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Recording: April 7th Paper Tiger Expert Webinar

helpful tips on document management software for filing system

How to Use Paper Tiger Filing System Software

In this webinar, we demonstrated basic set up instructions, including naming a Database, naming a Location, and printing labels. And Anne McGurty, productivity expert of Strategize and Organize, took us through her inbox and demonstrated how she indexes her incoming mail into Paper Tiger Filing System Software for document management to answer the frequently asked question ‘how to get started using Paper Tiger.’ She also instructed on how to use Categories, how to Transfer an Item from one Location to another, and described the different Reports, including her favorite report, the Cleanout Report!

Whether you are a beginner or an experience user of Paper Tiger, you will receive tips and tricks to help you as Anne demonstrates how to use Paper Tiger more effectively.

Anne is a professional speaker, productivity expert, and author. If you want to learn more about Anne and her services, please visit her website at  She may be in Colorado, but she’s nationally recognized as an expert and works with people throughout the US in person and virtually. You can contact Anne at or phone at 303 881-0174. Contact her to discuss a personal one-on-one plan customized just for you and your office to get organized and be more productive!

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Filing System Q&A from the Webinar

Q: Is PT case sensitive?
A: No, Paper Tiger search is not case sensitive.

Q: I see you didn’t put a category for every item. When do you add category? In what situation or when do you add category?
A: You do not need to add a Category for every item. You can add a Category in the instances when you might want a virtual view of files that are related even though they may be in different file drawers. See our knowledge base article at How do I use Categories in Paper Tiger? for more information.

Q: After you have entered the ITEM NAME, and you want to, can you change it to make them standard… i.e., 2011 in front of all items like Tax, Medical?
A: Yes, simply click the Edit button and you can change the Item Name. In this instance, Anne suggests that you might also input the original Item Name in the Keywords section because people think differently on different days.

Q: Can you receive email notifications for action dates and reminders?
A: Not currently, but we have this in the queue for our developers to consider for future enhancements.

Q: I have PT both at home and in my office.  I would like to move to the online version.  How do I convert?
A: Purchase a Paper Tiger Online Pro or one of the multi-user plans, then send your database to our tech support team for importing into your account. Prior to sending your database, make sure all pending items have been confirmed by clicking the Confirm box, and empty the Trash. Then export your database to .CSV file by following the instructions below for all databases if you have more than one database. To export a Paper Tiger CSV file from Paper Tiger 4:
1. Open Paper Tiger and the appropriate database.
2. From the File menu, select Export.
3. Check the Select All box.
4. Click the Browse button to select the preferred directory so that you will know where the file will be saved to and type in a file name for the CSV file, click the Save or Open button
5. Then attach the .CSV file to your email that you’re sending to our tech support team at

Q: Will each of these papers go into separate hanging file folders?
A: The paper files would go into separate hanging folders if they were not related. You can file all related documents into a single hanging file folder, and simply edit the item in Paper Tiger to add keywords to that Item Name Keyword section relating to the document(s) you are adding to that hanging folder.

Q: Do the action files include both “home” or personal items, as well as “business” items?  Does it matter that they are co-mingled?
A: The decision to keep your home or personal items and your business items co-mingled or separate is entirely up to the individual. We suggest to keep it general at first, then tweak the way you file or index things into Paper Tiger as you see what will work best for you.

Q: Are the “action” files the same as the monthly tabs with daily folders behind them?
A: No, you are referring to a tickler system that is like a follow up system. In Paper Tiger, Action Files are files you use most frequently. See more information on “action” files in this article Action Files (Temporary and Permanent Action, and Tickler File System). There are two categories of Action Files:

Temporary Action Files are files of current projects or events that will come to an end, e.g., files on a new committee assignment or presentation notes for an upcoming meeting.

Permanent Action Files are files for tasks that require ongoing action, e.g., “Call,” “Pay,” and “Write.”

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