Paper Tiger Blog


The Paper Tiger Blog contains great ideas on better ways to stay organized, clear your desk, reduce stress and spend less time managing information.

Do you Love Using Paper Tiger?

Our customers come from all over the world and use Paper Tiger Document Management Software and Filing System in the most fantastic ways!  Would you be willing to write a short 500 word BLOG post about how you use Paper Tiger in your office or home?  We want to tell the world how people in various professions use the software to reduce stress and better organize their business & personal life.  If you will take a few minutes to write a BLOG post and we post it (we plan to post all entries), we will credit your Paper Tiger Online account for 3 months of service for FREE and automatically enter you into our Apple iPad Giveaway – drawing to be held on October 31st!

Send your 500 word BLOG post to  Please feel free to include pictures, audio or video content.  To see an example of a BLOG post, Click Here.

Also, you may have specific stories relating to one or more of the examples in Stephanie Calahan’s 3-part article series entitled Many Uses of Paper Tiger.

We look forward to hearing how you have implemented Paper Tiger in your office!

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3 Responses to “Do you Love Using Paper Tiger?”

  1. The Paper Tiger Online has been a gift from heaven. The ability to access the account on line means that my business use just became significantly improved. I am a college professor, and I own a consulting company. I teach on two different campuses. I have established all files at home and at my office(s) with the Paper Tiger. Now, I can call home from the office and have my wife or daughter retrieve a document for me, or I can call the office from home and instantly share with a colleague where an important paper can be found. Awesome.

    I should also say that I have always hated to file paper, but I have been very meticulous about filing on the computer. The Paper Tiger Online feels a lot like my computer filing system and suddenly, the paper filing feels nice. I like the online version much better than the Pro that I have had for the last few years because of the added flexibility and service.

    I have shared the program with one colleague. He is anxious to learn more. There are so many positives with the Paper Tiger. I wish you had an affiliate program.

  2. jbaker says:

    Mr. Brobeck,
    Thank you for your great comments. We appreciate you letting us know how you use Paper Tiger, and can see that your life is much easier with Paper Tiger Online!

    We will have our affiliate/reseller program available soon. Our developers are working on this part of Paper Tiger Online program and should be available by the end of August. I’ll let you know when we have it ready.

    Thanks again,
    Janet Baker

  3. We have been long time users of Paper Tiger at our office. I’m an executive advisor and professional speaker so information, at my fingertips is crucial.

    One very valuable use for us regards magazine articles. I read industry magazines with an exacto knife. We have folders by category in Paper Tiger and treat each article as a folder with it’s unique key words. A dot with the folder number goes on the article and I now have access to that article any time I need it.

    I recommend Paper Tiger as a next level step when teaching other professionals how to manage their office and their lives.

    Jim Canterucci

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