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Filing System to Help Get Organized When You Have ADHD

Cluttered Desk

We hear the term ADHD all the time, but many of us have no idea what it really means. ADHD stands for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and although most of us tend to think of it as something that is most common in children, there are many adults who also have this condition. After all, it is not something that most people outgrow, so any child with ADHD can probably expect to have it as an adult as well. Now, those who have ADHD often have problems keeping their lives organized. Often, those who have ADHD find that they start a lot of things, only to put them aside and never get them finished. They go on to other things, and end up with a lot of unfinished projects. This is usually because they cannot keep up with their very creative minds, therefore lack of focus and attention on any one thing at a time.

Some people with this condition are just too hyper to be able to focus long enough to be able to put things away, and they end up being surrounded by clutter, and unable to find things when they need them. This includes important paperwork and other paper files. If you have ADHD, there are things you can do to simplify your life and make things easier, including setting up a record management system, like Paper Tiger Filing System Software for Document Management, that will help you to keep important papers and documents well organized so that you can get your hands on anything you need at any time, and be able to know where it goes when you need to put it back.

Get Started Organizing Your Paper Files

Obviously, the first thing you are going to need to do is start going through all the clutter. A lot of the time, people who have ADHD will hang on to things that they do not really need, because they never get around to getting back to them or throwing them away. This of course, can easily lead to even more chaos and feelings of overwhelm.

First, schedule a few minutes up to an hour each day, depending on how much time you think you can stay on task. Don’t pressure yourself to think you have to finish clearing all the clutter in one day.

Then start going through the piles of papers, one stack at a time, and make a decision for each piece of paper. Which ones are actually important and which can just be tossed in the trash or recycle bin. So the only decision you’re making for each piece of paper in this first step is whether it will require action, and if you will need to refer to it later (personal, tax or legal reasons), or if it can be tossed. Have a trash or recycle bin available so that you can go ahead and toss those that you do not need again. You can also go ahead and divide into stacks what will need action and what will need to be filed. You will probably find that about half of the clutter is gone after you have completed this first step.

Next, you need to find a way to organize what is left. The next decision you need to make is for your actionable papers. A good practice would be to write on the paper itself or on a sticky note what the next action is for each piece of paper, and when that action is due. You can put these actionable documents in a dated file folder, then each day refer to that date to see what needs to be done.

Also, implementing Paper Tiger Filing System Software for Document Management, that is a keyword driven index numbered filing system is a really good idea for your reference files, because you can enter as many keywords as you might think of relating to each document into the software’s database, and then put the papers away in a corresponding hanging file folder that has already been set up. In this case, you’re not limited to the one or two words that you might have put on the hanging file folder tab, so you don’t have to worry whether you’ll find it again or not. So let your creative mind go to work and start typing in keywords. When you need to find certain information right away, all you have to do is conduct a google-like search in the software’s database, and based on the keywords you entered previously, be able to find what you need, when you need it!

Organize Other Things in Your Life

Once you have all your paper files organized and have gotten rid of the things you don’t need, you will find that your life is a whole lot easier, and less cluttered. You’ll be so enthusiastic because of what you’ve accomplished, you’ll want to get organized in other areas of your life. The right document management system software will also allow you to organize other physical items as well…not just paper, so you can index anything that you can put a number onto.

Having a great document management system will ensure that no matter how overwhelmed you are with things right now, you will be able to whittle your way through the clutter in no time at all. Paper Tiger Filing System Software for Document Management is a great help, so even if you have ADHD and have been letting things go because you jump from one thing to another and can’t focus, you will still be able to get organized and stay organized!

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2 Responses to “Filing System to Help Get Organized When You Have ADHD”

  1. OSIE HARRELL says:

    I spoke with a person at the CHHAD Organization about the effects of ADD in the arear of organization. He recommended I take a look at your site. He had used your software after having one of your associates set it up. My company uses Microsoft Outlook and Blackberrys. Does you system work for both paper and electronic files? Can your system work in conjuction with Micorsoft Outlook and Blackberry?

    I am an adult who may have a disposition to ADD and a manager looking for a system(s) to manage information which includes files (electronic and paper)and scheduling.

    Can you help?

  2. Janet Baker says:

    Paper Tiger currently only works with paper and other physical items and does not currently synch with Outlook and Blackberrys. Our developers are currently working on a solution that will also include electronic, but we don’t have a definite date in which that would be available. If you have other questions, please feel free to email me at Thank you for your interest. Janet Baker

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