tweet me and let me know! @StephCalahan
We love getting your questions! Ask one or many! We review questions on a regular basis and publish in one of our blogs or newsletter.
To your success!
About the Author:
Stephanie Calahan is The Business Vision Catalyst and founder of Calahan Solutions, Inc. She works with purpose-driven entrepreneurs, visionaries, coaches, consultants, health practitioners, authors, speakers and all sorts of remarkable service professionals who are experts in their field, to help them embrace their brilliance, leverage their business and get their message out with power, ease and joy; so that they can make a powerfully positive difference in the world, exponentially grow their income and enjoy a highly-successful and meaningful business… while working less. Learn how you can have more freedom in your life!
This article by Stephanie Calahan of Calahan Solutions and a Paper Tiger Expert, is a great source to get you thinking about how to set up your files in a systematic way so that you can find them again.
According to the National Association of Professional Organizers, it costs $120 in labor to track down a misplaced document or $250 in labor to recreate it. YUCK! Filing systems that work with the way you work are critical to cost management. The following tips will aid you in setting up systems to meet your needs.
File Only What You Need
Many of us (yes – I’m guilty sometimes) put things in files because it is easier to file it away than to make a decision. Recognize that your files are not dumping grounds. Do not put things in your files without first contemplating whether or not you can get rid of them.
Also see this article “Did You Know Paper and Other Things in Your Office Hold Emotion?” by Stephanie that you should find helpful when deciding what to file or not.
Create a File Index
A file index is one of the most important items that you can have to help you keep control of your ever growing pile of papers! List the location of each category and folder. That way, when you need to find your documents, you will have an easier time locating what you need. I use Paper Tiger Document Management Software and Filing System for my file management both at home and at work. I love it! Find Anything in 5 Seconds or Less With The Paper Tiger Software
Keep Fingertip Files at Your Desk
Fingertip files are those that you refer to all the time — phone lists, school directories, catalogs. They can be built into a great action system. What? You don’t have an action system? See my next point.
Reduce the Piles into Files
If you keep your files in piles on your desk because you need to see them, try using a rolling file cart. This keeps piles off your desk but in a place where you can see them at all times.
Or maybe you have those piles on your desk because you are afraid that you will forget to do something. Then, make an action system that will work for the way you work! Check out this demonstration for info on how to make your own action filing system.
Consider Off-Site Storage
If you are low on space, consider allowing a document management storage company to store your old records in an off-site facility, or you could relocate your files to a storage facility.
Avoid Paper Clips
Clip multiple-page documents together with staples or a binder clips, but avoid paper clips because they have a tendency to get caught on other pages.
Remember You Are Ever Changing, So Your Filing System Should Be Too
Your filing system should be a dynamic and ever-changing creature. Don’t be afraid to get rid of a category if you don’t use it anymore — or to add a new one if you need it. Consolidate folders that seem to go together under one larger heading, and split up categories into smaller pieces if your folders get too stuffed. Once a year, you should set aside time to purge the old and obsolete information from your files. If you follow these instructions, your filing system will serve you well for the rest of your life.
Use Color Coding for Your Files
Consider using a different color folder or tab for each section of files ex: all “financial” folders are green or have a green label. This makes it easier to find the file you need quickly and makes it easier to put folders back in the right place. You will now be able to put your hands on the folder you want almost instantly and run down the row of major categories until you find the right one.
Don’t Overstuff Filing Cabinets
There’s nothing worse than having to file papers in a file cabinet that is overloaded! Leave enough room in file drawers so you’re not using all your energy to get a piece of paper in or out.
That is it for now! I suggest that you only try to implement a few of these things rather than a bunch of them at once. Pick one or two that really speak to you, make them a habit and then add a few more.
To your success!
PS: Don’t forget to keep your paper files in order with Paper Tiger Document Management Software and Filing System, which Stephanie highly recommends and also includes in her in-person or remote/virtual Office Miracle.
About the Author:
Stephanie Calahan is The Business Vision Catalyst and founder of Calahan Solutions, Inc. She works with purpose-driven entrepreneurs, visionaries, coaches, consultants, health practitioners, authors, speakers and all sorts of remarkable service professionals who are experts in their field, to help them embrace their brilliance, leverage their business and get their message out with power, ease and joy; so that they can make a powerfully positive difference in the world, exponentially grow their income and enjoy a highly-successful and meaningful business… while working less. Learn how you can have more freedom in your life!
Large corporations and government bodies deal with thousands of records every day. They come in different formats including paper based, emails, faxes, scanned photos and documents and digital recordings. But where do your records really go? What happens when you finish using them?
Many files are kept in a variety of different, and sometimes confusing, ways. Paper based files are tossed into filing cabinets with no rhyme or reason to a structured document management system, or left on an employee’s desk to be buried in an ever-increasing stack of documents. Emails are filed on someone’s computer or even deleted. CDs and DVDs get tossed in a drawer never to be seen again. Books, binders, training manuals all get shuffled and mixed on a shelf somewhere.
Add to that the fact that different people label files differently. For instance, if you currently use an alphabetical filing system, there’s a good chance that files will be stored differently using the company name, or by a person’s name, or even by the industry. A lot of duplication can occur in this kind of filing system, which can lead to employees only seeing part of a file instead of every document pertaining to the file. These methods can be bad for business, especially if critical information can’t be found because it is in a different file under a different name.
As time passes, and a company grows, these type problems keep escalating. That’s why a major change needs to be implemented to enable your company to streamline the management of all documentation into one single, workable method that can be applied to every file in the company.
A document management software like The Paper Tiger Document Management Software and Filing System that uses an indexing system is the smart, logical choice for such a filing system. Basically, anything you can number, you can easily index. With a document indexing system, you can keep every document, binder, CD, DVD, etc. easily accessible for everyone to find. You decide how to name the files using letters, numbers, keywords and contact names to uniquely identify every file for future retrieval. You simply enter the details of the file and its contents into the software database, print off the file title onto a label and attach it to your hanging folder tab or affix to the corresponding item. And the exact same method can then be used by every staff member to locate information needed.
This is an easy to use system because the next file you create goes right behind the last one created and there’s no need to stuff a file drawer just to make something else fit alphabetically.
The computer index can easily be accessible by everyone in the company. This means you reduce the amount of time staff members spend filing and trying to locate needed documents. If anyone needs a particular piece of a file, they simply check its location on the index and then retrieve it for themselves.
And documents will no longer get misfiled. Meetings and reports can be handled much more easily because you can locate relevant information by simply pressing a few keys on the computer. Thousands of hours that previously were wasted searching for paperwork can now be used more productively, which means you not only save money, but employees can also tackle more projects in less time. It is estimated that an employee can waste over 150 hours per year, just looking for lost information.
A hard copy printout of the index serves as a backup in case you have a computer crash or power failure. And you can even store a copy of the index offsite as well.
As companies expand their operations, there is a growing need for more space. Usually this means having to uproot furniture, file cabinets and more, possibly even moving to a larger facility. Using a document management system can actually eliminate this need, because so much of a company’s needed space is for documentation. Old files can be archived in boxes and moved without uprooting the employees.
Because every possible keyword associated with each file is entered into the index, you can easily see whether a document you need has been archived or is in the office without searching for untold hours. In some cases, this can mean that you have room to even expand your operations without having to move to bigger offices.
Document indexing saves money and time and increases productivity. These are all huge wins for the company. And they’re all positive factors that can be clearly demonstrated when discussing budgetary issues. In fact, the very files you need to prove the value of this system can be more easily found when the system is installed.
There is no longer a need to keep everything stacked on your desk for fear of losing it. With a document management software system, you can find things at the click of your mouse … oh, what a stress-free way to manage your paperwork!
If you’re wondering where your records really go, that becomes an easy question to answer with a few simple keystrokes when you opt for document indexing software.
You can better control and improve the whole process of document management so your company is more than capable of tackling whatever projects are put on its plate. Document indexing can free your staff to devote time to the really important work of doing their jobs, because all the filing hassles are now under control, both for today and for the future.