Paper Tiger Blog


The Paper Tiger Blog contains great ideas on better ways to stay organized, clear your desk, reduce stress and spend less time managing information.

Recording: June 25th Paper Tiger Webinar with Nancy Hagan

Effective Day

During this webinar, Nancy Hagan of Effective Day demonstrated how to get started with Paper Tiger Online. In addition to demonstrating examples requested during webinar registrations, Nancy demonstrated work-flow examples by filing items from her inbox to help you use Paper Tiger more effectively to get organized and be more productive.

Nancy also gave us some tips on how to better organize our paper files for tax preparation so that we could be ready for tax time. She presented how to organize things other than paper files, such as books and storage boxes. And later in the presentation, she talked about how to use a tickler (monthly/daily) filing system to organize your action file.

Please visit to learn more about Nancy and the services she provides, and click here see her Productivity Coaching special. You can contact Nancy at 513 899-9949 or email at

To learn more about Paper Tiger and Digital Tiger, visit

Filing System Q&A from the Webinar

Q: Can you share your reference item names so that I can use as triggers?
A: Reference item names would depend on your filing system, what paper files and types of documents you have to file, and the way you think, but below are some examples.

1.    File Index (this would be for your print out of your Paper Tiger Item List Report)

2.    Bank Statements

3.    Invoices (within this hanging folder, you can file invoices either by month, chronologically or alphabetically)

4.    Purchases (within this hanging folder, you can file purchases either by month, chronologically or alphabetically)

5.    Taxes (within this hanging folder, you can file the documents relating to only the current year’s taxes. Previous year’s taxes should be Archived, along with the invoices, purchases and expenses for those respective years.)

Nancy gave us some important tips for the best way to file expenses for tax preparation, which is to file by category instead of monthly. Such as having file folders for each of the following to keep them separated by category:

  • Travel expenses/receipts
  • Office supply receipts
  • Professional organizations that you’ve joined for business purposes
  • Shipping cost receipts, etc.

6.    Utilities (based on Nancy’s tax tip, within this hanging folder, you can file utility bills by the type of utility or company name. You might have manilla folders within this hanging folder with the type of utility: -Electricity, -Gas, -etc….then you could just input each new bill in the front of the respective manilla folder so the latest bill would be at the front)

7.    Insurance (within this hanging folder, you might have manilla folders filed alphabetically for Autos, House, and Office) The Item name would be Insurance and keywords might be ‘automobiles, cars, Ford, Honda, State Farm, name, address and phone number of agent(s), policy, home, office, equipment, health, employee, employers, personal, workers compensation, … You could also sub-divide this to Insurance-Auto, Insurance-Home, Insurance-Office into 3 separate hanging folders.

8.    Software

9.    Passport

10.    Sports activities (schedules for tennis, baseball, classes, team members, etc.)

11. Billy (school papers, immunizations, schedules for classes and other activities, awards, etc)

12. Susie (school papers, immunizations, awards, schedules for classes and other activities, etc)

13. Community Service

14. Personnel/Human Resources (within this hanging folder, you might have manilla folders for each person in your company filed alphabetically) However, if the documents for each employee is greater than what will fit into a manilla folder, you might create a Location separately for Personnel/Human Resources. This would give you the option of creating a separate hanging folder for each employee.

15. Medical records

Q: How do I get stuff in Digital Tiger?
A: Since Paper Tiger or Digital Tiger is not the digital file storage location, to prepare for Digital Tiger, you can create, scan or upload your digital files to Google Docs.

Digital Tiger is a free add-on with a paid Paper Tiger Online Basic or Pro account for now, and is the function in Paper Tiger Online that connects your Paper Tiger account to your Google Docs account, so that you will be able to search from one place to find both your paper/physical items and your digital files.

Remember, Paper Tiger is for indexing the paper files that you need to keep in hard copy format and other items, such as instruction booklets, or CDs, DVDs, Books, home or office inventory and/or storage, etc.
You can find more information about how Paper Tiger Online works with Google Docs on our Digital Tiger web page at

Q: Can a license be installed on a laptop and a desktop, as long as only one is used at a time.
A: Paper Tiger desktop version is purchased 1 license per computer, so for the Basic or Professional editions, you would only be able to install onto 1 computer and use on 1 computer since these are single user editions and not designed to share the same database on more than 1 computer. However, if that 1 computer crashes or you get a new computer and you won’t be using Paper Tiger on the original computer, then you would be allowed to move Paper Tiger license to the new computer. In this case, be sure to archive a copy of your database (.bak file extension) to a flashdrive or CD so that you would be able to restore it to the new install of Paper Tiger.

The Network edition of Paper Tiger desktop version is designed for multi-users to be able to share the same database from a server computer, and also be able to set view/edit permissions for each user. One license per user would need to be purchased.

You can always get the latest build from the download manager at should you need to reinstall Paper Tiger on a new computer:

When updating Paper Tiger 4.1:
1. Be sure to log on as the Windows Administrator (recommended) or with an account that has administrative rights (the Paper Tiger software must be installed by an Administrator)
2. Disable any anti-virus software along with any other running programs that may interfere with the installation process then turn your anti-virus back on after installation has completed.

3. Uninstall Paper Tiger from the old computer once you have the new install working on the new computer.


Nancy Hagan of Effective Day, works with business people who want to be more effective and productive, focus on their highest priorities and be free to do what they do best! Effective Day provides Organizing and Productivity Coaching, Consulting, Workshops and Products for busy people who want to make the most of their day and enjoy their life.

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