Paper Tiger Blog


The Paper Tiger Blog contains great ideas on better ways to stay organized, clear your desk, reduce stress and spend less time managing information.

Paper Tiger Indexing For Paper and…Hobbies

Having a hobby can be a great way to relax, unwind and perfect the skills you have for knitting, collecting action figures, cooking or whatever it may be. The only problem is, often times, all those supplies from your hobby tend to take over your house. The clutter and chaos caused by the items is enough to undo all that Zen you get from relaxing with your hobby. You’ll be glad to know, though, there is a way to reclaim your home and life and still keep your hobby.

Paper Tiger’s Indexing System Can Help

For instance, if you like to paint, you probably have a huge variety of paint colors and different styles of brushes, just to name a few of the supplies. You have tried storing them, but then can never remember what you have. You thought you had “Bruised Plum Purple” but searched and searched to no avail. So, you went out and bought another tube. When you brought it home and put it away, sure enough, you spotted the original tube.

Or maybe your hobby includes collectible trinkets. You sell them online and also keep the ones you really like. That means you have them cluttering the tables and every flat surface in your home just so you can keep track of your inventory. If one sells and you cannot find it, you are going to have problems. You may also get bad reviews from customers if you have to cancel orders because you cannot find the merchandise. All that trouble because you misplaced an item. Paper Tiger Indexng System Software will allow you to index the items and is fully capable of maintaining and controlling your inventory.

With Paper Tiger’s indexing system, you can store away all those supplies and know where everything is by looking at your computer. If you have eight bins just of paint, you simply catalog which tubes are in each bin, number the bins, and then sort them away for storage. When you need to look for “Rose Garland” next time, you simply type in the keywords and find the bin number. Locate the bin and you have your paint color. It’s that simple. And when you run out or if you move the paint, you simply update your database to reflect this. That way, there’s no confusion later.

The same thing goes for your inventory of collectibles. You can display what you want and pack the rest. Number the boxes and store them where you need. That way, even if you have boxes in a rented storage unit off your property, you will be able to find an item. You no longer have to live with your collectible items taking over your home and cluttering your life.

Paper Tiger is the best way to keep your hobby supplies organized. Get back to relaxing with your crafts or collecting and keep things neat. Paper Tiger Indexing System Software will help you get control of your hobby before your hobby takes over your home.

2 Responses to “Paper Tiger Indexing For Paper and…Hobbies”

  1. Flora Ochs says:

    Love the Paper Tiger software! I recently purchased and it is already changing my life.
    The endless paper stacks are being transported into labeled hanging folders, and now, they are so easy now to find. Great ideas, re using it to help with hobbies, too. I have a plethora of hobby supplies & tools (I also make miniature furniture.) Will be applying your ideas for my hobby, too. Also, I appreciate the webinars. They are so helpful and encouraging. The Tiger software is user friendly and makes the user, more friendly.
    Finally, a solution for our complex lives!
    Thank you.

  2. Janet Baker says:

    Thank you so much for your comments! We love that you’ll be taking us up on our suggestion to getting your hobby supplies organized. So glad that you’re enjoying the webinars also. Wishing you much success in getting organized so you can have more time for yourself!

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