Paper Tiger Blog


The Paper Tiger Blog contains great ideas on better ways to stay organized, clear your desk, reduce stress and spend less time managing information.

Getting organized and staying organized with paper can seem difficult for most people, and therefore many companies are opting to go to a paperless office. This type of filing system may keep things organized, but it can also add countless hours of document scanning in order to keep files up to date. So, although you have things more organized, you are still wasting a lot of time.

Paper Tiger Filing System for document management is different. It is not a paperless filing system. Instead it is a paper management system. It allows you to create and organize files in just a few moments without taking extra time scanning the document or backing up files to ensure that your information isn’t lost.

There is also no special equipment to buy with Paper Tiger Filing System. All you have to do is select the pricing program that fits your budget and your needs and you are ready to start. Setting up with the Paper Tiger Filing System can be done in as little as 60 seconds, and, just like that, you are off to a great start at having a more organized office without the expensive equipment and time spent.

Once you have set up your Paper Tiger Filing System account, it is time to start filing and organizing. It doesn’t matter how many files you have, Paper Tiger Filing System can help you to get organized. We even provide tips and helpful hints and online video training for free to help you get started. For instance, we recommend starting with the files that you use the most and then adding a little more each day. Before you know it, you will have a filing system that works and makes sense.

Paper Tiger Filing System – Simple and Easy To Use

First, you will create a digital file ‘Location’ within the software’s database relating to your physical file location. Then, you decide how many folders you want in this Location. You can add more later if you need to. Then, you create the physical files. This is done by printing tab labels from the software for this location and placing the tabs in your hanging folder plastic tabs. Once this is done, you input information relating to each document in the digital file location. You can give the document any name you want without any worry about finding it later. This is because the system will allow you to tag keywords that describe all documents that you put in your hanging file folders. For documents that you want to add to the same file, simply edit the Item and add additional keywords necessary for the new document(s).

This will work much like a Google search later when you need to find a file. Simply enter in the keyword that you are looking for and the Paper Tiger Filing System will show you all of the results that match. Now, place your document (or documents relating to the same subject) in the corresponding hanging folder. Just like that, your filing cabinet is organized without all the extra time, electronic storage space and hassle that scanning presents.

You can also organize other items with the Paper Tiger Filing System such as office supplies, CDs, DVDs, books, etc. Items are right where they should be and are easier to find. This makes the Paper Tiger Filing System much more than just an office management system; it is a life management system!



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Often, people make the assumption that the Paper Tiger Filing System software for document management is only useful if you need help with office organization. If you are one of these people and assume that you would not benefit from using Paper Tiger Filing System, consider this.

The average person wants to live a more organized life. In fact, many people pay thousands of dollars to a professional organizer to come to their home and declutter their house and help them find a way to sort and store all of their things in a more organized and esthetic manner. A professional organizer can help you think through the processes of getting organized and maintaining organization so you can become more productive. In addition, Paper Tiger Filing System for document management can help you to get organized and stay organized. If you don’t have an organization system, you are likely to fall back into the same habits and still be as unproductive as before.

In addition, Paper Tiger Filing System software can organize much more than just paper. And it can benefit a multitude of people, whether in your home or office.

For paper files, you would keep all of your physical files, and index them by inputting an item name and relating keywords for each file in the software’s database, so you can conduct a google-like search and be able to find items whenever you need them, instead of having to sift through a stack of paper files or trying to remember that one or two-word title you input on the hanging folder tab. This indexing method enables a more flexible filing system, and you don’t have to worry about trying to remember where you’ve filed something. No more countless lost hours searching for something or having to recreate it because you can’t find it!

In addition, anything that you can put a number onto, you can index with Paper Tiger, which can help you to organize moving boxes, storage units or sheds, office supplies, collections, books and CDs. You can print labels from the software to label each item and you have a well organized indexing system for knowing exactly where each item is.

Following is a just a sampling of the different types of offices that can benefit from Paper Tiger, in addition to keeping your homes organized.


Keeping track of children is a full time job in itself. Keeping track of important information, school records, doctor’s records, immunization records, as well as other items in addition to caring for children can be almost impossible. The Paper Tiger Filing System can help you to keep track of everything but the children.

Teachers and professors and other school officials can benefit as well to keep track of where all the paper files, books, tests, etc. that are in their care.

Government Agencies:

Government agencies have a tremendous amount of filing. Alphabetizing thousands of names can be time consuming and sometimes frustrating. Additionally, when you have new information to file in a particular person’s folder, you have to search through files that somehow got out of order.

Indexing in the Paper Tiger Filing System software can keep your files more organized and save you time. This can make time management and office organization easier and more efficient.

Financial Consultants, Certified Public Accountants, Insurance and Real Estate Agents:

Financial consultants, CPAs, Insurance and Real Estate Agents also have a large array of items to keep organized. Not only can you keep client folders organized, you can keep documents and other pertinent information organized as well. Indexing your items with the Paper Tiger Filing System software allows everyone on your staff to find files using a list of keywords connected to your files instead of the one or two word title that you would put on the hanging file folder tab. That way, if you or anyone in the office forgets or doesn’t know the name the file is under, it can still be found easily through the keywords.


Keeping thoughts organized is hard enough when you struggle with this condition. At times, it can seem like your entire life is disorganized. The Paper Tiger Filing System can help you to organize everything from papers to CDs. Just imagine not having to spend countless hours searching for something. When you’re constantly trying to figure out how you’re going to consolidate and label everything, and in the meantime, lose track of what you have. As each day changes, so will what you might think is the perfect file name for a certain item, but then when you need to find it, your mind is thinking of a different name that you could have filed it under because you can’t remember exactly where it’s filed. In your mind, there are so many choices for names of items. Now with this filing system software, you can just settle on anything for a title or item name and input as many keywords as you want to your creative heart’s content. You can change or move things without reworking the whole system also.

Paper Tiger Filing System software for document management provides a solution to make it possible to accommodate your changing needs, and can help you to get organized and stay organized.



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Getting organized can seem like a daunting task. This is especially true when it comes to paper filing. Knowing where to start, where to file, and how to keep track of everything is the biggest frustration for those who want to organize their paper files. Anne McGurty of Strategize & Organize says, ‘getting organized is right up there with losing weight for the new year.  It’s a great new year’s resolution, however, like dieting, it is a lifestyle change rather than a temporary solution. Now, with Paper Tiger Filing System Software for document management, filing can be easier, faster and more organized.

Let’s face it, getting organized is a pain! As a result, many people put off getting organized, only for the mess to continue to get worse….and the new year’s resolution is once again, off the list, but knowing where to get started can help to minimize the intimidation of getting organized.

Say Goodbye To Traditional Methods of Filing

The first step is to find a better paper filing system. Traditional methods can be confusing, frustrating, and just as disorganized as the mess on your desk due to the problems with alphabetical filing systems such as trying to remember the word or two that you put on the tab, or duplicate files because you’ve forgotten how you filed relating documents previously. Not to mention employee turnover and not being group-friendly, because everyone doesn’t think the same. However, finding the right document management software can help you to access all of your paper files easily, quickly and conveniently.

Paper Tiger Filing System is not just a paper filing system – It is a filing system that can help you to get organized, and turn your filing system into a finding system! With Paper Tiger Filing System, you don’t have to worry about how to label your files. It allows you to file each item by name and give a list of keywords to describe the file. That means no more confusion in the office or at home when someone else is trying to find the file or you have forgotten what you labeled it.

Unlike a lot of other document management systems, Paper Tiger Filing System does not require you to spend countless hours performing document scanning. This means that you keep all of your physical paper files, and index them by inputting an item name and relating keywords for each file, so you can conduct a google-like search in the database and be able to find whenever you need them, instead of having to sift through a stack of paper files or trying to remember that one or two-word title you input on the hanging folder tab, which can really take up a lot of time that could be used in better ways. This indexing method enables a more flexible filing system, and you don’t have to worry about trying to remember where you’ve filed something. In just a couple of minutes, you are on your way to more organized living.

The Paper Tiger Filing System also has many different pricing tiers. This means that anyone can use the Paper Tiger Filing System. It is not limited to office management or corporate filing. You can label and conveniently file items in your home office as well.

Paper filing is not the only function of the Paper Tiger Filing System - This professional organizer can help you to organize moving boxes, storage units or sheds, office supplies, collections, books and CDs. You can print labels from the software to label each item and you have a well organized system for knowing exactly where each item is. No more countless lost hours searching for something!

Think of all of the wasted time that you have spent searching for lost papers or items. This problem is completely eliminated with Paper Tiger Filing System software for document management. The easy to follow program and amazing organizational abilities makes it one of the most revolutionary time management systems available on the market today.

Choosing a paper management software can help you to get more organized at the office and at home. It can help you to declutter your life and spend less time searching or organizing.



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Do you hate your alarm clock in the morning? There are a lot of reasons that you might dread going to work, but one of the reasons might be because your desk is overflowing with paperwork. If so, then you need to know the secret to happy filing so your day isn’t so dreadful.

People spend a lot of time at work. In most jobs, there’s some form of filing system and very often that’s what makes the difference between happy and unhappy staff. It’s also a major factor in the overall success of the business when you and your staff can find what is needed, when it’s needed, instead of wasting a lot of time searching through stacks.

Paper is a challenge that everyone faces at work and people constantly seek better alternatives so they can be more efficient with their time. Regardless of the size of your company, there are only five different choices when it comes to dealing with paperwork.

Your first choice is the Trash/Recycle Bin:

This one is a favorite for many overworked staff members who toss everything they can into the trash. We suggest recycling or shredding as appropriate.

Unfortunately, you simply can’t get away with throwing out everything because so much of this paper contains valuable information and is needed, either now or in the future. This means that you must find another way to file these papers.

Your second choice is “The Stack”:

This is a great option if you have very little paper to deal with everyday, but when stacks of paper start to appear on your desk. Then more stacks appear on the floor, chairs, shelves and any other flat surface you can use, you have a surmountable problem.

If you have your own office, then it will inevitably become very cramped. If you decide to use this rather disorganized system, you’ll waste countless hours searching through the stacks to find specific files or documents that you need to work on. Experts estimate that 150 hours are wasted each year searching for lost items. There must be a better way.

Choice Number Three is Using an Alphabetical Filing System:

This type of document management system has been used for a long time as it doesn’t require the use of computers. A filing cabinet or set of drop files is the popular way to store files. However there are problems with this type filing system.

Different people may use varying titles and so file duplication can occur. As your company grows, so does the number of filing cabinets or shelves. Then it becomes increasingly difficult to file new material and locate previously filed documents. If a drawer gets too full, everything needs to be moved so that the alphabetical system remains in order. This can be a very tedious task. Lots of time and money get wasted on such an unproductive part of people’s jobs.

Your Fourth Choice Is Scanning:

Scanning can be a great way to reduce the amount of paper you use. The office doesn’t need as much storage for files because your filing can be more streamlined. This is a great method of filing IF you’re prepared to tolerate the poor quality of some documents and the fact that there are many types of items that can’t be scanned, such as bound documents, contracts that need to be kept in original paper form, etc. Of course, it also takes time to remove staples in a stapled file, and if you miss any, there will be a jam in the scanner to deal with.

Many people keep the originals in case the scanned documents create problems, thus causing double handling to occur and defeating the whole purpose of trying to streamline your filing system. Some have also said that they wind up reprinting more than they would have if they had just left their files in paper form.

In addition, good quality scanning equipment isn’t cheap and can also be expensive to maintain, not to mention storage of scanned documents. Such equipment can break down easily and cause havoc if there isn’t another option to use for your filing.

Finally We Come to Choice Number Five – Indexing!

It’s the 21st century, afterall. Why should you use methods that are cumbersome and costly in terms of time and money? Indexing is the answer!

  • You can still recycle when needed or keep track of archived files in a more efficient manner.
  • You won’t have to face the stacks of files and documents on a daily basis.
  • You can stop trying to figure out what your colleagues decided to label that file you need urgently.
  • You can return the expensive scanners you have out on lease.
  • You can keep your original papers intact with an indexing system software.
  • Indexing makes the labeling of files easy and consistent so everyone files the same way.

No longer will you have to waste hours looking for or recreating that lost document. You can simply conduct a search in the software’s database and instantly you know exactly where the searched file is located.

There are many advantages to an indexing system software:

  • Less time and money is spent on filing and retrieval.
  • Staff will actually enjoy coming to work.
  • Original documents can be kept intact and stored in whatever format you receive them.
  • The system is so easy to learn, everyone from the relief assistant to the CEO will be able to use it.
  • You don’t need extra machinery as you simply use existing computers and new software that pays for itself very quickly.

Indexing is the best choice and the secret to a better and more efficient filing system. Try Paper Tiger Filing System Software for Document Management today!



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This article by Stephanie Calahan, of Calahan Solutions and a Paper Tiger Expert provides us with numerous tips to get organized and get our life in order. I’m sure this will give you a clue as to the caliber of life coaching that Stephanie provides her clients. These tips include paper filing systems, getting organized in every area of your life, financial management, and getting your health in order. Stephanie recognizes, as we do, that different people need different tools to help with their daily lives. She lists different paper filing systems below, including Paper Tiger Filing System and Document Management Software, which she recommends based on her clients’ needs and the way that they work. She understands that every person is different and requires systems that work for them.

Stephanie H Calahan - StephCalahan - Productivity and Organization Specialist with Calahan Solutions Inc

It is interesting to me that many entrepreneurs and business owners spend the majority of their time completely consumed by their business and totally neglect their personal affairs.

Many of my clients contact me to get their business organized, yet when we talk, they often admit that their personal affairs are as much of a “mess” or more than their business.  They do not have systems for handling their most important areas of life.  Their household papers are everywhere…piled in various corners and flat surfaces around the house.  They are not sure where their hard-earned money is spent and they don’t have solid plans for the future.

Its true that they are busy.  VERY BUSY!  However, sometimes they are so busy that they lose focus as to why they started their business, doing what they do, in the first place.  When I ask “Why did you start your business?”  I generally hear it is because they wanted more freedom to live a life they define.  They wanted to make more money so that they have the ability to have more choice in life.

If you do not have your personal life in order, you may not be getting all of the benefits from your hard work!  Now is the time!  Now is the time to let go of the excuses that you don’t have time, are too tired or don’t know how.  Here are a few tips to get started:

Set up a filing system to store and manage your paperwork

Your paperwork likely consists of three types of paper:  1) stuff you need to take action on 2) stuff you are saving for reference and 3) stuff that you should have tossed a long time ago, but haven’t.

1 – Create an Action System

This is the system that manages all of the papers that are on your counters and other spaces that you have out in the open and in piles because you don’t want to forget to do something.  Then use the system.  Read, sort and process your email and snail mail daily.  Avoid backlog.  Also, when you come across papers that are date driven, make sure to add an entry to your calendar/planner to remind you to do things.  This system is the perfect location to store all of the bills you have yet to pay.

2 – Create an Effective Reference System

Did you know that the average person wastes 150 hours a year just looking for things?   Imagine what you could do if you weren’t searching!  An effective reference system is one that you use consistently because you trust it.  You trust it because it is easy to use and you can find information with ease when you need it.  Different systems are going to work better for different people, so make sure you set up something that works for you. This system is a great place to store all of the bills you have paid.  Here are a few for you to consider:

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If you would like to go paperless with your home filing, this is definitely the tool to consider!  I have the honor of being on the advisory board of AboutOne and I love how this company really listens to your needs.  AboutOne was designed by moms and dads for moms and dads to make managing all that household information fast, fun, and easy. With just a few clicks, your information is stored with bank-level security, and all your posts can then be combined or mixed together in new ways, saving you time on everyday chores like creating family newsletters, scrapbooks, hardcover photo albums, and creating and mailing holiday cards, or completing school forms, college applications, caregiver instructions, and tax returns.  I personally LOVE how easy it is to manage all of the complex medical information we have in our family.’s patent-pending service takes just seconds of your time and helps you save time, save money, and be prepared.  You can sign up for a trial account here:

Paper Tiger Filing System Software

Do you hate filing paper

I have been a happy Paper Tiger user for years.  If you don’t want to go paperless, but you want an easy way to find anything in 5 seconds or less, then this is the tool. The tool gives you a powerful index search — like how you would search on Google — that allows you to find your information fast.  However, you can use this tool for much more than filing paper!  Anything that you can number you can put into the system.  At home, we have “paper tigered” books, CDs, DVDs, binders, storage bins, and more.  We love this tool because it does not matter how different my husband and I might reference information (for example, I might say Insurance-Car and he might say Country Insurance) we can find things with ease using the fast find button.  Your information is secure and backed up too.  You can sign up for a free Paper Tiger Online account at Paper Tiger’s website.

FileSolutions Home Filing System

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If you like the idea of a color coded system, then you might consider the FileSolutions Home Filing System.  The Home Filing System includes a booklet to guide you through the filing process by helping you select the appropriate files for your home. You can build 80-100 files for your home & family items using the pre-printed, color-coded labels for both vertical files and 1/3 cut file folders. The categories include:  Personal, Financial, Taxes/Insurance, and Lifestyle.  In addition, file your important papers & find them again using FileIndexTM. With this unique system, you can index over 350 items.  It will be the first and last place you look when you (or another family member) need to find something.  Note, folders & hanging files not included. This tool is great for simple household filing.  Consider one of these great paper systems from OrganizedAtoZ.

3 – Let Go of the Rest

80 percent of what we keep, we never reference again.  I see that theme repeat itself over and over again when I work with clients and help them through their decisions.  If you have a hard time figuring out what to let go, consider using the DART system.  If you would like a summary of what to keep and what to let go of for your home, get our Residential Record Retention guide.

Set up a financial management system

Know where your money is going.

If you are looking for a simple money management system, consider .  This tool is very user friendly and allows you to know exactly what is going on with your finances.  You can set budgets and alerts that email you when you are off track.  You can also get very user friendly graphics to show you where your dollars are going.

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If you have an iPhone, you will also love this app

Eliminate your debt

It goes without saying that debt can be a weight that drags you down for the length of time you have it.  For some, they spend more time thinking about the mounting debt than time on getting things done.  Eliminate your debt.  The most popular method for revolving debt is the debt snowball method.  There are many sites and smartphone apps that can help you with this.  Many of them let you prioritize debts and see estimated times left to pay off each debt. They let you plan payments and view progress as you shrink what is owed. Many will also estimate the date you will be debt-free, so that you can see the light at the end of the tunnel.  I was reading an article on the other day that suggested this one was one of the better ones on the iPhone.

Set up direct debits for regular bills

Most banks now have the ability to set up automatic bill paying.  Consider setting up automatic payments for all of your regular bills.  Your bills will be paid on time and you will save loads of time.

Set a day and time each week to review your personal affairs

By reviewing your situation on a regular basis, you are able to stay on top of any problem areas and make strategic decisions quickly.

Get educated and be proactive!

There are a number of outstanding professionals in your local area or on the internet that share helpful information on wealth creation.  Attend classes or read books.  Become informed.  The better knowledge you have, the easier it will be for you to make decisions and have confidence to take action. Here is a great article on CBS about Organizing Your Finances in 5 Days: How to Quickly Get Your Financial House in Order in 2011.

Take care of yourself – you are the only you that you have

Get your health in order

We hear this all of the time, but it still holds true.  Do you have some medical concerns that you have been ignoring?  Find a professional that can help you get better.  Need to eat better or exercise more?  Create a system to make it happen.  The healthier you are, the easier it is to manage every day activities.  The longer you let “small” medical concerns slide, the faster they can become “big” medical things that tax you, your family, and your finances.

The foundation of success in life is good health:  that is the substratum fortune; it is also the basis of happiness.  A person cannot accumulate a fortune very well when he is sick.”  ~ P.T. Barnum in The Art of Money Getting

There are a number of sites that are all over the net to help you and a nutrition/exercize coach can also make a huge impact.  Here are a few iPhone apps that could be of benefit too: Get in Shape: iPersonal Trainer or FitnessFree or CrunchFu.  If you would like to quit smoking try: Quitter or MyQuitCoach.


If you take control of your personal concerns, you will have more confidence and peace of mind that the right things are happening.  It is important to learn how to manage your time effectively and get organized so that you can focus on the most important things in your life.  If you don’t, you will not be any further ahead next year.

One of the sayings that floats around frequently are:

Some people make things happen
Others watch things happen
Still others say “what happened”?

Who do you choose to be?

If you’re not sure how to get your business or life organized so that you free up your time, make more money and experience life, I encourage you to take action and contact us for a telephone strategy session.  Why be time-pressed and struggle when you can easily get more done with less stress?

Reprinted with permission

About the Author:

Stephanie Calahan is The Business Vision Catalyst and founder of Calahan Solutions, Inc. She works with purpose-driven entrepreneurs, visionaries, coaches, consultants, health practitioners, authors, speakers and all sorts of remarkable service professionals who are experts in their field, to help them embrace their brilliance, leverage their business and get their message out with power, ease and joy; so that they can make a powerfully positive difference in the world, exponentially grow their income and enjoy a highly-successful and meaningful business… while working less. Learn how you can have more freedom in your life!

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Getting organized is something that nearly everyone struggles with. In fact, the task can be so difficult, that many people pay hundreds of dollars to a professional organizer to come in and organize their stuff.

The problem is your system. You don’t really know how it works or how to keep up with it. The result is a mess that returns. A professional organizer can help you think through the processes of getting organized and maintaining organization so you can be more productive throughout the year. In addition, Paper Tiger Filing System for document management can help you to get organized and stay organized.

Clutter is a result of poor organization systems, poor organizational skills, and just too much stuff. The first step to getting organized is to get rid of stuff you don’t need. Only you can best determine what these items are. However, if you want to experience organized living, you will have to learn how to part with stuff. Keep only items that you know are important or that you use on a regular basis. Everything else can go to someone that either needs it or could make more use of it.

Once you finish the declutter phase, you need a document management system. Document management can save you from spending countless hours looking for important documents. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy or expensive. Just a desk filing system or small filing cabinet will do. However, to make this easy and efficient, you will also need the right document management software.

The Paper Tiger Filing System is the perfect document management software. Unlike paperless filing systems, Paper Tiger does not require you to invest hundreds of dollars in expensive equipment. You also won’t have to spend countless hours performing document scanning and backup. Paper Tiger Filing System, instead, is an indexing system for your physical items.

Indexing may sound like a scary word. However, it is actually very easy to use. It is also very time efficient. You probably use indexing on a daily basis when you use the internet. Indexing is how popular search engines store their files. This is what allows you to access the right information every time, quickly.

Of course, you will need an organization system that does more than just organize your papers. The average home has many items that need organizing. Paper Tiger Filing System can help with that too. Other items can be placed in a digital file. Items such as CDs, DVDs, office supplies, tax documents, collections, and even storage items can easily be indexed with the Paper Tiger Filing System. Simply create a digital folder in the software’s database, label your storage container accordingly, and you know where your items are anytime you need them.

The best part of creating organized living for yourself is that you have a system and know how to maintain the system. This means that once you get organized, you stay organized. The trick is finding the right filing system for your needs. Unlike many other filing systems, Paper Tiger Filing System can meet all of your organization needs. Then if you need additional help, there are professional organizers who are also Paper Tiger Experts that can assist you with putting all the pieces together to create the right system customized just for you.



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How many times has this happened to you: You are running late for a meeting, and have to take time to find the files you need, only to end up being late for the meeting, and never did find those files? Things like this have happened to pretty much everyone who has ever been in business. It seems as though everyone has their own different way of paper filing, and most of the time, none of the methods used actually work all that well, and can even end up being quite complicated.

For the last ten years, many business owners have relied on the paper filing system offered by Paper Tiger Filing System Software for Document Management. Now in its fourth generation, this is an easy-to-use filing system that allows you to keep all of your original paperwork, while it is also indexed, so you can find anything you need with a few keystrokes on your computer. It is an incredibly easy system to learn how to use, and also very easy to teach to members of your staff.

When it comes to time management, it can often seem like there is just way too much to do, and things can become quite overwhelming, especially when it comes to the mountain of paper files we often end up having to sift through just to find one little thing. Having the Paper Tiger Filing System Software can eliminate these problems, leaving you with more time to take care of many other little details involving your business, and your life.

Another option you have is hiring a new staff member just to take care of the paperwork that keeps on building up every single day, no matter how hard you try to get it all organized. This can be a really costly option and an unnecessary one. All you need is to have a great paper filing system like the Paper Tiger Filing System Software to take care remembering where your files are so that you can find them when you need them, and you can spend your time on more worthwhile things.

You may have also tried other methods of looking after your files, only to find that they did not work as well as you would have liked. One of course is the traditional method of alphabetizing everything. Unfortunately, we all start out with the best of intentions, but after a while, things do not get filed properly, and sometimes, not at all. Since the alphabetical system is limited to what fits on the file folder tab, you put off filing because you’re afraid you won’t remember what you filed things under and won’t be able to find them again so you would rather keep your paper files in stacks.

When you are trying to run a business, the last thing you need to worry about is dealing with paper filing. Let Paper Tiger take care of your files by indexing them, so you can find everything you need, any time, quickly and easily. You will be able to access everything you need, without having to spend hours fumbling through stacks of papers, and you will be wondering why you didn’t implement a paper management system like this ages ago. See how Paper Tiger Filing System Software for Document Management works by watching the videos on our Why Paper Tiger page.



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Productive & Organized - We'll help you find your way.™

Paper is by far the #1 reason people contact us. The paperless office that was promised back int the late 70s / early 80s never happened. My friends at The Monticello Corporation created a new video that does a great job of talking about how to gain control of paper. Take a watch and tell me what you think! (click here to see the video)

I’ve been using and consulting with this tool, Paper Tiger Filing System and Document Management Software, for a number of years now. It is one of the tools that we introduce you to when you claim your Office Miracle(tm).

Sound interesting? Contact us today for a no cost / no obligation telephone consultation to see if this is the right tool for your situation. Want to buy it right now? Check out Paper Tiger Filing System and Document Management Software for more information on the tool.

Reprinted with permission

About the Author:

Stephanie Calahan is The Business Vision Catalyst and founder of Calahan Solutions, Inc. She works with purpose-driven entrepreneurs, visionaries, coaches, consultants, health practitioners, authors, speakers and all sorts of remarkable service professionals who are experts in their field, to help them embrace their brilliance, leverage their business and get their message out with power, ease and joy; so that they can make a powerfully positive difference in the world, exponentially grow their income and enjoy a highly-successful and meaningful business… while working less. Learn how you can have more freedom in your life!



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[audio:|titles=Fred Holgado Interview]

Hi I’m Janet Baker, office manager of The Monticello Corporation, makers of Paper Tiger Filing System Software. We have with us today, Fred Holgado, who is our Information Technology Director here at Paper Tiger.  Hi Fred, it’s good to have you.

Fred: Hi Janet, thanks for having me.

Janet: So tell us, we want to know a little bit about what’s going on in our IT department. Can you tell us why did The Monticello Corporation decide on Paper Tiger Online?

Fred: Well there are a few reasons why we decided that moving to an online app was our best choice. First and foremost, was that we wanted our customers to focus on using our product and not having problems while installing it or getting it to work. You know we sell 2 versions [of the desktop edition], one is single user version and we have had issues in the past with customers not being able to install it and a lot of it is because of difficulty of installing programs in Windows. It really makes it hard for people to focus on filing and take 20 to 30 minutes to try to install this program. On the other hand, our Network edition which allows multiple people to use the software, that’s a lot more complicated too because it involves Windows networking and that’s something that unless you have a lot of experience and knowledge with, it can be difficult to install.

The online product, it takes about 30 seconds from the time you sign up until the time you actually get to file, and the same thing with the multi-user version [of Paper Tiger Online.] All you have to do is basically open the email and you’ll get to start filing with your team right away. We think it’s a lot easier and much more streamlined for people to use compared to our Windows offering.

Janet: Awesome! And we’ve had a lot of great results from Paper Tiger Online, as well. Can you tell us what is it about online that makes Paper Tiger unique?

Fred: I think for the online version, we’ve really worked hard on making it easy to use. So from the first time you sign in, the application guides you along and tells you exactly what you need to do and the steps you need to take. Also we’ve worked really hard on our knowledge base articles to make sure that at any point in time that you need help, there is some documentation there, and as always, we’re here available and ready to help you with what you need. We’ve also put together some screencast videos that show you how to get started. Those are really easy to follow. It’s just a matter of loading the video and watching for a little bit and you’ll be able to get going with Paper Tiger Online in no time.

Janet: Tell us what are you doing currently to improve Paper Tiger?

Fred: One of the things we’ve recently just added is international character support. Now this doesn’t mean that the application has been translated into different languages, but now it allows you to put in any type of character like accent marks, or other types of languages like Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, etc. This is something that our customers were really requesting; and it took a little bit of work on our part, but now the whole application will accept any of those types of characters.

The other thing that we’ve done, that we’ve just recently finished, is our new support portal which allows you to search all the help articles that we have in real time. It’s really cool and easy to use. All you have to do is look up in the top right corner of the [online] application and there is a help button and it will take you right to our new support portal and you may be able to learn some cool new tricks about Paper Tiger Online.

Janet: So can you tell us what is in the future for Paper Tiger?

Fred: Sure, I can’t go into any specifics, but one of the things is that we’re really interested in and we really see a need is for people to be able to handle digital files properly. I think we do a great job of handling your physical paper, but establishing a relationship between physical paper and your digital files, we think it’s something very interesting. We also have some great ideas to organize actual information, as well, to start establishing relationships between some of the information you may have, whether it be on paper or whether it be on Facebook or other social media or a digital file like .pdf or email. So we’re really looking ahead and looking forward to working on these new things so that we can see what our customers are thinking about it.

Janet: Wow that does sound interesting. So I’m assuming that our customers will be able to make suggestions and that kind of thing; and they will be able to do that through our new tech support portal, right?

Fred: Absolutely, they can get in touch with us either through our tech support portal, shoot us an email, write on our blog, and be looking in the future for blog posts talking about this and we would love to hear what people have to say about our product and any way we can make it better for you.

Janet: Very cool. Well thank you Fred. We appreciate you being with us today. Now go back to work!

Fred: ok, no problem Janet. Thanks so much.

What suggestions would you make for the future of Paper Tiger Online? Take this short 2-minute PTOnlineDigital Survey and make any comments/suggestions in the feedback boxes provided. We have had some really great feedback so far. Thank you for being so passionate about Paper Tiger Filing System Software for document management!

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Whether your business is a small one-person operation or a large company, you are bound to have all kinds of paperwork. Often, you have so much paperwork surrounding you that you don’t have a clue as to what is where, or which file is which. Even the smallest of businesses have this type of problem, and it can often be quite a task to come up with a filing system that actually works. No matter how hard we try, or how much we dream, it is hard to go paperless and we are never going to be able to get rid of all of the paper flow that just keeps coming. So why not find a way to keep it organized so that you can find anything that you want in just a few seconds?

When you use the Paper Tiger Filing System Software for document management, you will be able to organize all of your paper files. Now this does not mean that you will be getting rid of your paperwork and just using your computer. Quite the contrary. Actually, with Paper Tiger Filing System Software, you will keep all of your paper files, so that you always have the original hard copy available, but index these records in the software database, so you can find anything you want at a moment’s notice. Some people just feel scanning is still not the solution. Often in attempts to go paperless, more copies are printed that have been stored electronically than ever would have needed to be printed had the one paper copy been kept. This can be used as your very own professional organizer and will really help when it comes to time management.

Did you know that a lot of business owners spend more than 150 hours each year just searching for lost files? When you use the Paper Tiger Filing System Software, you will be able to put these hours to much better use. So, you are probably wondering how Paper Tiger can help you, and what it is all about. Well, Paper Tiger is not a system that involves document scanning. Instead, Paper Tiger uses an indexing method. This means that you keep all of your physical paper files, and index them by inputting an item name and relating keywords for each file, so you can conduct a google-like search in the database and be able to find whenever you need them, instead of having to sift through a stack of paper files or trying to remember that one or two-word title you input on the hanging folder tab, which can really take up a lot of time that could be used in better ways. This indexing method enables a more flexible filing system, and you don’t have to worry about trying to remember where you’ve filed something.

Some of the advantages to using Paper Tiger Filing System Software include:

  • all original documents remain intact.
  • it is virtually impossible to corrupt the data stored
  • it is secure, so your information is not easily stolen or hacked
  • easy to learn and use
  • quicker than other filing systems
  • all documents can be indexed

Indexing is the lowest priced form of document management. Having been in the market for more than 14 years, Paper Tiger has a proven track record of document management and helping people get organized and be more productive. Implement Paper Tiger Filing System Software for document management today and you’ll be on your way to saving time and money.

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Many people think that all that teachers do is teach our kids the things they need to know in order to be able to graduate and go on to college, or get jobs. They do not realize all of the little things that teachers do in order to be able to teach their classes. After all, lesson plans don’t just appear out of thin air, and tests don’t make themselves up. Teachers have to create their own lesson plans, create tests and exams, grade tests and other assignments and keep track of those grades, and so much more. Often, you will find quite a few filing cabinets in a typical classroom, and these are filled to capacity with all of the things that teachers have to deal with every single day. This is a really good reason why teachers should switch to a much easier form of paper management, such as that offered by Paper Tiger Filing System Software for Document Management.

If you are a teacher, you know all too well how much paperwork accumulates on your desk in the course of a day, and at the end of a week, you may even be buried under all of the paper files that you know needs to be filed away, but how to file for easy retrieval is mind-boggling. You may think that a file management system such as indexing software for filing is something that is just for businesses, but it is something that can really make your job a whole lot easier and free up a lot of your time. You can eliminate a lot of the clutter from your classroom, and your mind, so you are free to do what you really want to do: teach.

Some of the things that you can use this system for include:

  • lesson plans
  • keeping track of grades
  • keeping track of attendance
  • keeping track of appointments, such as parent and teacher meetings
  • filing away ideas for future lesson plans or assignments
  • much, much more

Paper Tiger Filing System Software is an excellent tool for teachers and professors who want to free up their time and space. Because this is an indexing system and not a scanning system, you will still be able to keep all of your original paper files. You can keep what you need, and toss what you don’t. This filing system software is designed to save you time and effort when you are ready to either file or retrieve your paper files. You simply indicate where that item is stored and assign it a series of relevant keywords. Then you never need worry about misplacing a file again. When you need to find something in a hurry, you won’t have stacks of paper files to go through or have to remember what name you put on the hanging file folder tab, because you can find it with just a few keystrokes on your computer.

The next time you are trying to find something in a pile of papers, perhaps a test that you want to hand out to your students the next day, and are ready to give up and make a new one because you have so much to go through that it is overwhelming, consider implementing a different sort of paper filing system that will save you a lot of time. If you’re filing the old-fashioned, alphabetic way without Paper Tiger Filing System Software for document management, you’re working too hard!

Learn what Paper Tiger can do for you, and how it can make your life a whole lot easier.

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Document Management – How Long Do I Have To Keep My Paper Files?
by Ramona Creel

At work, at home, no matter who you are or what you do — we are all bombarded with paper. Some days, as I help clients sort through their mail, I’m amazed that we have any trees left on this planet at all! Junk mail, bills, magazines, newspapers, memos, reports — it’s an endless source of stress. Things have gotten so bad that we’re developing a new fear in our society — “paperphobia,” the fear of having to deal with that stack that’s been sitting there for a week. But a good document management system is the key to overcoming your paper-induced worries!

Thinning The Herd

Remember the first rule of clutter — “the less you have, the easier it is to organize.” The paperless office is still a long way off — I can’t guarantee that you will ever be able to eliminate paper from your life completely, but you can certainly reduce the size of the piles. Let’s start by going through your old files and doing some cleaning out. I believe strongly that if you don’t have a good reason for keeping it, get rid of it — but a lot of folks are afraid to ever throw a document away because they might need it again “someday.” How do you define “someday?” I suggest that my clients ask themselves some basic questions about why they are keeping their paper:

  • Is the information relevant to my life, personal interests, or job?
  • Has this information become outdated? Can I find a more current document?
  • How easy would it be to replace this if I needed the information later?
  • What is the worst thing that could happen if I got rid of it?

That last question leads us to the subject of purging financial and legal records. This is a sensitive (and somewhat scary) issue, because there could be some harsh consequences if you throw something out too soon. I agree that it’s better to be safe than sorry, but fear is a poor organizing guide. If you simply take the time to educate yourself about how long you are legally required to retain each document, you’ll never go wrong. Effective document management is all about having the right information and acting on that knowledge.

Records Retention Guidelines

In recent years, an entirely new field of study called “records management” has arisen — dedicated to helping people understand how long they must keep certain documents. Based on the information gathered by this industry, I have compiled standard schedule for purging your files. But please understand that this is a complicated issue (especially in today’s litigious society), and each situation is unique. Many professions set their own legal guidelines for records retention, and you may have some unusual or extenuating circumstance in your life — so check with your accountant or attorney before pitching out any important legal, business, or financial paperwork.

You must keep the following documents forever (yes, forever!):

  • income tax returns
  • income tax payment checks
  • annual financial statements
  • books of account
  • corporate documents
  • stock records
  • retirement and pension records
  • licenses, patents, trademarks, and registration applications
  • investment trade confirmations and statements that indicate buying and selling
  • documents substantiating fixed asset additions
  • important correspondence
  • legal documents
  • trust documents
  • CPA audit reports

Businesses are held accountable to a much stricter set of rules than individuals. In addition, specific industries set their own legal standards, including but not limited to healthcare, insurance, law, etc. In addition to the items listed above, all companies should create permanent files for the following, but be sure to ask your professional association for any additional policies for record management and retention.

  • annual financial statements
  • stock records
  • purchase receipts
  • fixed asset documents
  • licenses, patents, trademarks, and registration applications
  • other corporate documents such as incorporation, charter, constitution, bylaws, minutes

Hold onto the following paperwork for six years. The IRS may go back 6 years to audit your tax returns for errors or incorrectly claimed deductions, so it’s important to keep all tax-related documents.

  • bank reconciliations and voided checks
  • canceled payroll and dividend checks
  • personnel and payroll records
  • purchase records
  • sales records
  • travel & entertainment records
  • supporting documents for tax returns
  • mortgages, deeds, leases on sold property (keep for 6 years beyond the life of agreement)
  • sales receipts (if tax-related)
  • utility records (if tax-related)
  • medical bills (if tax-related)
  • other bills (if tax-related)
  • vendor invoices
  • supporting documents for tax returns
  • accident reports and claims

Keep these records for three years:

  • monthly financial statements (for internal purposes)
  • credit card statements
  • utility records (for internal use)
  • employment applications
  • expired insurance policies
  • medical bills (in case of insurance disputes)

You should retain these records according to the following guidelines:

  • car records (keep until the car is sold)
  • credit card receipts (keep until they have been verified on your credit card statement)
  • ATM and deposit slips (keep until reconciled on your bank statement)
  • insurance policies (keep for the for life of policy)
  • pay stubs (keep until they have been reconciled with your w-2)
  • property records, builder contracts, and improvement receipts (keep until property sold)
  • sales receipts (keep for the life of warranty or the life of the item on large purchases)
  • stock and bond records (keep for 6 years beyond selling)
  • warranties and instructions (keep for the life of product)
  • other bills (until the payment is verified on the next bill)

Safely Disposing Of Paper

Just because you cleaned it out, does not mean that it goes in the trash! Did you realize that once you put something in a garbage can at the curb, it becomes public property? And reports of identity theft are increasing every day. When someone else gains access to your personal records (social security number, tax id, drivers license number, address, bank account information) and pretends to be you, the results can be disastrous. Using your identifying information, this person can take out loans, run up credit card bills, and run up a tremendous amount of debt — all in your name. And most times, you never know until you get the collection letter. It can take years to clear up the legal and financial problems this causes you, and it can temporarily ruin your credit. Proper document management is synonymous with safety.

So to protect yourself from this threat, be sure to dispose of your important records properly. Any piece of paper that contains account numbers, your social security number, or any other sensitive information should be shredded. If you only have a small amount of paper to destroy, consider visiting your local office supply store to pick up a personal shredder — they run as little at $20 or $30. If you generate a large quantity of “shredable” paper, or just don’t want to sit there feeding in one page at a time, think about using a mobile shredding service. These companies will come to your home or office and shred your documents on-site for a fee.  Just be sure that you choose a reputable company that provides you with a certificate or letter guaranteeing that your paper has been shredded unrecognizable.

Welcome To The Digital Age

In order for your filing system to be truly effective, it should really have two components — a paper side combined with electronic document management software. Software such as Paper Tiger Filing System Software for Document Management is designed to save you time and effort when you are ready to either file or retrieve your paper files. You simply indicate where that item is stored and assign it a series of relevant keywords. Then you never need worry about misplacing a file again. Simply search by the name of the document or one of the keywords and voila! If you’re filing the old-fashioned way without document management software, you’re working too hard!

About the Author

Ramona Creel is Professional Organizer, NAPO Golden Circle Member, and the original founder of OnlineOrganizing. A former Social Worker, she has always enjoyed helping people find the resources and solutions they need to improve their lives. Ramona now travels the country as a full-time RVer, sharing her story of simplicity with everyone she meets. She leads by example — having worked for more than 10 years as a Professional Organizer, and having radically downsized and simplified her own life as a full-time RVer. Ramona now considers herself a “Renaissance Woman” — bringing all of her passions together into one satisfying career. As a “Virtual Organizer”, she can create a customized organizing plan for your home or office. As a “Simplicity and Accountability Coach “, Ramona provides a proven program for making every area of your life a little bit easier — perfect for those who want to make the time and space to focus on their true priorities. As a Professional Photographer, Ramona captures powerful images of places and people as she travels. And as a freelance writer and blogger, she shares organizing techniques, travel tips, and social commentary with others. You can see all these sides of Ramona — read her articles, browse through her photographs, and even hire her to help get your life in order — at You can also follow her on Twitter, check out her Facebook profile, and subscribe to her blog feeds.

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The Paper Tiger Online multi-user plans have been designed to help your team increase its efficiency and agility around document management. It offers a unified online environment for you to have more than 1 user in your Paper Tiger account, and will provide your team better collaboration and access to document information without the risks associated with sharing a single account. I’m sure you’ll see the benefits as you think about how more efficient your staff can be with the document management and paper flow in your office.

Some benefits to your organization include:

Improved Accountability and Tracking

Paper Tiger Online multi-user plans allow you to set up an infinite number of users who can access your Paper Tiger filing system information. Each user will have unique user credentials associated with their profiles. This capability will allow you to track the changes made by each user in your team.

Permission and Profiles

Because some information in your Paper Tiger account may be classified, a Paper Tiger Online multi-user plan lets you set permissions on the users you invite. This allows you to control what databases or locations each user can view or edit.

Intelligent Collision Detection

To maintain the integrity and consistency of your document management information, Paper Tiger Online multi-user plans come with built in error detection controls which prevents more than one user from editing the same file at the same time.

The Paper Tiger Online multi-user plan is a great solution for team environments with large volumes of physical documents and items that they need to track and collaborate around. The return on investment you receive will be evident in the productivity and effectiveness of your team.

Below is a peek into some of the Paper Tiger Online multi-user features.

The user management page above displays all the users who currently have access to your account and the number of user space available for your account.  From here you can invite new users, cancel current users and edit each user’s individual profile and permissions. See more information in our Knowledge Base article ‘Inviting a User to Your Multi-User Account.’

The permissions page allows you to set permissions for what each user can view and edit. Permissions management can be done at the database and location level, you can select what each user can and cannot view or edit.

Please see our Knowledge Base articles Paper Tiger Multi-User Concepts, How to Set User Permissions and How Do Permissions Work?, and Collision Detection for more information regarding Paper Tiger Online multi-user plans and how they work.

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Productive & Organized - We'll help you find your way.™

Read this article by Stephanie Calahan of Calahan Solutions and a Paper Tiger Expert for statistics regarding how much misfiled and lost paper files cost you. Stephanie also recommends Paper Tiger Filing System and Document Management Software in her Office Miracle to be able to find your files when you need them!


The other day I was doing my file clean-out, (yes you really should go through and see what is still relevant!), and I came across some statistics that I thought you might be interested in. Implications could make or break your business!

Companies typically misfile 2 – 20 % of their records. (Source: ARMA International)

Large organizations lose a document every 12 seconds. On average 7.5 of the documents are lost forever! (source: ARMA International)

90% of all workplace docs are still on paper; 30% of the average workday is spent searching for that info! (source: Assoc for Info & Image Mgt)

The average office spends $20 on labor for filing each document & $120 searching for every misfiled document! (source: Coopers & Lybrand study in Inc Mag)

The average office loses 1 out of 20 office documents & spends $250 on document re-creation! (source: Coopers & Lybrand study in Inc Mag)

Wow! Do you have processes in your business to make sure that these statistics are not representing you too?

Also see this article “Did You Know Paper and Other Things in Your Office Hold Emotion?” by Stephanie that you should find helpful when deciding what to file or not.

Reprinted with permission

About the Author:

Stephanie Calahan is The Business Vision Catalyst and founder of Calahan Solutions, Inc. She works with purpose-driven entrepreneurs, visionaries, coaches, consultants, health practitioners, authors, speakers and all sorts of remarkable service professionals who are experts in their field, to help them embrace their brilliance, leverage their business and get their message out with power, ease and joy; so that they can make a powerfully positive difference in the world, exponentially grow their income and enjoy a highly-successful and meaningful business… while working less. Learn how you can have more freedom in your life!



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Do you have trouble keeping things organized, especially all of the paper files for your small business? Is this problem flowing over into your everyday life because you just can’t seem to get organized at all, and it is starting to affect your life and your business?

Well, maybe you should look into getting professional help. No, we are not talking about psychological help, but help getting all of your business paperwork organized so you can find anything you need whenever you need it, quickly and easily. This is a great way to declutter your office, and in a way, your life as well. Because, if your work life is cluttered, you will probably bring this clutter home with you (at least in your mind, because you are worried about finding things), so your life may end up becoming quite cluttered, also.

A lot of business owners rely on using the traditional method of alphabetical filing for all of their paper files. This is okay, to a degree, but it does require quite a bit of maintenance, and it is not a job that you can always find people to do willingly. After all, filing it is pretty boring. Also, people tend to think differently about files from one day to the next, so it is common to have to look in different places in your filing cabinet to find the right title in which you filed it previously. So, instead of drudging through files all the time, or making one of your employees suffer through the task, why not consider going to a different method of document management, such as indexing using Paper Tiger Filing System Software for Document Management. This software is easy to learn how to use, so you should have no problem learning everything you need to know in half an hour or less.

Another bonus to using the Paper Tiger is for archiving old files. For instance, if you do like to clean out your hanging file folders every so often and get rid of old things you do not need or send them to a storage facility for those you have to keep for a certain length of time, how to archive using this paper management system is simple, and you’ll be able to track where they are in the event you ever need them again. You can even set an Action Date to remind you when to toss them or take additional action on them.

You can also use this filing system software for managing things other than your paper files. If you have books, binders, CDs, DVDs, items in storage containers or a storage facility, or any kind of collectors items or inventory, they can also be cataloged using this filing system.

When you sign up to use Paper Tiger Online Filing System Software, you will be ready to start using the software in under a minute. If you ever have any questions, there are videos, online help, frequently asked questions and the Paper Tiger Knowledge Base, so you are never without resources for learning. There is also online chat available, so you can have your questions answered within minutes.

It is estimated that people waste 150 hours per year looking for lost items. Indexing your paper files and all your other physical items will save you a lot of time and money that can be used for other areas of your business. De-clutter your business and your life when you take advantage of all that Paper Tiger Filing System Software and Document Management has to offer.

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