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Using a Digital Filing System for Your Home Office

Stressed Because of Disorganization

Trying to maintain organized living when it comes to having a home office can be a tricky task. There can be so much paper work, documents, books and other things that seem to get in the way, get misplaced or get overlooked completely. Having a digital filing system in place, like Paper Tiger Filing System Software for document management, can help take the hassle and clutter out of the home office. Whether you are about to renovate a room and change it into your office or already have one in place, either way you can benefit from starting to use a digital filing system.

Home Office Filing Systems – Old vs. New

Gone are the days when you cannot track that one paper or document you really need. Nothing can be more frustrating than needing an important item at an exact moment and being unable to track it down. You need the data from a sheet of paper, or someone is on the phone and needs some figures right then and there. The only problem is, that particular sheet of paper doesn’t seem to be anywhere to be found.

Ironically, old alphabetical filing systems didn’t really enable you to locate the paper any easier. For instance, if you had a slip of paper for your car expenses it should filed alphabetically under car, right? It also could be under “A” for auto repairs, “F” for Ford repairs or even just “R” for repairs – that is, if it is even in the right spot, at all.

This can especially be true and even more confusing if you have anyone else working with you in your home office. How can you be sure you are both using the same methodology in your filing system? A digital filing system can help do away with all the troubles and stresses that arise from having a disorganized home office.

What Can You File?

Using a digital filing system will help you to have organized living and declutter your life, your home office and your home in general. Imagine the time you will save by being able to track papers, documents or books with your filing system. You can index more than paper files, too. Anything that you can put a number onto, you can add to your digital filing software.

So, that includes items such as CDs or even photos. Or maybe your home office is for your business of selling collectibles online. When an item sells, you need to be able to locate it quickly so you can ship it off to your customer. You might be keeping your inventory at home, stored somewhere such as the attic and even in a rented storage somewhere off your property. How can you find that item, aside from just hoping you recall where it is from memory? The answer is to use Paper Tiger Filing System Software for document management to get organized and maintain organized living in your home office and work space to be more productive.

You will so love the software that you will want to expand its use to many things other than paper, such as books, CDs, DVDs, collections, storage boxes, etc! In addition, Paper Tiger Online will soon be able to connect Digital Tiger to Google Docs which will allow you to search for both your paper files and other physical items that you’ve indexed into Paper Tiger and your digital files that you’ve scanned, uploaded or created in Google Docs! Yes, we recommend Google Docs for your electronic files because it is the least expensive digital cloud storage that you’ll find anywhere. You’ll be able to search for both physical items and scanned or digital files from one search. This will make your time management and productivity even easier to maintain!

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