Paper Tiger Blog


The Paper Tiger Blog contains great ideas on better ways to stay organized, clear your desk, reduce stress and spend less time managing information.

Can Paper Tiger Help with a Move? Challenge Accepted!

Moving can be an exciting but stressful event when you’re trying to organize your moving boxes. It doesn’t matter if you are moving down the street or across the globe. Whether you are moving your residential space or your office space or business, packing everything and relocating can be a daunting task. Even simple decisions such as what to pack and when can create confusion. Pack too early and you may need to still use something but will not be able to find it. Pack too late and your move will be a disorganized disaster.

The best approach to take is to go ahead and pack early, but use Paper Tiger Filing System Software to keep yourself organized. Should you need to retrieve something that has already been packed or even find something after the move, you’ll be able to locate it. In addition, Paper Tiger filing system software for document management can be a great start to implement organization in your new office or home.

How to Make Paper Tiger Work to Organize Your Moving Boxes

Here is an idea of how to make Paper Tiger work for your move:

  • A couple of weeks before the move decide what you want to start packing. Most people start by selecting the items they think will not be needed in the immediate future.
  • When packing each box, be sure to number it. Enter the contents for the corresponding box in your Paper Tiger database with item name such as Box 1 + keywords would be contents of Box 1.
  • If you should need something from one of these boxes, simply type the name of the object into Paper Tiger’s search box. Like any type of online search, the results will promptly guide you to the location of anything you are looking for, right down to the box number.
  • As the move date approaches, continue to pack what you don’t think you will need right up until the last day. You can do this up to the day of the move and include all the boxes in Paper Tiger down to the last one. The reason for this is that you will still want to know the contents of every box when you relocate.  The last boxes that you pack will most likely be the most important and you’ll most likely need these items first at your new location.

Print an item list report to have handy if there is no computer or Internet available right away. When you arrive at your new home, office or business location, you may need something right away. Leave behind the frustrations of trying to read what was once scribbled for the contents of a box or opening each one until you track it down; there is an easier way!

You simply use the search function in the database or look on the item list report that you printed to determine which box number the item is in, and retrieve it. Gone are the countless hours spent opening boxes and dumping out contents, saving you from taking more time and making your new space disorganized. Implement Paper Tiger in your new space too. For example, in your office you can use this to keep track of all your paper files. In your home, you can use it to keep some items still boxed up but in the garage.  However you choose to use Paper Tiger Filing System Software and Document Management when organizing your moving boxes, you will be able to stop disorganization in its tracks before it can follow you to your new place!

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