Paper Tiger Blog


The Paper Tiger Blog contains great ideas on better ways to stay organized, clear your desk, reduce stress and spend less time managing information.

Recording: January 5th Paper Tiger Expert Webinar

Strategize & Organize, Productivity Expert

Anne demonstrates how to get started with Paper Tiger Online filing system software and demonstrates a work-flow example by filing items from her inbox through the life-cycle of document management to help you use Paper Tiger more effectively to get organized and be more productive. She included specific examples in how to use the File Clean-out Report to prepare for and possibly delegate purging or reorganizing your filing system, such as how to transfer files from Action to Reference locations (those actionable items that have been accomplished and now need to be moved from your action file drawer to the file cabinet), and gave some tips in how to maintain after your initial getting organized project.

As information, Anne is a professional speaker, productivity expert, professional organizer and author. If you want to learn more about Anne and her services, please visit her website at  She may be in Colorado, but she’s nationally recognized as an expert and works with people throughout the US in person and virtually.

You can contact Anne at or by phone at 303 881-0174.

See more information here on Paper Tiger Filing System Software for Document Management

Filing System Q&A from the Webinar

Q: What is difference between file and categories?
A: “Category” is a word or words you may use to classify groups of related folders or items. Paper Tiger allows you to file information physically one way, but easily organize files virtually in a totally different way using Categories. See more information in this knowledge base article on what is a category?

Q: Can you put more than one piece of paper in a file?  For instance, if you want to put all the bank statements in the same file.
A:Yes, absolutely! That’s the beauty of Paper Tiger. Instead of having duplicate files throughout your filing cabinet, if you don’t remember what you’ve filed something under, you can conduct a search in the database and Paper Tiger will let you know where you can add the new document. You would simply edit the item in Paper Tiger to add any necessary keywords for the new document being placed in a file already created.

Q: Does printing out the reference list slow down after awhile?  Seems like it might be daily at first.
A: Yes, after you have indexed your documents from your filing cabinet and cleared your desk, you will only need to update when new files come in! Of course, depending on how much you index daily would determine if you actually need to print daily. If you only indexed a few hanging file folders, it might not make sense to print daily.

Q: If we are OCD and want the number to match alphabetically, can we make those changes?
A: With Paper Tiger, you can still file alphabetically but it’s not as easy because the database locations in Paper Tiger do not stay sorted alphabetically. See Alphabetic Method for Paper Tiger Online or Alphabetic Method for Paper Tiger Desktop Version

Q: When one gets to the end of the tunnel, how does one keep things organized? Allot time at the end of each day or end of the week?
A: Yes, exactly. Anne gives an example sometimes in relation to how you maintain keeping your clothes picked up. When you pull off your clothes in the evening, you take the time to hang them up or put them in the laundry. Same with maintenance of your filing system…take a few minutes, maybe 15 minutes at the end of each day and file and index into Paper Tiger what has come in or what you’ve worked on that day. Your desk will look more professional and you won’t feel the stress of being cluttered.

Q: What are the recommended basic locations for items or files-action, reference and archive?
A: Yes, Action, Reference and Archives are the basic location names, and there could be also locations named for Books, or CDs, or DVDs, or rooms in your home, etc…whatever you’re indexing/organizing. You are not limited to our suggestions. Let the way you think be the determining factor in how you should file your paper files or index your physical items.

Q: I have HUGE piles…about 10 piles about a foot high each! How to approach the daunting task in a measured time allocation way without spending days at it?
A: We suggest started with 1 or 2 piles at a time. Whatever you decide you can handle at one time, sort through that amount and determine what needs to be filed in a reference file or in an action file, and what needs to be trashed or recycled. Then index the items needing action into an Action location in Paper Tiger, and index the items you’ve sorted for reference into a Reference location. Schedule the same amount of time on your calendar for another day, and go through another couple of stacks until you’re done. This may take several days of an hour or two at a time, but before you know it, you won’t have any stacks and you’ll be able to find what you need, when you need it!

Q: What Paper Tiger do you recommend for home only use?
A: This depends on how much you want to index into Paper Tiger because you can index to organize almost anything as long as you can put a number onto the item. If you only have a couple of desk or file cabinet drawers, the free or Basic plan might work for you. If you want to organize paper files, books, CDs, DVDs, your garage or other storage locations, etc., then the Pro plan would be what you need.

Q: You must not have a pendaflex for each paper.  So I’m guessing you might have 20 sheets in each pendaflex?
A: Yes, you can have as many pieces of paper in a hanging file folder as relates to the same file topic. Just simply edit the item in Paper Tiger’s database to add any new keywords as you need to relating to the new documents you add to the same hanging file folder.

Q: If you have 20 different items in pendaflex number 1, is there a way to note where each one is?
A: If there is not a logical chronological way to file the items, you could possibly divide the different items within the hanging file folder into manilla folders. You can note in Paper Tiger what files are in which manilla folder.

Comment: I  like the idea to write on the file index copy where to file a new item at my desk, index them into Paper Tiger, and then just pop them in the file later.

Comment: These questions coming in are mine too, very helpful!

Comment: This is great! Making me feel there is light at the end of the tunnel!

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