Paper Tiger Blog


The Paper Tiger Blog contains great ideas on better ways to stay organized, clear your desk, reduce stress and spend less time managing information.

Is a Paperless Life the Most Productive?

In this article, by Denise Landers, of Key Organization Systems, Inc. and Paper Tiger Expert, Denise says the ‘paperless office’ has not quite made it to reality, and even if it had…would you be more productive? That’s where Paper Tiger Document Management Software and Filing System comes in to help you manage your paper files that continue to flow into your life. Actually, Paper Tiger can help you manage just about everything, because anything you can put a number to, you can Paper Tiger!


We’ve been hearing for years about the paperless office, and great strides have been made in this direction.  Yet somehow there are still hard copies of documents on desks and scribbled notes everywhere.  Paper calendars continue to sell, and business cards accumulate in stacks and in drawers.

The push in recent years for getting on the electronic bandwagon are the eReaders, and the competition is fierce.  Yet have you been to a bookstore lately?  They do not seem ready to shut their doors yet.

Newspapers and magazines offer online subscriptions, at great cost savings to them, and for awhile it looked like advertisers were abandoning the print mode.  However in recent months, after a two-year lull, there seems to be a reversal in the trend.  Multimedia Research data show magazine readership has risen 4.3% during the past five years.

If paperless is the most productive way to go, why are these situations occurring?

There is no doubt that many of the tasks we do are better performed electronically.  Yet we like paperOne reason is that we read 30-50% faster with a hard copy as compared with an electronic copy. If you’re not sure about this, consider how you often print out a long email or a document you might want to read in depth later.

Reading faster, jotting notes in the side margins, or comparing documents side-by-side can definitely increase productivity.

One of the newer magazine ads put out through a campaign by five publishers shows a photo of Michael Phelps alongside the message:

We surf the Internet.
We swim in magazines.

It is often easier and quicker to have a paperback or magazine tucked in your briefcase when there is a 10 or 15 minute delay or a need to wait in a line.  At home and in hotels, it feels cozier to settle in with a hard copy of a book or magazine than with a piece of electronic equipment.

Everything is evolving, and it is good to combine the best of both worlds, but do not feel that, in order to be the most productive, you must have only the latest and greatest technology.

If you would like to jumpstart your organizing efforts and add to your time management skills, we can help!

Denise Landers @timetrainer
Key Organization Systems, Inc.

Original article posted at Denise’s blog

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