Paper Tiger Blog


The Paper Tiger Blog contains great ideas on better ways to stay organized, clear your desk, reduce stress and spend less time managing information.

Paper Tiger Online Updates and Enhancements

Following is a list of updates and enhancements made to Paper Tiger Online since inception, except for minor fixes.

10/15/2015 Fixed bug to be able to search Google Drive digital file title and document contents, after Google api change.
5/6/2015 Updated Google oauth sign in after Google api change, which is in regards to Paper Tiger Online customers being able to connect their Paper Tiger account to their Google Drive account for activating Digital Tiger search.
2/28/2013 Updated Cancel process to include cancellation survey.
2/27/2013 Updated Account page to link to Pricing page.
6/27/2012 Enhancement to include Paper Tiger Experts and affiliate program in app.
4/25/2012 Enhancement to labels feature.
4/23/2012 Fixed blank and empty labels
4/19/2012 Fixed bug in multi-user plans in regards to collision detection.
1/10/2012 Digital Tiger made available to Basic and Pro plans.
1/10/2012 Time zone can be changed in Database Preferences.
1/10/2012 Paper Tiger Online database can be exported to Excel.
8/8/2011 Digital Tiger beta testing begins.
2/7/2011 Fixed bug to allow proper sorting in reports feature.
1/31/2011 Fixed bug for page scrolling, label printing, and ‘scroll to top’ feature in Locations with more than 500 items.
7/10/2010 Paper Tiger Online available for purchase.

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