Paper Tiger Blog


The Paper Tiger Blog contains great ideas on better ways to stay organized, clear your desk, reduce stress and spend less time managing information.

Moira, a Writer and World Traveller Uses Paper Tiger Online Wherever She Goes!

Signed up online with the simplest filing system in the world!

I have bought at least five copies of Paper Tiger over my lifetime for specific spaces, but with so many physical places to work from it seemed unsurmountable to coordinate my different computers; office, home, travel laptop, guest computer, my husband’s ipad, now I have an organized spot in the generous spacious world of cloud computing that previously was held by Evernote! The Paper Tiger Software Is Online.

Even though currently I am a single user, I will be able to access the archives from wherever I am in the world while traveling (was in Bhutan last November) will be in Paris and then Fez this September and October. Very freeing! for your basic Sagittarius) having bought earlier versions under my professional and personal name, I sometimes couldn’t even remember which “location” I was working from as it was space related.

Having the online archive means that my office in Chicago and our Casa in New Mexico or the physical storage facilities that house the bulk of the AvalonArchives are always as near as my keyboard, my local cafe, and a cuppa joe or cappuccino. And then I can upgrade to a multi-user plan and hire people to help me categorize and file the different countries, while I am able to view all work being done when basic filing systems for the O-Z files are in place. And now with the ipad available, we can have wireless updates from these formerly “unwired” storage spaces. Of course, I hope to win an ipad from Paper Tiger!

The Avalon Archives will be cataloging it’s files using the new online version of the Paper Tiger Software. The initial date for the first electronic catalog is set for December 16, 2011. The files currently are password protected. It hasn’t been determined if the online files will ultimately be public.

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