Paper Tiger Blog


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Recording: November 17th Paper Tiger Expert Webinar

Strategize & Organize, Productivity Expert

During this webinar, Anne demonstrated how to get started with Paper Tiger Online filing system software, such as describing what is a Database, creating a Location, creating Items, printing labels for your items. Anne demonstrated a work-flow example by filing items from her inbox through the life-cycle of document management to help you use Paper Tiger more effectively to get organized and be more productive. She included a specific example asked by one of the attendees to show how to file her personal medical records and insurance claims. Watch this webinar to see how you can Find Anything In Your Office In 5 Seconds or Less…Guaranteed!

As information, Anne is a professional speaker, productivity expert, professional organizer and author. If you want to learn more about Anne and her services, please visit her website at  She may be in Colorado, but she’s nationally recognized as an expert and works with people throughout the US in person and virtually.

You can contact Anne at or by phone at 303 881-0174.

See more information here on Paper Tiger Filing System Software for Document Management

Filing System Q&A from the Webinar

Testimony submitted from one of the webinar attendees:
“I LOOOVVE Paper Tiger.  It is wonderful for our contract management.”

Q: Can Paper Tiger be used for inventory?
A: Yes, absolutely. Just name your Location in Paper Tiger database relating to what you’re inventorying, just like what she is doing with books. You can see different examples of indexing your inventory from our Not Just For Paper Filing webpage.

Q: What’s the best way to use Paper Tiger for categorizing medical information, such as my own insurance files?
A: Anne demonstrates this in the webinar. She created an item name in her Reference Location named Medical with keywords such as policy, agent information, historical records. In addition, she created an item name in her Action Location for a current medical situation example. She named this item Current Medical with keywords insurance claims, explanation of benefits from insurance company, bills to verify. Then when you receive new mail that relates to your medical information, you would simply need to decide if that new mail relates to your current situation or if it should go in your Reference files. When you’re over your current situation, you can then merge the Current Medical file into the Medical file in the Reference location.

Q: If I already use Paper Tiger but not the digital version and I want to move them over to the digital version, is this easy?
A: Yes, you would simply purchase Paper Tiger Online, then import your desktop version database.

Q: How would you import multiple databases from version 4 running on my server?
A: You would import them individually by clicking the Import an Old Database link when signed into Paper Tiger Online and following instructions, or email all of the databases to our and let them know the email address that your online account is under and they will be able to import the databases for you.

Q: Are you still supporting the old desktop versions of Paper Tiger?
A: We are supporting version 4 of the desktop version of Paper Tiger, but not supporting versions 1, 2, or 3.

Q: What is the cost for Anne’s book? Incl shipping…
A: The cost for Anne’s book, Lost in Your Own Office, is $12.95 plus s&h.

Q: Could you review the best uses for Categories?
A: Please see our knowledge base article for What are Categories?

Q: Can we create a relationship between 2 labels?
A: You can use the Category section to create a relationship between multiple items.

Q: We have several people who think differently; some think inside the box and some outside the box. How do you find the keyword that will work for all?
A: The key here is to put all keywords that you can think of that relates to the item being indexed. Ask for input or have the other users input additional keywords in relation to how they think about the items being indexed.

Q: You seem to be using the Keywords field for two different things. 1) Keywords that can be used for searching and 2) notes about what the file is about…I don’t understand using it as a notes field
A: The Keywords field can be used for any information that you need or want to input. The more information, the better for your search later. This is totally up to the user and how the individual thinks and works.

Q: I notice that your demo is on the online version of Paper Tiger. I own the stand alone, does everything you’ve been showing also go well for the stand alone version?
A: Yes, except there are a few differences in the way the 2 versions function.

Q: I already own the Paper Tiger stand alone version. I note that your demo is on the online version.  Are there differences I should be aware of?
A: The basic differences between the two versions are:

Paper Tiger desktop version:
- it is a one computer software program, meaning you can only access from one computer since it is a licensed downloadable software
- needs to be installed, is a Windows only software. Can only be used on Macs if installed on a virtual Windows program such as Parallels
- database is housed on that one computer, database secure only if the computer is secure
- customer responsible for backing up their database
-upgrades would need to be purchased when next version is available

Paper Tiger Online version:
Our developers tried to make Paper Tiger Online as close to the desktop version as possible, so that the look and feel wouldn’t be too much of a difference for our current users that wanted an online version.

In addition, the most prevalent features we have added to Paper Tiger Online are:
-accessible from any computer with an Internet connection, including Macs and devices such as iPad, iPhone, etc. (not tied to one computer and no installation)
-Because Paper Tiger Online is accessible from any computer with an Internet access, clients can find or file from anywhere.
-search result highlights the searched word
-ability to choose multiple items to either toss or edit the Action Date
-ability to create a new item in a selected item number
-dashboard shows a running log of changes/activity the user had made to their database
-we will be able to provide enhancements to the online version as they become available that are not possible with the current desktop version
-we automatically backup the databases every night on our secure servers
-does not require installation, so account set up and ready to work in about 60 seconds

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